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Created November 14, 2012 00:29
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Save Lull3rSkat3r/4069370 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A file system I made for an operating systems class.
// Jeremy Ploumis
// 974335459
// Corey Stubbs
// 902041575
// Chase Roman
// 908235085
// Michael Gutierrez
// 956623934
// CMPSC 473
// Project 4
// 12/8/2011
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <regex.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_DIR_FILES 50
#define MAX_PARTITION_DIR 5000
#define MAXARGS 128
#define MAXLINE 128
typedef struct fileControlBlock fcb_t;
typedef struct infoBlock ib_t;
typedef struct directoryControlBlock dcb_t;
typedef struct partitionControlBlock pcb_t;
typedef struct partition p_t;
p_t part;
dcb_t *currDcb;
void printAll(dcb_t* dir, char* prev);
void printDirs(dcb_t* dir);
void printFiles(dcb_t* dcb);
void printPartitionVals(p_t* partMap);
void printPartitionAddress(p_t* partMap);
void printDCBVals(dcb_t* dir);
void printDCBAddresses(dcb_t* dir);
void printFCBVals(fcb_t* fcb);
void printFCBAddresses(fcb_t* fcb);
void createPartition(p_t* partMap);
void createPartitionControlBlock(p_t* partMap, char* name);
void addFile(char* name, pcb_t* pcb,dcb_t* parent, int readOnly, int hidden, int fileSize);
void addFileInfo(pcb_t* pcb, dcb_t* parent, ib_t oldInfo, int fileSize);
void addDir(char* name, pcb_t* pcb, dcb_t* parent, int readOnly, int hidden);
void deletePartition(p_t* partMap);
dcb_t* getDir(char* name, dcb_t* currDir);
fcb_t* getFile(char* name, dcb_t* currDir);
* A basic block of information for files and directories
struct infoBlock{
char* name;
time_t createDate;
time_t modDate;
time_t accessDate;
int readOnly;
int hidden;
int index;
* The abstraction of a physical file
struct fileControlBlock {
ib_t info;
dcb_t* parentDir;
int fileSize;
* The abstraction of a directory on disk
struct directoryControlBlock {
ib_t info;
dcb_t* parentDir; // add
int fileCount;
int dirCount;
fcb_t* files[MAX_DIR_FILES];
dcb_t* dirs[MAX_DIR_FILES];
* An abstract disk partition descriptor block
struct partitionControlBlock{
fcb_t* usedListStart;
fcb_t* usedListEnd;
fcb_t* endOfPartition;
fcb_t* lastAddedFile;
dcb_t* lastAddedDir;
dcb_t* rootDir;
int usedSpace;
int freeSpace;
int partitionSize;
char* name;
* An abstract representation of a disk partition
struct partition{
pcb_t controlBlock;
dcb_t dirs[MAX_PARTITION_DIR];
* A function to print the files and directories that are within the given directory control program.
void printAll(dcb_t* dir, char* prev){
ib_t* info = &dir->info;
char newPrev[1000];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < (dir->dirCount); i++){
dcb_t* currDir = dir->dirs[i];
ib_t* info = &currDir->info;
if(info->hidden == 0 && currDir != dir)
void printLS(dcb_t* dcb){
int i;
int j;
for(i = 0; i < dcb->dirCount; i++){
dcb_t* currDir = dcb->dirs[i];
ib_t* info = &currDir->info;
if(info->hidden == 0)
printf(" %s ",info->name);
if(i>0 && i%7 == 0)
for(j=0; j < dcb->fileCount; j++)
fcb_t* i = dcb->files[j];
ib_t* info = &i->info;
if(info->hidden == 0)
printf(" %s ",info->name);
if(j>0 && j%7 == 0)
* Prints the directories within the particular directory control block
void printDirs(dcb_t* dir){
int i;
for(i = 0; i < dir->dirCount; i++){
dcb_t* currDir = dir->dirs[i];
ib_t* info = &currDir->info;
if(info->hidden == 0){
printf("\t%s\n\t\t\tHidden File\tNo\n\t\t\t",info->name);
if(info->readOnly == 0){
printf("Read Only\tNo\n\t\t\t%s\t\t\t%s\t\t\t%s",ctime(&info->createDate),ctime(&info->modDate),ctime(&info->accessDate));
else if(info->readOnly == 1){
printf("Read Only\tYes\n\t\t\t%s\t\t\t%s\t\t\t%s",ctime(&info->createDate),ctime(&info->modDate),ctime(&info->accessDate));
* Prints the hidden files and directories within the particular directory control block
void printHidden(dcb_t* dir){
int i;
int j;
for(i = 0; i < dir->dirCount; i++){
dcb_t* currDir = dir->dirs[i];
ib_t* info = &currDir->info;
if(info->hidden == 1){
printf("\t%s\n\t\t\tHidden File\tYes\n\t\t\t",info->name);
if(info->readOnly == 0){
printf("Read Only\tNo\n\t\t\t%s\t\t\t%s\t\t\t%s",ctime(&info->createDate),ctime(&info->modDate),ctime(&info->accessDate));
else if(info->readOnly == 1){
printf("Read Only\tYes\n\t\t\t%s\t\t\t%s\t\t\t%s",ctime(&info->createDate),ctime(&info->modDate),ctime(&info->accessDate));
for(j=0; j < dir->fileCount; j++)
fcb_t* i = dir->files[j];
ib_t* info = &i->info;
if(info->hidden == 1){
printf("\t%s\n\t\t\tHidden File\tYes\n\t\t\t",info->name);
if(info->readOnly == 0){
printf("Read Only\tNo\n\t\t\t%s\t\t\t%s\t\t\t%s",ctime(&info->createDate),ctime(&info->modDate),ctime(&info->accessDate));
printf("Read Only\tYes\n\t\t\t%s\t\t\t%s\t\t\t%s",ctime(&info->createDate),ctime(&info->modDate),ctime(&info->accessDate));
* Prints the files within the particular directory control block
void printFiles(dcb_t* dcb){
int j;
for(j=0; j < dcb->fileCount; j++)
fcb_t* i = dcb->files[j];
ib_t* info = &i->info;
if(info->hidden == 0){
printf("\t%s\n\t\t\tHidden File\tNo\n\t\t\t",info->name);
if(info->readOnly == 0){
printf("Read Only\tNo\n\t\t\t%s\t\t\t%s\t\t\t%s",ctime(&info->createDate),ctime(&info->modDate),ctime(&info->accessDate));
printf("Read Only\tYes\n\t\t\t%s\t\t\t%s\t\t\t%s",ctime(&info->createDate),ctime(&info->modDate),ctime(&info->accessDate));
* A function to print information about the partition control block
void printPartitionControlBlock(pcb_t* controlBlock){
printf("Partition information for: %s\n", ((controlBlock->name)));
printf("\tUsed partition space is:\t\t %d bytes\n", ((controlBlock->usedSpace)));
printf("\tFree partition space is:\t\t %d bytes\n", ((controlBlock->freeSpace)));
printf("\tBeginning of free space address:\t %p\n", ((controlBlock->usedListEnd)));
printf("\tLast free space address:\t\t %p\n", ((controlBlock->endOfPartition)));
printf("\tRoot directory is:\t\t\t %s\n", ((controlBlock->rootDir->;
* A helper function used for debugging
void printPartitionVals(p_t* partMap){
printf("Value of partMap->controlBlock.usedListStart is: %p\n", ((partMap->controlBlock.usedListStart)));
printf("Value of partMap->controlBlock.usedListEnd is: %p\n", ((partMap->controlBlock.usedListEnd)));
printf("Value of partMap->controlBlock.endOfPartition is: %p\n", ((partMap->controlBlock.endOfPartition)));
printf("Value of partMap-> is: %s\n", ((partMap->controlBlock.rootDir->;
printf("Value of partMap->controlBlock.usedSpace is: %d\n", ((partMap->controlBlock.usedSpace)));
printf("Value of partMap->controlBlock.freeSpace is: %d\n", ((partMap->controlBlock.freeSpace)));
printf("Value of partMap-> is: %s\n",(partMap->controlBlock).name);
* A helper function used for debugging
void printPartitionAddress(p_t* partMap){
printf("Address of partMap is: %p\n", partMap);
printf("Address of partMap->controlBlock is: %p\n",&(partMap->controlBlock));
printf("Address of partMap->controlBlock.usedListStart is: %p\n", &((partMap->controlBlock.usedListStart)));
printf("Address of partMap->controlBlock.usedListEnd is: %p\n", &((partMap->controlBlock.usedListEnd)));
printf("Address of partMap->controlBlock.endOfPartition is: %p\n", &((partMap->controlBlock.endOfPartition)));
printf("Address of partMap->controlBlock.rootDir is: %p\n", &((partMap->controlBlock.rootDir)));
printf("Address of partMap->controlBlock.usedSpace is: %p\n", &((partMap->controlBlock.usedSpace)));
printf("Address of partMap->controlBlock.freeSpace is: %p\n", &((partMap->controlBlock.freeSpace)));
printf("Address of partMap->controlBlock is: %p\n",&(partMap->controlBlock).name);
* A helper function used for debugging
void printDCBVals(dcb_t* dir){
printf("Value of dir-> is: %s\n", dir->;
printf("Value of dir->info.creationDate is: %s\n", ctime(&(dir->info.createDate)));
printf("Value of dir->info.modDate is: %s\n", ctime(&(dir->info.modDate)));
printf("Value of dir->info.accessDate is: %s\n", ctime(&(dir->info.accessDate)));
printf("Value of dir->info.readOnly is: %d\n", dir->info.readOnly);
printf("Value of dir->info.hidden is: %d\n", dir->info.hidden);
printf("Value of dir->files is: %p\n", dir->files);
printf("Value of dir->dirs is: %p\n", dir->dirs);
* A helper function used for debugging
void printDCBAddresses(dcb_t* dir){
printf("Address of dir is: %p\n", dir);
printf("Address of dir-> is: %p\n", &(dir->;
printf("Address of dir->info.creationDate is: %p\n", &(dir->info.createDate));
printf("Address of dir->info.modDate is: %p\n", &(dir->info.modDate));
printf("Address of dir->info.accessDate is: %p\n",&(dir->info.accessDate));
printf("Address of dir->info.readOnly is: %p\n", &(dir->info.readOnly));
printf("Address of dir->info.hidden is: %p\n", &(dir->info.hidden));
printf("Address of dir->files is: %p\n", &(dir->dirs));
printf("Address of dir->dirs is: %p\n", &(dir->files));
* A helper function used for debugging
void printFCBVals(fcb_t* fcb){
printf("Value of fcb->parentDir: %p\n", ((fcb->parentDir)));
printf("Value of fcbpcb->lastAddedFile = fileAdd;->fileSize: %d\n", ((fcb->fileSize)));
printf("Value of fcb-> %p\n", ((fcb->;
printf("Value of fcb->info.createDate: %s\n", ((ctime(&fcb->info.createDate))));
printf("Value of fcb->info.modDate: %s\n", ((ctime(&fcb->info.modDate))));
printf("Value of fcb->info.accessDate: %s\n", ((ctime(&fcb->info.accessDate))));
printf("Value of fcb->info.readOnly: %d\n", ((fcb->info.readOnly)));
printf("Value of fcb->info.hidden: %d\n", ((fcb->info.hidden)));
printf("Value of fcb->info.index: %d\n", ((fcb->info.index)));
* A helper function used for debugging
void printFCBAddresses(fcb_t* fcb){
printf("Address of fcb->parentDir: %p\n", &((fcb->parentDir)));
printf("Address of fcb->fileSize: %p\n", &((fcb->fileSize)));
printf("Address of fcb-> %p\n", &((fcb->;
printf("Address of fcb->info.createDate: %p\n", ((&fcb->info.createDate)));
printf("Address of fcb->info.modDate: %p\n", ((&fcb->info.modDate)));
printf("Address of fcb->info.accessDate: %p\n", &((fcb->info.accessDate)));
printf("Address of fcb->info.readOnly: %p\n", &((fcb->info.readOnly)));
printf("Address of fcb->info.hidden: %p\n", &((fcb->info.hidden)));
printf("Address of fcb->info.index: %p\n", &((fcb->info.index)));
* Uses mmap to create the partition
void createPartition(p_t* partMap){
int fd = open("/tmp/partition", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, (mode_t)0600);
partMap = mmap(0, sizeof(p_t) , PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
if (partMap == MAP_FAILED) {
perror("Error mmapping the file");
* Deletes the partition when we are done.
void deletePartition(p_t* partMap ){
int fd = open("/tmp/partition", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, (mode_t)0600);
if (munmap(partMap, sizeof(p_t)) == -1) {
perror("Error un-mmapping the file");
* Populates the control block for the partition.
void createPartitionControlBlock(p_t* partMap, char* name){
partMap->controlBlock.usedListStart = (fcb_t*)&(partMap->controlBlock)+sizeof(pcb_t);
partMap->controlBlock.usedListEnd = (fcb_t*)&(partMap->controlBlock)+sizeof(pcb_t);
partMap->controlBlock.endOfPartition = (fcb_t*)&(partMap)+sizeof(p_t);
partMap->controlBlock.rootDir = (dcb_t*)partMap->controlBlock.usedListStart;
addDir("root",&(partMap->controlBlock), (partMap->controlBlock.rootDir), 0,0);
partMap->controlBlock.usedSpace = sizeof(pcb_t);
partMap->controlBlock.freeSpace =sizeof(p_t) - sizeof(pcb_t);
partMap-> = name;
* Adds a file to the parent directory control block. The fileSize will take up that many amount of bytes on the partition.
void addFile(char* name, pcb_t* pcb, dcb_t* parent, int readOnly, int hidden, int fileSize){
if(parent->fileCount < MAX_DIR_FILES){
fcb_t* fileAdd = pcb->usedListEnd;
ib_t* info = &fileAdd->info;
fileAdd->parentDir = parent;
fileAdd->fileSize = fileSize;
info->name = strdup(name);
info->readOnly = readOnly;
info->hidden = hidden;
info->createDate = time(NULL);
info->modDate = time(NULL);
info->accessDate = time(NULL);
info->index = parent->fileCount;
pcb->usedListEnd += sizeof(fcb_t)+fileSize;
pcb->usedSpace += (sizeof(fcb_t) + fileSize);
pcb->freeSpace -= (sizeof(fcb_t) + fileSize);
pcb->lastAddedFile = fileAdd;
parent->files[parent->fileCount] = fileAdd;
} else{
printf("Too many files in directory %s.\n",parent->;
void addFileInfo(pcb_t* pcb, dcb_t* parent, ib_t oldInfo, int fileSize){
if(parent->fileCount < MAX_DIR_FILES){
fcb_t* fileAdd = pcb->usedListEnd;
fileAdd->info = oldInfo;
fileAdd->parentDir = parent;
fileAdd->fileSize = fileSize;
fileAdd->info.index = parent->fileCount;
pcb->usedListEnd += sizeof(fcb_t)+fileSize;
pcb->usedSpace += (sizeof(fcb_t) + fileSize);
pcb->freeSpace -= (sizeof(fcb_t) + fileSize);
pcb->lastAddedFile = fileAdd;
parent->files[parent->fileCount] = fileAdd;
} else{
printf("Too many files in directory %s.\n",parent->;
* Adds a directory to the parent directory specified
void addDir(char* name, pcb_t* pcb, dcb_t* parent, int readOnly, int hidden){
if(parent->dirCount < MAX_DIR_FILES){
dcb_t* dir = (dcb_t*)pcb->usedListEnd;
dir->parentDir = parent;
dir->fileCount = 0;
dir->dirCount = 0;
ib_t* info = &dir->info;
info->name = strdup(name);
info->readOnly = readOnly;
info->hidden = hidden;
info->createDate = time(NULL);
info->modDate = time(NULL);
info->accessDate = time(NULL);
info->index = parent->dirCount;
pcb->usedListEnd += sizeof(dcb_t);
pcb->usedSpace += sizeof(dcb_t);
pcb->freeSpace -= sizeof(dcb_t);
pcb->lastAddedDir = dir;
parent->dirs[parent->dirCount] = dir;
} else{
printf("Too many files in directory %s.\n",parent->;
dcb_t* addDirInfo(pcb_t* pcb, dcb_t* parent, ib_t oldInfo){
dcb_t* dirAdd = (dcb_t*)pcb->usedListEnd;
if(parent->fileCount < MAX_DIR_FILES){
dirAdd->info = oldInfo;
dirAdd->parentDir = parent;
dirAdd->info.index = parent->fileCount;
pcb->usedListEnd += sizeof(dcb_t);
pcb->usedSpace += (sizeof(dcb_t));
pcb->freeSpace -= (sizeof(dcb_t));
pcb->lastAddedDir = dirAdd;
parent->dirs[parent->fileCount] = dirAdd;
} else{
dirAdd = NULL;
printf("Too many files in directory %s.\n",parent->;
return dirAdd;
* Deletes a file from the parent directory control block.
void deleteFile(pcb_t* pcb, fcb_t* file)
dcb_t* parent = file->parentDir;
int index = file->info.index;
parent->files[index] = parent->files[parent->fileCount-1];
parent->files[index]->info.index = index;
pcb->usedSpace -= (sizeof(fcb_t) + file->fileSize);
pcb->freeSpace += (sizeof(fcb_t) + file->fileSize);
* Deletes a directory from the parent directory specified
void deleteDir(pcb_t* pcb, dcb_t* dir)
if(pcb->rootDir == dir){
printf("Cannot remove root directory.\n");
} else{
dcb_t* parent = dir->parentDir;
int index = dir->info.index;
parent->dirs[index] = parent->dirs[parent->dirCount-1];
parent->dirs[index]->info.index = index;
dcb_t* newDir = parent->dirs[index];
int j;
for(j=0; j < newDir->fileCount; j++)
fcb_t* i = newDir->files[j];
ib_t* info = &i->info;
info->index = index;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < newDir->dirCount; i++){
dcb_t* currDir = newDir->dirs[i];
ib_t* info = &currDir->info;
info->index = index;
pcb->usedSpace -= sizeof(dcb_t);
pcb->freeSpace += sizeof(dcb_t);
* Copies a file to the parent directory control block.
void copyFile(fcb_t* file, dcb_t* dir, pcb_t* pcb)
addFileInfo(pcb, dir, file->info, file->fileSize);
* Copies a directory to the parent directory specified
void copyDir(dcb_t* dir, dcb_t* parent, pcb_t* pcb)
if(dir == pcb->rootDir){
printf("Cannot copy root directory\n");
if(parent == pcb->rootDir){
printf("Cannot copy to root directory. Scheduled for service pack 1 release.\n");
dcb_t* newDir = addDirInfo(pcb, parent, dir->info);
if(newDir != NULL){
for(int i = 0; i < dir->dirCount; i++){
copyDir(dir->dirs[i],newDir, pcb);
for(int i = 0; i < dir->fileCount; i++){
copyFile(dir->files[i],newDir, pcb);
* Moves a file to the parent directory control block.
void moveFile(fcb_t* file, dcb_t* dir, pcb_t* pcb)
copyFile(file, dir, pcb);
deleteFile(pcb, file);
* Moves a directory to the parent directory specified
void moveDir(dcb_t* dir, dcb_t* parent, pcb_t* pcb )
copyDir(dir, parent, pcb);
deleteDir(pcb, dir);
int builtin(char* argv[])
if(strcmp(argv[0], "mkdir") == 0)
if(argv[1] != NULL)
addDir(argv[1], &part.controlBlock, currDcb, 0, 0);
printf("No directory specified to create\n");
return 1;
if(strcmp(argv[0], "mkfile") == 0)
if(argv[1] != NULL)
addFile(argv[1], &part.controlBlock, currDcb, 0, 0, 20);
printf("No file specified to create\n");
return 1;
if(strcmp(argv[0], "rm") == 0)
if(argv[1] != NULL)
dcb_t* delDir = getDir(argv[1], currDcb);
fcb_t* file = getFile(argv[1], currDcb);
if(file != NULL){
deleteFile(&part.controlBlock, file);
return 1;
else if (delDir != NULL){
deleteDir(&part.controlBlock, delDir);
return 1;
printf("rm: No such file or directory\n");
printf("rm: missing operand\n");
return 1;
if(strcmp(argv[0], "mv") == 0)
if(argv[1] != NULL && argv[2] != NULL)
dcb_t* movDir = getDir(argv[1], currDcb);
dcb_t* destDir = getDir(argv[2], currDcb);
fcb_t* file = getFile(argv[1], currDcb);
if(file != NULL && destDir != NULL){
moveFile(file, destDir, &part.controlBlock);
return 1;
else if (movDir != NULL && destDir != NULL){
moveDir(movDir, destDir, &part.controlBlock);
return 1;
else if(strcmp(argv[2], "..") ==0){
if(file != NULL)
moveFile(file, currDcb->parentDir, &part.controlBlock);
return 1;
printf("mv: No such file or directory\n");
printf("mv: missing operand\n");
return 1;
if(strcmp(argv[0], "cp") == 0)
if(argv[1] != NULL && argv[2] != NULL)
dcb_t* copDir = getDir(argv[1], currDcb);
dcb_t* destDir = getDir(argv[2], currDcb);
fcb_t* file = getFile(argv[1], currDcb);
if(file != NULL && destDir != NULL){
copyFile(file, destDir, &part.controlBlock);
return 1;
else if (copDir != NULL && destDir != NULL){
copyDir(copDir, destDir, &part.controlBlock);
return 1;
else if(strcmp(argv[2], "..") ==0){
if(file != NULL)
copyFile(file, currDcb->parentDir, &part.controlBlock);
return 1;
printf("cp: No such file or directory\n");
printf("cp: missing operand\n");
return 1;
if(strcmp(argv[0], "cd") == 0)
if(argv[1] != NULL)
dcb_t* dir = getDir(argv[1], currDcb);
fcb_t* file = getFile(argv[1], currDcb);
if(file != NULL){
printf("cd: %s is a file not a directory", argv[1]);
else if (dir != NULL){
currDcb = dir;
return 1;
else if(strcmp(argv[1], "..") ==0)
currDcb = currDcb->parentDir;
else if(strcmp(argv[1], ".") ==0)
currDcb = currDcb;
printf("cd: No such file or directory\n");
currDcb = part.controlBlock.rootDir;
return 1;
if(strcmp(argv[0], "ls") == 0)
if(argv[1] != NULL){
if(strcmp(argv[1], "-R") ==0){
printAll(currDcb, "");
else if(strcmp(argv[1], "-a") ==0){
else if(strcmp(argv[1], "-l") ==0){
return 1;
if(strcmp(argv[0], "sudo") == 0)
if(strcmp(argv[1], "pcb") == 0)
if(strcmp(argv[1], "dcb") == 0)
dcb_t* dcb = currDcb;
if(argv[3] != NULL)
dcb = getDir(argv[3], currDcb) ;
if(dcb == NULL){
printf("sudo:dcb: missing operand\n");
return 1;
if(strcmp(argv[2], "val") == 0)
else if(strcmp(argv[2], "mem") == 0)
if(strcmp(argv[1], "fcb") == 0)
fcb_t* fcb;
if(argv[3] != NULL)
fcb = getFile(argv[3], currDcb) ;
if(fcb == NULL){
printf("sudo:fcb: missing operand\n");
return 1;
if(strcmp(argv[2], "val") == 0)
else if(strcmp(argv[2], "mem") == 0)
return 1;
if(strcmp(argv[0], "quit") == 0)
return 1;
printf("%s: Command not found\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
int parse(char*buf, char*argv[])
char*delim; /* points to first whitespace delimiter*/
int argc = 0; /* number of args*/
char whsp[] = " \t\n\v\f\r/"; /* whitespace characters*/
/* Note - the trailing '\n' in buf is whitespace, and we need it as a delimiter.*/
while (1) /* build the argv list*/
buf += strspn(buf, whsp); /* skip leading whitespace*/
delim = strpbrk(buf, whsp); /* next whitespace char or NULL*/
if (delim == NULL) //Check for the NULL pointer /* end of line*/
{ break; }
argv[argc++] = buf; /* start argv[i]*/
*delim = '\0'; /* terminate argv[i]*/
buf = delim + 1; /* start argv[i+1]?*/
if(argc == 0)
argv[argc] =buf;
argv[argc] =NULL;
return argc;
fcb_t* getFile(char* name, dcb_t* currDir){
int j;
for(j=0; j < currDir->fileCount; j++)
fcb_t* i = currDir->files[j];
ib_t* info = &i->info;
if(strcmp(argv[0], info->name) == 0)
return currDir->files[j];
return NULL;
dcb_t* getDir(char* name, dcb_t* currDir){
int i;
for(i = 0; i < currDir->dirCount; i++){
dcb_t* childDir = currDir->dirs[i];
ib_t* info = &childDir->info;
if(strcmp(argv[0], info->name) == 0)
return currDir->dirs[i];
return NULL;
int eval_line(char*cmdline)
char*argv[MAXARGS]; /* argv array */
char buf[MAXLINE]; /* holds modified command line*/
int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS;
strcpy(buf, cmdline); /* buf[] will be modified by parse()*/
parse(buf, argv);
if (argv[0] == NULL) //Check for the NULL pointer /* ignore empty lines*/
{ return ret; }
if(builtin(argv) == 1)
{ return ret; }
return ret;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char* name = "TestPartition2";
createPartitionControlBlock(&part, name );
currDcb = part.controlBlock.rootDir;
addFile("fooFile", &part.controlBlock, (part.controlBlock.rootDir), 0,0,20);
addFile("fooFile2",&part.controlBlock,(part.controlBlock.rootDir), 0,0,20);
addFile("foofooFile",&part.controlBlock, (part.controlBlock.rootDir), 0,0,20);
addDir("fooDir", &part.controlBlock, (part.controlBlock.rootDir), 0,0);
addDir("fooDirHidden", &part.controlBlock, (part.controlBlock.rootDir),0 ,1);
addDir("fooDir2",&part.controlBlock,(part.controlBlock.rootDir), 0,0);
addDir("fooDir3",&part.controlBlock,(part.controlBlock.rootDir), 0,0);
addDir("fooDir21",&part.controlBlock,(part.controlBlock.rootDir->dirs[1]), 1,0);
char cmdline[MAXLINE];
int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS;
while ( ret == EXIT_SUCCESS )
if(fgets(cmdline, MAXLINE, stdin) != NULL)
if (feof(stdin)) // end of file
{ break; }
ret = eval_line(cmdline);
else if(errno != EINTR)
printf("error encountered with error number %d and error message %s\n",errno, strerror(errno));
return 0;
# CMPSC 473, Project 4
# Corey Stubbs, 90201575,
# Jeremy Ploumis, 974335459,
SRC = pr4.c
#LIB =
#INC =
#$(LIB) $(INC)
pr3: $(SRC)
gcc -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -o pr4 $(SRC)
noWarn: $(SRC)
gcc -std=c99 -w -o pr4 $(SRC)
rm -f pr4
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