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Last active May 6, 2017 23:15
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What if there were no primitive data types in java?
* @author David
* When I took an introductory course in mathematics, the lecturer introduced the natural numbers
* using a set of axioms called the peano axioms.
* I wondered if it would be possible to create a Java class that represents the integers without
* using any primitive type such as int, double, byte, boolean, etc.
* The class should be able to perform the operations + and *.
* I also created the relation ==, <, >, <=, >= to define an order.
* How are the numbers represented?
* Zero is the empty set
* A successor of a number is the set that contains this number
* 0 := {}
* 1 := {0} = {{}}
* 2 := {1} = {{0}} = {{{}}}
* ...
public class PeanoInteger {
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (PeanoInteger i = PeanoInteger.ZERO; i.compareTo(PeanoInteger.TEN) == PeanoInteger.Compare.LESS; i = i.successor()) {
public static final PeanoInteger ZERO = new PeanoInteger(null);
public static final PeanoInteger ONE = ZERO.successor();
public static final PeanoInteger TWO = ONE.successor();
public static final PeanoInteger THREE = TWO.successor();
public static final PeanoInteger TEN = THREE.multiply(THREE).add(ONE);
private PeanoInteger number;
private PeanoInteger(PeanoInteger number) {
this.number = number;
public PeanoInteger successor() {
return new PeanoInteger(this);
public PeanoInteger add(PeanoInteger val) {
PeanoInteger that = this;
for (PeanoInteger i = ZERO; i.compareTo(val) == Compare.LESS; i = i.successor()) {
that = that.successor();
return that;
public PeanoInteger multiply(PeanoInteger val) {
PeanoInteger result = ZERO;
for (PeanoInteger i = ZERO; i.compareTo(val) == Compare.LESS; i = i.successor()) {
result = result.add(this);
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return obj instanceof PeanoInteger ? equals((PeanoInteger) obj) : false;
private boolean equals(PeanoInteger number) {
if (number == null) return false;
if (number.number == null && this.number == null) return true;
if (this.number == null) return false;
return this.number.equals(number.number);
public static enum Compare {
public Compare compareTo(PeanoInteger val) {
PeanoInteger that = this;
while(!(that.number == null && val.number == null)) {
if (that.number == null) return Compare.LESS;
if (val.number == null) return Compare.GREATER;
that = that.number;
val = val.number;
return Compare.EQUALS;
public PeanoInteger copy() {
PeanoInteger clone = new PeanoInteger(null);
PeanoInteger that = number;
while(that != null) {
clone = new PeanoInteger(clone);
that = that.number;
return clone;
* The following code is used to create a string representation of this number
* Any base and any digits are possible
public String asSet() {
return "{" + (number == null ? "" : number.asSet()) + "}";
* This enum defines the representation of the digits
* You may use any base and any digit can have any character as representation
private enum Symbol {
// TEN("A"),
// ELEVEN("B"),
// TWELVE("C"),
// FIFTEEN("F"),
private String symbol;
private Symbol(String symbol) {
this.symbol = symbol;
public Symbol next() {
Symbol[] values = values();
for (int i = 0; i < values.length - 1; i++) {
if (values[i].equals(this)) return values[i+1];
return values[0];
public static Symbol getBySymbol(String symbol) {
for (Symbol s : values()) {
if (s.symbol.equals(symbol))
return s;
throw new Error("No number with this symbol exists");
public boolean isLast() {
return equals(values()[values().length - 1]);
public static Symbol first() {
return values()[0];
public String toString() {
return symbol;
* This method returns the string represenation of the successor of any number as String in any base
* @param s the string representation of the number we want to increase
* @return the string representation of the successor of s
private static String plus(String s) {
if (s.length() == 0) return Symbol.first().next().toString();
String lastCharacter = s.substring(s.length() - 1, s.length());
Symbol lastSymbol = Symbol.getBySymbol(lastCharacter);
if (lastSymbol.isLast())
return plus(s.substring(0, s.length() - 1)) +;
return s.substring(0, s.length() - 1) +;
public String toString() {
String representation = Symbol.first().toString();
PeanoInteger that = number;
while (that != null) {
that = that.number;
representation = plus(representation);
return representation;
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