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Created October 27, 2015 10:12
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  • Save LusciousPear/febbd458c4e1e35979de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save LusciousPear/febbd458c4e1e35979de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(def test-graph ;each pipeline can only be defined in an origin once?
{:project-name "hx-test"
:pipelines [{:name "Pipeline1"
:transform-graph ["AbstractTransform/AbstractTransform.jar" "PythonScripts/"]}
{:name "Pipeline2"
:transform-graph ["AbstractTransform/AbstractTransform.jar" "PythonScripts/"]}
{:name "RepairJob"
:transform-graph ["PythonScripts/"]}]
:sources [{:package "ClickStream"} {:package "ShoppingCartClickStream"} {:package "CartTransaction"} {:package "EmailClickStream"}]
:sinks [{:package "S3Sink"} {:package "EnhancedAdwordsSink"} {:package "EnhancedAdwordsSink"} {:package "CartTrans-Redshift"} {:package "EmailClicks-RedShift"} {:package "RawEmailS3"}]
:edges [{:origin "ClickStream" :targets ["Pipeline1"]}
{:origin "Pipeline1" :targets ["Pipeline2"]}
{:origin "Pipeline2"
:error-sink :google-storage ;implied sink of gcs directory "Pipeline2/errors/blah"
:error-handler "RepairJob" ;implied source of gcs directory "Pipeline2/errors/blah"
:targets ["S3Sink" "EnhancedAdwordsSink"]}
{:origin "ShoppingCartClickStream" :targets ["Pipeline3"]}
{:origin "Pipeline3" :targets ["Pipeline2"]}
{:origin "CartTransaction" :targets ["Pipeline4"]}
{:origin "Pipeline4" :targets ["CartTrans-Redshift" {:name "Pipeline2" :type "post"}]} ;implied {:name "CartTrans-Redshift"}, and write to a RedShift table and write to the post-processing queue of Pipeline2?
{:origin "EmailClickstream" :targets ["Pipeline5" "RawEmailS3"]}
{:origin "Pipeline5" :targets ["Emailclicks-RedShift"]}]
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