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Last active January 3, 2023 01:21
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Using pip to install python dependencies for Julia.
using PyCall
# Change that to whatever packages you need.
const PACKAGES = ["pyyaml"]
# Import pip
@pyimport pip
# If it is not found, install it
get_pip = joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "")
download("", get_pip)
run(`$(PyCall.python) $get_pip --user`)
@pyimport pip
args = UTF8String[]
if haskey(ENV, "http_proxy")
push!(args, "--proxy")
push!(args, ENV["http_proxy"])
push!(args, "install")
push!(args, "--user")
append!(args, PACKAGES)
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Luthaf commented Feb 29, 2016

I did not checked the http_proxy part of this, so if someone know how it works, I take any needed corrections!

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montyvesselinov commented Mar 1, 2016

This is great! Note extra @pyimport pip is needed to work.

using PyCall

const PACKAGES = ["pyyaml"]

    @pyimport pip
    get_pip = joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "")
    download("", get_pip)
    run(`$(PyCall.python) $get_pip --user`)

@pyimport pip # <<== HERE
args = UTF8String[]
if haskey(ENV, "http_proxy")
    push!(args, "--proxy")
    push!(args, ENV["http_proxy"])
push!(args, "install")
push!(args, "--user")
append!(args, PACKAGES)


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Hello, how to use this file ? Is it necessary to put it somewhere and it will be automatically executed when an user install my package ?
My package depends upon a python package that is not available in conda (but it is trough pip) and I don' know where to start to guarantee its presence to users..

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Luthaf commented Apr 22, 2017

You need to put this file as your package deps/build.jl file, that will be run when someone install this package.

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cortner commented Oct 9, 2017

I've tried this and the @pyimport pip fails on Travis, it then tries to install PIP and decides it already exists. Any idea?

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samuela commented Oct 20, 2020

Calling pip.main does not works at least as of pip v19.0.3, but probably starting around v10. See Here's what I do instead:

import PyCall: pyimport

# See
const PIP_PACKAGES = ["taichi", "matplotlib"]

sys = pyimport("sys")
subprocess = pyimport("subprocess")
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "--user", "--upgrade", "--force-reinstall", PIP_PACKAGES...])

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