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Last active January 22, 2016 22:29
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  • Save LusciousPear/6b99efc863735aab0d44 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save LusciousPear/6b99efc863735aab0d44 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(ns sossity.simulator
[clojure.core.async :as a
:refer [>! <! >!! <!! go chan buffer close! thread alts! alts!! timeout pub sub unsub unsub-all go-loop put!]]
[loom.graph :refer :all]
[loom.alg :refer :all]
[ :refer :all]
[loom.attr :refer :all]))
;use doseq or doall to realize all the pubs?
(defn take-and-print [channel prefix]
(go-loop []
(println prefix " sink: " (<! channel))
(defn pass-on [in-channel node out-channels]
(go-loop []
(let [v (<! in-channel)]
(println node ": " v)
(doseq [c out-channels]
(println "channel" c)
(>! c (assoc v :chans (conj (:chans v) node)))))
(def top (digraph {:a [:b :c] :b [:d] :c nil :d nil}))
(defn build-node [input-pub input-topic output-topics]
"returns a seq of output publications for a node to talk to"
(let [input (chan)
out-chans (repeatedly (count output-topics) chan)
out-pubs (doall (map #(pub % (fn [x] (:topic x))) out-chans))]
(sub input-pub input-topic input)
(pass-on input input-topic out-chans)
(defn build-end-node [input-pub input-topic]
(let [input (chan)]
(sub input-pub input-topic input)
(take-and-print input "out")))
(defn test-build-node []
[publisher (chan)
publication (pub publisher #(:topic %))
out-topics ["unitA" "unitB"]]
(let [out-pubs (build-node publication :pipeA out-topics)]
(doall (map #(let [sc (chan)]
(sub %1 :pipeA sc)
(take-and-print sc %2)) out-pubs out-topics)))
(put! publisher {:topic :pipeA :dest "zzz/#home"})))
(defn test-build-node-b []
[publisher (chan)
publication (pub publisher #(:topic %))
out-nodes ["unitA" "unitB"]]
(let [out-pubs (build-node publication :pipeA out-nodes)]
(doseq [p out-pubs]
(build-end-node p :pipeA)))
(put! publisher {:topic :pipeA :dest "zzz/#home"})))
;;do a reduce to collect the pubs?
#_(defn handle-graph-node [g node in-pub]
(if (= 0 (in-degree g node)) ;initial node?
(if (> 0 (out-degree g node))
(defn compose-cluster [g])
(defn pubsubtest [derp]
(let [publisher (chan)
publication (pub publisher #(:topic %))
out-one (chan)
out-pub (pub out-one #(:topic %))
out-two (chan)
out-two-pub (pub out-two #(:topic %))
subscriber-one (chan)
subscriber-two-a (chan)
subscriber-two-b (chan)]
(sub publication :account-created subscriber-one)
(pass-on subscriber-one "subscriber-one" [out-one out-two])
(sub out-pub :account-created subscriber-two-a)
(sub out-two-pub :account-created subscriber-two-b) (take-and-print subscriber-two-a "subscriber-two-a")
(take-and-print subscriber-two-b "subscriber-two-b")
(put! publisher {:topic :account-created :dest "/#home"})))
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