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Last active June 15, 2019 11:47
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Some simple set of functions to manipulate RGB images in ReasonML (only PPM output format is supported)
module Image = {
type channel_t =
Bigarray.Array2.t(char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout);
type t = {
width: int,
height: int,
r_channel: channel_t,
g_channel: channel_t,
b_channel: channel_t,
let make = (width, height) => {
let make_channel = () =>
Bigarray.(Array2.create(char, c_layout, width, height));
r_channel: make_channel(),
g_channel: make_channel(),
b_channel: make_channel(),
let set_rgb = (img, ~x, ~y, ~rgb as (r, g, b)) => {
(img.r_channel).{x, y} = char_of_int(r);
(img.g_channel).{x, y} = char_of_int(g);
(img.b_channel).{x, y} = char_of_int(b);
let fill = (img, ~rgb) => {
for (y in 0 to pred(img.height)) {
for (x in 0 to pred(img.width)) {
set_rgb(img, ~x, ~y, ~rgb);
let get_rgb = (img, ~x, ~y) => {
(img.r_channel).{x, y} |> int_of_char,
(img.g_channel).{x, y} |> int_of_char,
(img.b_channel).{x, y} |> int_of_char,
let output_ppm = (img, oc) => {
Printf.fprintf(oc, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", img.width, img.height);
for (y in 0 to pred(img.height)) {
for (x in 0 to pred(img.width)) {
Out_channel.output_char(oc, (img.r_channel).{x, y});
Out_channel.output_char(oc, (img.g_channel).{x, y});
Out_channel.output_char(oc, (img.b_channel).{x, y});
Out_channel.output_char(oc, '\n');
module Thick_line_image = {
include Image;
let height = 30;
let make = width => Image.make(width, height);
let set_rgb = (img, ~x, ~rgb) => {
for (y in 0 to pred(height)) {
Image.set_rgb(img, ~x, ~y, ~rgb);
let set_rgb_range = (img, ~x_range as (x_start, x_end), ~rgb) => {
for (x in x_start to x_end) {
set_rgb(img, ~x, ~rgb);
let get_rgb = (img, ~x, ~y) => {
Image.get_rgb(img, ~x, ~y=0);
module Colors = {
let aqua = (0, 255, 255);
let black = (0, 0, 0);
let blue = (0, 0, 255);
let fuchsia = (255, 0, 255);
let gray = (128, 128, 128);
let green = (0, 128, 0);
let lime = (0, 255, 0);
let maroon = (128, 0, 0);
let navy = (0, 0, 128);
let olive = (128, 128, 0);
let purple = (128, 0, 128);
let red = (255, 0, 0);
let silver = (192, 192, 192);
let teal = (0, 128, 128);
let white = (255, 255, 255);
let yellow = (255, 255, 0);
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