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Last active July 27, 2019 03:14
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A Python module that loads test cases that were exported from the Selenium IDE and runs them against a Splunk install.
This Python script loads test cases that were generated from the SeleniumIDE and executes them
against a running Splunk install. The purpose of this script is to make it possible to run tests
against Splunk without having to write code using WebDriver directly. Instead, the intent is that
testers write tests in the Selenium IDE GUI. This ought to make tests easier to write and maintain.
This is release under the Apache 2.0 Licence:
Why do I need this script?
There are several problems that tests exported from the Selenium IDE have when run against Splunk:
1) The tests will not authenticate unless you manually add the authenticate steps (which means
you would have to hard-code the credentials)
2) The tests won't allow you to change which Splunk host to test against
3) The tests work only for Firefox
4) The tests have some default values that can make tests take too long (timeout is too high)
This test script solves all of these problems.
How do I use this script?
First, install Firefox install the following extensions:
1) Selenium IDE (
2) Test Suite Batch Converter (
You may want to install "Implicit Wait" ( too since some have reported that
it makes the tests in Firefox run smoother.
Second, download the Python Selenium bindings ( and put them
in the same directory as this script. When done, you should have a directory named "selenium" in
the same directory as this script.
Third, put the necessary browser drivers in your path. Alternatively, you can place them in a
directory named "browser_drivers" next to this script since this script will try to find the
drivers in that directory too.
Once you do all of that setup, you are ready to make your tests.
Finally, setup your project with the tests:
1) Make a directory named "ui_test_cases" within the same directory as this file
2) Make sure the "ui_test_cases" directory has an (i.e. make it a python module)
3) Make your test cases in the Selenium IDE an save them
4) Export your test cases or suite as "Python 2 Webdriver" tests; this should make python files
within the "ui_test_cases" directory
5) Run this script (see below for what arguments it takes)
When done, you should have a directory structure like this:
selenium/ (the downloaded Python bindings)
ui_test_cases/ (where you test case HTML files and Python test code goes)
browser_drivers/ (if you want the test script to load your browser drivers too)
Once setup, you should be able to run tests like this:
To see the options, run the command with the "--help" parameter:
python --help
Tell me more about how this script works
This script includes a class named "SplunkTestCase" that includes some overrides to the default
test cases exported by Selenium IDE. This script will make new tests cases out of the exported
Selenium IDE tests that inherit from SplunkTestCase. Thus, the exported test cases are forced to
inherit from SplunkTestCase.
This script will also make copies of the test cases for each browser. Thus, if you have this test
against both Firefox and Chrome, you will get two tests for each original test (one for Firefox and
another for Chrome). The test case name will make it clear which browser it is testing so that you
can determine which test failed.
import os
import platform
import importlib
import sys
import unittest
import pkgutil
import argparse
from selenium import webdriver
from import By
except ImportError:
# Detect that the user didn't make Selenium available
print 'Selenium could not be imported.\nMake sure to download the Python bindings' + \
' ( and put it in "' + \
os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + \
'".\nWhen done, you should have a directory named "selenium" (i.e. "' + \
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'selenium') + '"'
class SplunkTestCase(object):
This is a test that all exported WebDriver Selenium tests will be made to inherit from.
Changes to this class will inherently affect all of the tests since the tests will inherit
these functions.
username = 'admin'
password = 'changeme'
base_url = ''
browser_to_use = 'firefox'
implicit_wait_time = 5
def remove_trailing_slash(url):
Remove the trailing slash from the URL if necessary.
if url[-1] == '/':
return url[:-1]
return url
def do_login(self):
This function performs authentication with Splunk.
driver = self.driver
driver.get(self.remove_trailing_slash(self.base_url) + "/en-US/account/login")
self.assertTrue(self.is_element_present(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a.manage-apps"))
def get_browser_driver(self):
Makes an instance the browser driver that should be used.
# Make sure the browser is not None and is lowercase
if self.browser_to_use is None:
browser_to_use = 'firefox'
browser_to_use = self.browser_to_use.lower()
# Get the appropriate driver
if browser_to_use == 'firefox':
self.driver = webdriver.Firefox()
elif browser_to_use == 'chrome':
self.driver = webdriver.Chrome()
raise Exception('Browser "%s" not recognized' % (browser_to_use))
return self.driver
# Create the updated setup function
def setUp(self):
This is the updated setup function that is customized for Splunk tests.
# This is the content from the original setUp function made by SeleniumIDE
# This was changed slightly to include a modifiable implicit wait time.
# The original implicit wait time of 30 seconds could cause the loops for the "waitFor"
# calls to take an extreme amount of time.
self.verificationErrors = []
self.accept_next_alert = True
# Now do the other things, like authenticating with Splunk
class UITestCaseLoader(object):
This class loads test cases and patches them so that the tests can run.
def add_to_path(path_to_add):
Add the given path to the environment path unless it was already present. Return a boolean
indicating if the path was updated.
if not path_to_add in os.environ["PATH"]:
# Update the path according to the OS' expectations
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
os.environ["PATH"] += ";" +path_to_add
os.environ["PATH"] += ":" +path_to_add
# Path was updated
return True
# Path was not updated
return False
def add_browser_driver_to_path():
Add the browser driver to the path
# First, add the base browser_drivers in case users didn't the drivers are not broken up
# by architecture
UITestCaseLoader.add_to_path(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'browser_drivers'))
# Second, add the architecture specific path
driver_path = None
if sys.platform == "linux2" and platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit':
driver_path = "linux64"
elif sys.platform == "linux2":
driver_path = "linux32"
driver_path = sys.platform
full_driver_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'browser_drivers', driver_path)
def load_all_modules_from_dir(dirname, test_case=None):
This function loads test cases from the test-case directory.
cases_loaded = 0
for (_, name, _) in pkgutil.iter_modules([dirname]):
if test_case is None or name == test_case:
importlib.import_module('.' + name, 'ui_test_cases')
except ImportError:
print 'Unable to import the test case in ui_test_cases.' + name + \
', make sure that the ui_test_cases directory has an file' + \
'(i.e. "' + os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'ui_test_cases', '') + ')"'
# Exit with a code that makes it clear we failed
cases_loaded += 1
if cases_loaded == 0:
print 'No test cases were found.' + \
'Make sure that the tests are exported as Python 2 WebDriver tests to' + \
'the "ui_test_cases" directory (i.e. "' + \
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'ui_test_cases') + ')"'
# Exit with a code that makes it clear we failed
def add_test_classes_to_suite(cls, suite, url, username, password, browser, ignore_list=None):
Create the classes with the necessary modification to perform the tests
and add them to the given suite.
for test_case_class in unittest.TestCase.__subclasses__():
# Ignore any test in the ignore list
if ignore_list is not None and test_case_class in ignore_list:
print "ignoring", test_case_class
# Make the new class for the test-case
# This test case should include the name of the browser it will test and inherit from
# the super-class that patches the underlying functions as needed.
new_class = type(test_case_class.__name__ + browser.title(),
(SplunkTestCase, test_case_class), {})
# Set up the defaults for when the test executes
new_class.browser_to_use = browser.lower()
new_class.base_url = url
new_class.username = username
new_class.password = password
# Add the test class
def load_test_suite(cls, url, username, password, test_case_dir='ui_test_cases',
browser='firefox', testcase=None):
Load the test cases from the test-case directory and create the classes
with the necessary modification to perform the tests.
# Use a default browser
if browser is None:
browser = 'firefox'
# Add the browser driver to the path
# Keep a list of the existing cases so that we can know what is new
# We are only going to run the next tests that were loaded from the test-case directory
existing_tests = unittest.TestCase.__subclasses__()
# Load the modules in the directory that appear to be test cases
cls.load_all_modules_from_dir(test_case_dir, testcase)
# Make a test suite
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
# Add the test classes
for browser_to_test in browser.split(","):
cls.add_test_classes_to_suite(suite, url, username, password, browser_to_test,
return suite
def run_test_suite(cls, url='', username='admin', password='changeme',
test_case_dir='ui_test_cases', browser='firefox', testcase=None):
Load the tests that exist in the test-case directory and execute them.
suite = cls.load_test_suite(url, username, password, test_case_dir, browser, testcase)
result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
sys.exit(not result.wasSuccessful())
def parse_args():
Create an argument parser for handling CLI parameters and return the parsed arguments.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run WebDriver UI tests exported by ' \
+ 'SeleniumIDE in a way that works with Splunk.')
# Add the test case argument
parser.add_argument('--testcase', help='the test case to run', default=None)
# Add the Splunk Web URL argument
parser.add_argument('--url', help='the URL of SplunkWeb', default='')
# Add the Splunk username argument
parser.add_argument('--username', help='the user account to use when authenticating to Splunk',
# Add the Splunk password argument
parser.add_argument('--password', help='the password to use when authenticating to Splunk',
# Add the browser argument
parser.add_argument('--browser', help='the browser to use',
return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Parse the CLI arguments
parsed_arguments = parse_args()
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