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Last active March 1, 2023 13:33
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Atmega328p-based DC-AC converter to ring a T65 phone
* Atmega328p-based DC-AC converter to ring a T65 phone.
* for schematic
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#define F_CPU 8e6
#include <util/delay.h>
.low = 0xE2, //INTRC 8 MHZ, no CKDIV8
.high = 0xD9, // geen bootloader
.extended = 0xFF, // geen BOD
const int16_t setpoint = 128; //With 1.1V internal ADC reference and a 8 bit result, 128 means 0.55 V approximately for the output divider
const uint8_t sinus[64]={ 127,139,152,164,176,187,198,208,217,226,233,239,245,249,252,254,255,254,252,249,245,239,233,226,217,208,198,
void setup()
DDRC = 0xBE; // PC0 input, PC6=reset input, rest ouput
DDRB = 0x3F; // all output, except crystal input PB6,7
DDRD = 0xF7; // all output, except PD3 (switch?)
/* Timer 1, for PWM output and ADC samplerate (PWM /8)
* Has to be set to inverted output, because otherwise OCRA1 == 0 results in a small spike
* on inverted, OCR1A == TOP == ICR1 means a constantly low signal and OCR1A = 0 a nearly constantly high signal
ICR1 = 80; // use 80 as top, so 8M/80=100 kHz PWM
TCCR1A = 0b11000010; // use OC1A output (inverted), fast PWM, ICR1 as top
TCCR1B = 0b00011001; // WGM mode fast PWM ICR1 as top, clock timer from clkIO unprescaled, start
TIMSK1 = (1<<TOIE0); // enable interrupt on overflow (at ICR1 value)
ADMUX = 0b11100000; // set reference voltage to 1V1 internal, use ADC0 as input, left adjust result (so only higher 8 bits have to be read)
ADCSRA = (1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADIE)|(1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS0); // ADC enable, interrupt enable, clock source clkio/32 (8M/32 < 200kHz)
DIDR0 = 0x01; // disable digital input buffer on ADC0 input
/*Timer 0 for sine PWM, OC0A on PD6*/
TCCR0A = 0b11000011; // OC0A set on match, WFM Fast PWM
TCCR0B = 0b00000001; // Clock from CLKIO (8M)
sei(); // enable interrupts
int main(void) {
uint8_t i=0;
/* */
while (1) {
if(i>63) i=0;
OCR0A = sinus[i];
_delay_us(257); // tuned to get 20 Hz
static uint8_t i=0;
ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC); // start a new adc conversion every 8th OVF. OVF at 100 kHz, ADC max is 15ksps at max resolution
PIND = 0x01; // toggle PD0 for debug
* read adc result, and set new PWM value
* because PWM is inverted to prevent the 1 cycle high output
* 80 means output LOW, 0 means 100% dutycycle high,
* If PWM where not inverted an OCR1A 0 would mean 0 output instead of
* a thin needle of 1 clk cycle, then this would be a bit simpler:
* if error > 0 {if error<56 OCR=error }else ocr=56 else ocr = 0;
uint8_t adcresult = ADCH;
int16_t error = (setpoint - adcresult)*8; // P factor (Proportional, or simply 'pruts' / phudge phactor)
if(error < 57) OCR1A = 80-error; else OCR1A = 40; // limit to 50% dutycycle (40) max
}else OCR1A = 80;
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