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Created November 25, 2017 18:48
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  • Save LunaMoo/b68dc1ecf19b338147d2aba9f8d3f0ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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glitchy upload
Name Value
Lighting enable 0
Light 0 enable 0
Light 1 enable 0
Light 2 enable 0
Light 3 enable 0
Clip enable 0
Cullface enable 0
Texture map enable 0
Fog enable 0
Dither enable 0
Alpha blend enable 0
Alpha test enable 0
Depth test enable 0
Stencil test enable 0
Antialias enable 0
Patch cull enable 0
Color test enable 0
Logic op enable 0
Depth write disable 0
Name Value
Ambient color 00004c
Ambient alpha 0000ff
Material update none
Material emissive 000000
Material ambient 000000
Material diffuse 000000
Material alpha 000000
Material specular 000000
Mat. specular coef 15.000000
Reverse normals 0
Shade model gouraud
Light mode mixed color (disabled)
Light type 0 type: directional, comp: diffuse (disabled)
Light type 1 type: directional, comp: diffuse + spec (disabled)
Light type 2 type: directional, comp: diffuse (disabled)
Light type 3 type: directional, comp: diffuse (disabled)
Light pos 0 -0.000000, -0.707092, -0.707092 (disabled)
Light pos 1 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000 (disabled)
Light pos 2 -0.177727, -0.000000, 0.984070 (disabled)
Light pos 3 0.235203, 0.971008, 0.042478 (disabled)
Light dir 0 0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000 (disabled)
Light dir 1 0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000 (disabled)
Light dir 2 0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000 (disabled)
Light dir 3 0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000 (disabled)
Light att 0 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 (disabled)
Light att 1 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 (disabled)
Light att 2 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 (disabled)
Light att 3 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 (disabled)
Lightspot coef 0 0.000000 (disabled)
Lightspot coef 1 0.000000 (disabled)
Lightspot coef 2 0.000000 (disabled)
Lightspot coef 3 0.000000 (disabled)
Light angle 0 -1.000000 (disabled)
Light angle 1 -1.000000 (disabled)
Light angle 2 -1.000000 (disabled)
Light angle 3 -1.000000 (disabled)
Light ambient 0 000000 (disabled)
Light diffuse 0 8a8a8a (disabled)
Light specular 0 000000 (disabled)
Light ambient 1 000000 (disabled)
Light diffuse 1 000000 (disabled)
Light specular 1 000000 (disabled)
Light ambient 2 ffffff (disabled)
Light diffuse 2 ffffff (disabled)
Light specular 2 ffffff (disabled)
Light ambient 3 ffffff (disabled)
Light diffuse 3 ffffff (disabled)
Light specular 3 ffffff (disabled)
Name Value
Tex U scale 1.000000 (disabled)
Tex V scale 1.000000 (disabled)
Tex U offset 0.000000 (disabled)
Tex V offset 0.000000 (disabled)
Tex mapping mode gen: tex coords, proj: pos (disabled)
Tex shade srcs s: 2, t: 3 (disabled)
Tex mode 1 levels (disabled)
Tex format 5650 (disabled)
Tex filtering min: linear, mag: linear (disabled)
Tex wrapping clamp s, clamp t (disabled)
Tex level/bias slope + bias: -6.687500 (disabled)
Tex lod slope 0.000072 (disabled)
Tex func replace, RGBA (disabled)
Tex env color ffffff (disabled)
CLUT 09bcc440, w=0 (disabled)
CLUT format ABGR 8888 ind & ff (disabled)
Texture L0 addr 04154000, w=256 (disabled)
Texture L1 addr 08e90660, w=32 (disabled)
Texture L2 addr 0955eb80, w=32 (disabled)
Texture L3 addr 0955ef80, w=32 (disabled)
Texture L4 addr 00000000, w=0 (disabled)
Texture L5 addr 00000000, w=0 (disabled)
Texture L6 addr 00000000, w=0 (disabled)
Texture L7 addr 00000000, w=0 (disabled)
Texture L0 size 256x256 (disabled)
Texture L1 size 32x32 (disabled)
Texture L2 size 32x64 (disabled)
Texture L3 size 16x32 (disabled)
Texture L4 size 1x1 (disabled)
Texture L5 size 1x1 (disabled)
Texture L6 size 1x1 (disabled)
Texture L7 size 1x1 (disabled)
Name Value
Clear mode 0
Framebuffer 04165000, w=256
Framebuffer format 5650
Depthbuffer 00110000, w=512
Vertex type through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
Offset addr 09000000
Vertex addr 09b548b8
Index addr 00000000
Region 0,0 - 479,271
Scissor 0,0 - 479,271
Min Z 000000
Max Z 00ffff
Viewport Scale 240.000000, -136.000000, 32767.500000
Viewport Offset 2048.000000, 2048.000000, 32767.500000
Offset 1808.000000x1912.000000
Cull mode back (CCW) (disabled)
Color test pass if (c & ffffff) NEVER (000000 & ffffff) (disabled)
Alpha test pass if (a & ff) >= (ff & ff) (disabled)
Stencil test pass if (00 & ff) ALWAYS (a & ff) (disabled)
Stencil test op fail=ZERO, pass/depthfail=KEEP, pass=ZERO (disabled)
Depth test pass if src <= dst (disabled)
Alpha blend mode add: fixed, fixed (disabled)
Blend color A ffffff (disabled)
Blend color B ffffff (disabled)
Logic Op copy (disabled)
Fog 1 0.000000 (disabled)
Fog 2 0.000000 (disabled)
Fog color ffffff (disabled)
RGB mask 000000
Stencil/alpha mask 000000
Morph Weight 0 1.000000
Morph Weight 1 0.000000
Morph Weight 2 0.000000
Morph Weight 3 0.000000
Morph Weight 4 0.000000
Morph Weight 5 0.000000
Morph Weight 6 0.000000
Morph Weight 7 0.000000
Patch division 000104
Patch primitive 000004
Patch facing 000000 (disabled)
Dither 0 000000 (disabled)
Dither 1 000000 (disabled)
Dither 2 000000 (disabled)
Dither 3 000000 (disabled)
Transfer src 04154000, w=512
Transfer src pos 0,0
Transfer dst 097c7680, w=512
Transfer dst pos 0,0
Transfer size 511,127
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