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Last active March 19, 2016 13:48
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  • Save Lunatrius/a72dab3aa3c9be615924 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Lunatrius/a72dab3aa3c9be615924 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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<a href="#" style="font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer;" onclick="$('#help').toggleClass('hide');return false;">Help</a>
<a href="#" style="font-weight:bold;cursor:pointer;" onclick="$('#guidelines').toggleClass('hide');return false;">Guidelines</a>
<div class="hide" id="help">
<ol id="help">
<li>Fill in the link or paste the contents of the source and/or target language.</li>
<li>Click 'Load'.</li>
<li>Translate stuff.</li>
<li>Click 'Generate' and submit the translated file contents to the modder.</li>
<li>Try the examples: <span id="examples"></span></li>
<div class="hide" id="guidelines">
<ul id="guidelines">
<li>Mod names should be left untranslated.</li>
<li><b>[LONG_WORD_FORCED_BREAK]</b> will be added to words longer than 75 characters.</li>
<div id="github-list" class="hide">
<td>GitHub <a id="github-list-link">Linked Repository</a></td>
<select id="github-list-select">
<option value=""></option>
<table id="github">
<input type="text" id="github-repo" size="150" placeholder="" />
<td>Existing Localizations</td>
<select id="github-files">
<optgroup label="Source(s)" id="github-files-src" disabled="disabled"></optgroup>
<optgroup label="Target(s)" id="github-files-dst"></optgroup>
<input type="button" id="github-load" value="Load Existing Files" />
<hr />
<table id="input">
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<input type="text" id="permalink" size="150" onclick="" readonly="readonly" />
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<br />
<input type="radio" name="src-type" id="src-text-type" value="text" /> <textarea type="text" id="src-text" size="150" placeholder="Paste the source language file here." style="width: 95%"></textarea>
<input type="radio" name="dst-type" id="dst-url-type" value="url" checked="checked" /> <input type="text" id="dst-url" size="150" placeholder=" (optional)" />
<br />
<input type="radio" name="dst-type" id="dst-text-type" value="text" /> <textarea type="text" id="dst-text" size="150" placeholder="Paste the target language file here (optional)." style="width: 95%"></textarea>
<input type="button" id="load" value="Load" />
<input type="button" id="reset" value="Reset" />
<br />
<input type="button" id="loadlast" value="Load Autosave" disabled="disabled" />
<input type="button" id="generate" value="Generate" disabled="disabled" />
<input type="checkbox" id="ignore-same" name="ignore-same" /> <label for="ignore-same">Ignore same strings (source: mod.something=Test | target: mod.something=Test)</label>
<div id="output-container" class="hide">
<textarea id="output" readonly="readonly"></textarea>
<br />
<select id="lang" >
<option value="af_ZA">Afrikaans (af_ZA)</option>
<option value="ar_SA">العربية (ar_SA)</option>
<option value="bg_BG">Български (bg_BG)</option>
<option value="ca_ES">Català (ca_ES)</option>
<option value="cs_CZ">Čeština (cs_CZ)</option>
<option value="cy_GB">Cymraeg (cy_GB)</option>
<option value="da_DK">Dansk (da_DK)</option>
<option value="de_DE">Deutsch (de_DE)</option>
<option value="el_GR">Ελληνικά (el_GR)</option>
<option value="en_AU">Australian English (en_AU)</option>
<option value="en_CA">Canadian English (en_CA)</option>
<option value="en_GB">English (en_GB)</option>
<option value="en_PT">Pirate Speak (en_PT)</option>
<option value="eo_UY">Esperanto (eo_UY)</option>
<option value="es_AR">Español (es_AR)</option>
<option value="es_ES">Español (es_ES)</option>
<option value="es_MX">Español (es_MX)</option>
<option value="es_UY">Español (es_UY)</option>
<option value="es_VE">Español (es_VE)</option>
<option value="et_EE">Eesti (et_EE)</option>
<option value="eu_ES">Euskara (eu_ES)</option>
<option value="fi_FI">suomi (fi_FI)</option>
<option value="fr_CA">Français (fr_CA)</option>
<option value="fr_FR">Français (fr_FR)</option>
<option value="ga_IE">Gaeilge (ga_IE)</option>
<option value="gl_ES">Galego (gl_ES)</option>
<option value="he_IL">אנגלית (he_IL)</option>
<option value="hi_IN">अंग्रेज़ी (hi_IN)</option>
<option value="hr_HR">Hrvatski (hr_HR)</option>
<option value="hu_HU">Magyar (hu_HU)</option>
<option value="id_ID">Bahasa Indonesia (id_ID)</option>
<option value="is_IS">Íslenska (is_IS)</option>
<option value="it_IT">Italiano (it_IT)</option>
<option value="ja_JP">日本語 (ja_JP)</option>
<option value="ka_GE">ქართული (ka_GE)</option>
<option value="ko_KR">한국어 (ko_KR)</option>
<option value="kw_GB">Kernowek (kw_GB)</option>
<option value="lt_LT">Lietuvių (lt_LT)</option>
<option value="lv_LV">Latviešu (lv_LV)</option>
<option value="ms_MY">Bahasa Melayu (ms_MY)</option>
<option value="mt_MT">Malti (mt_MT)</option>
<option value="nl_NL">Nederlands (nl_NL)</option>
<option value="nn_NO">Norsk nynorsk (nn_NO)</option>
<option value="no_NO">Norsk (no_NO)</option>
<option value="pl_PL">Polski (pl_PL)</option>
<option value="pt_BR">Português (pt_BR)</option>
<option value="pt_PT">Português (pt_PT)</option>
<option value="qya_AA">Quenya (qya_AA)</option>
<option value="ro_RO">Română (ro_RO)</option>
<option value="ru_RU">Русский (ru_RU)</option>
<option value="sk_SK">Slovenčina (sk_SK)</option>
<option value="sl_SI">Slovenščina (sl_SI)</option>
<option value="sr_SP">Српски (sr_SP)</option>
<option value="sv_SE">Svenska (sv_SE)</option>
<option value="th_TH">ภาษาไทย (th_TH)</option>
<option value="tlh_AA">tlhIngan Hol (tlh_AA)</option>
<option value="tr_TR">Türkçe (tr_TR)</option>
<option value="uk_UA">Українська (uk_UA)</option>
<option value="vi_VN">Tiếng Việt (vi_VN)</option>
<option value="zh_CN">简体中文 (zh_CN)</option>
<option value="zh_TW">繁體中文 (zh_TW)</option>
<input type="button" id="save" value="Save" />
<hr />
<div id="container"></div>
<center>WTFPL &copy; Lunatrius</center>
<script src="translate.js"></script>
/*! @source */
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"text": ""
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notice: function (message, prepend) {
$("<p></p>").addClass("notice").text("Notice: " + message)[prepend === true ? "prependTo" : "appendTo"]("#container");
parse: function (text) {
var data = {
"mapping": {},
"entries": []
text.split("\n").forEach(function (line, index) {
line = line.replace(/(^\s*|\s*$)/, "");
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"value": line
} else if (line.length === 0) {
"type": TYPE_BLANK,
"value": ""
} else {
var parts = line.split("=");
if (parts.length === 2) {
"type": TYPE_ENTRY,
"value": parts[0]
data.mapping[parts[0]] = parts[1];
return data;
callbackFailed: function (message) {
setTimeout(function () {
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$(this).addClass("hide").css("display", "");
}, 5000);
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$("#src-text").click().val("# example\nexamplemod.gui.title=Example Mod\nexamplemod.gui.done=Done\nexamplemod.gui.yes=Yes\\n");
$("#dst-text").click().val("# this shouldn't be here!\nexamplemod.gui.title_typo=Invalid Key\nexamplemod.gui.done=\n\\n");
return false;
$.each(["src", "dst"], function (index, origin) {
$.each(["url", "text"], function (index, type) {
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$("#src-url").val($([a-z]+_[A-Z]+\.lang$/, "en_US.lang")).change();
$("#github-load").click(function (event) {
var match = $("#github-repo").val().match(/\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)(?:\/tree\/?([^\/]+)?)?/);
var url, user, repo, master;
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repo = match[2];
master = match[3] ? match[3] : "master";
url = "" + user + "/" + repo + "/git/trees/" + master + "?recursive=1";
if (url) {
this.getText(url, function (data) {
if (data.success) {
var json = JSON.parse(data.text);
$.each(json.tree, function (index, obj) {
if (/\.lang$/i.test(obj.path)) {
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alert("Please specify a source file.");
if ($("#output:visible").size() === 1 && $("#output:visible").val().length > 0) {
if (!confirm("WARNING! Loading new files will override your changes.\nMake sure you save your changes first!")) {
data.source = null; = null;
if (data.srcType === "url") {
this.getText(src.val(), function (e) {
data.source = e.success ? this.parse(e.text) : false;
} else {
data.source = this.parse(src.val());
if (data.dstType === "url") {
this.getText(dst.val(), function (e) { = e.success ? this.parse(e.text) : false;
var match = dst.val().match(/\/([a-z]+_[A-Z]+)\.lang$/i);
if (match) {
} else { = this.parse(dst.val());
window.onbeforeunload = function () {
return "You have unsaved changes! Are you sure?";
$("#generate").click(function (event) {
window.onbeforeunload = null;
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try {
saveAs(new Blob([$("#output").val()], {
"type": "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
}), $("#lang").val() + ".lang");
} catch (e) {
alert("Something went wrong :(\n\n" + e);
window.onbeforeunload = null;
$("#reset").click(function (event) {
if (confirm("WARNING! This will clear the cache and reset the website.\n\nAre you sure?")) {
$("#generate").prop("disabled", true);
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window.onbeforeunload = null;
$("#loadlast").click(function (event) {
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var id = localStorage.key(i);
var node = $("#" + id);
if (/\-text/.test(node.attr("id")) && node.val().length > 0) {;
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$.each(search.split("&"), function (index, part) {
var split = part.split("=");
if (split.length === 2 && /^(src|dst)$/.test(split[0])) {
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var match = loc.match(/\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)(?:\/tree\/?([^\/]+)?)?/);
var url, user, repo, master;
if (match) {
user = match[1];
repo = match[2];
master = match[3] ? match[3] : "master";
url = "" + user + "/" + repo + "/git/trees/" + master + "?recursive=1";
if (url) {
this.getText(url, function (data) {
if (data.success) {
var files = {};
var json = JSON.parse(data.text);
$.each(json.tree, function (index, obj) {
if (/\.lang$/i.test(obj.path)) {
var index = obj.path.lastIndexOf("/");
var path = obj.path.substr(0, index);
var name = obj.path.substr(index + 1).replace(/\.lang/i, "");
if (!(files[path] instanceof Array)) {
files[path] = [];
$.each(files, function (path, langs) {
var optgroup = $("<optgroup></optgroup>")
"label": path
$("#lang option").each(function (index, element) {
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.val("" + user + "/" + repo + "/" + master + "/" + path + (path.length > 0 ? "/" : "") + $(element).val() + ".lang")
.sort(function (a, b) {
var c = $(b).hasClass("file") - $(a).hasClass("file");
if (c !== 0) {
return c;
return $(a).text() > $(b).text();
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if (bold) {
if (strikethrough) {
if (underlined) {
if (italic) {
color = false;
obf = false;
bold = false;
strikethrough = false;
underlined = false;
italic = false;
modifier = false;
if (modifier) {
if (/[0-9a-f]/i.test(c)) {
if (color) {
color = true;
ret.push("<span class='color-" + c + "'>");
if (c === "k") {
obf = true;
if (c === "l") {
bold = true;
if (c === "m") {
strikethrough = true;
if (c === "n") {
underlined = true;
if (c === "o") {
italic = true;
modifier = false;
modifier = c === "§";
if (!modifier) {
return this.pre(ret.join(""), true);
noenterKeypress: function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
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noenterKeyup: function (event) {
var textarea = $(this);
textarea.val(textarea.val().replace(/[\r\n]+/g, "")); = 0; = this.scrollHeight + "px";
pre: function (str, skip) {
if (skip !== true) {
str = str.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
str = str.replace(/([^\s]{75,})/, function (match, _, index, str) {
var arr = [];
while (match.length > 75) {
arr.push(match.substr(0, 75));
match = match.substr(75);
if (match.length > 0) {
return arr.join(" <span style='font-weight:bold;'>[LONG_WORD_FORCED_BREAK]</span> ");
return str.replace(/(^ {1,}| {1,}$| {2,})/, function (match, _, index, str) {
return "<span class='pre'>" + match + "</span>";
updateProgress: function () {
var textareas = $("#container textarea");
var textareasDone = textareas.filter(function() {
return $(this).val().length > 0;
$("#container>p.notice").text("Progress: " + textareasDone.size() + "/" + textareas.size() + " ");
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"href": "#"
.click(function () {
var el = $("#container textarea")
.filter(function () {
return $(this).val().length === 0;
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: el.offset().top - 20
}, 1000);
return false;
generate: function () {
var output = [];
var ignoreSame = $("#ignore-same").prop("checked");
$.each(data.source.entries, function (index, entry) {
if (entry.type === TYPE_COMMENT || entry.type === TYPE_BLANK) {
} else {
var val = $("#" + entry.value.replace(/[^\w]/g, "_")).val();
if (val && val.length > 0 && (!ignoreSame || data.source.mapping[entry.value] !== val)) {
output.push(entry.value + "=" + val);
$("#src-url,#dst-url,#src-text,#dst-text,#output").each(function(index, node) {
var id = $(node).attr("id");
if (id === "output") {
id = "dst-text";
localStorage[id] = $(node).val();
$("#loadlast").prop("disabled", false);
process: function () {
if (data.source === null || === null) {
} else if (data.source === false) {
this.warning("source could not be loaded!");
} else {
if ( === false && data.dstType === "url" && $("#dst-url").val().length > 0) {
this.warning("target could not be loaded.");
$("#generate").prop("disabled", false);
this.notice("Notice me senpai!");
var table = $("<table></table>").attr("id", "table");
$.each(data.source.entries, function (index, entry) {
var tr = $("<tr></tr>").appendTo(table);
if (entry.type === TYPE_COMMENT) {
$("<td></td>").attr("colspan", 2).addClass("comment").html(this.pre(entry.value)).appendTo(tr);
} else if (entry.type === TYPE_BLANK) {
$("<td></td>").attr("colspan", 2).html("&nbsp;").appendTo(tr);
} else if (entry.type === TYPE_ENTRY) {
$("<td></td>").attr("title", entry.value + "<hr />" + this.tooltip(data.source.mapping[entry.value])).html(this.pre(data.source.mapping[entry.value])).appendTo(tr);
"id": entry.value.replace(/[^\w]/g, "_"),
"placeholder": data.source.mapping[entry.value]
.prop("required", true)
.val( &&[entry.value] || "")
// append when done for extra speed
// need this workaround to prevent constant re-layouting
// diesieben07 <3
$("#table textarea").each(function (index, node) {
$(node).data("actual-height", node.scrollHeight);
$("#table").css("display", "none");
$("#table textarea").each(function (index, node) { = $(node).data("actual-height") + "px";
$("#table").css("display", "");
$(function() {
content: function () {
return $(this).attr("title");
if (location.hostname !== "") {
if (location.hostname === "") {
$("<p>This is the development version of the translation tool and may be broken. Go to <a href=''></a> for the release version.</p>").addClass("notice").prependTo("body");
} else {
$("<p>This is a mirror of the translation tool from <a href=''></a>.</p>").addClass("notice").prependTo("body");
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