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Created February 14, 2017 15:27
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  • Save LuxXx/cd0e766b2fcdfa8add80316d918e1178 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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[samp.dll+ADDR_SAMP_CHATMSG_PTR] + 11 = chatlog path
samp.dll+212A68 + 125 -> TimeStamp
samp.dll+2120E8 = DebugMode
samp.dll+212A6C + C = timestamp
See names through walls
samp.dll+86903 - 38 4A 2F - cmp [edx+2F],cl
samp.dll+86906 - 74 4B - je samp.dll+86953
samp.dll+86908 - D9 40 14 - fld dword ptr [eax+14] // nop this
samp.dll+8690B - 51 - push ecx
samp.dll+8690C - 6A 01 - push 01
samp.dll+8690E - 51 - push ecx
samp.dll+8690F - 51 - push ecx
samp.dll+86910 - 6A 01 - push 01
samp.dll+86912 - 83 EC 30 - sub esp,30
samp.dll+86915 - DD 5C 24 28 - fstp qword ptr [esp+28]
samp.dll+86919 - D9 40 10 - fld dword ptr [eax+10]
samp.dll+8691C - DD 5C 24 20 - fstp qword ptr [esp+20]
samp.dll+86920 - D9 40 0C - fld dword ptr [eax+0C]
samp.dll+86923 - DD 5C 24 18 - fstp qword ptr [esp+18]
samp.dll+86927 - D9 05 7CEE6E05 - fld dword ptr [samp.dll+20EE7C]
samp.dll+8692D - DD 5C 24 10 - fstp qword ptr [esp+10]
samp.dll+86931 - D9 05 78EE6E05 - fld dword ptr [samp.dll+20EE78]
samp.dll+86937 - DD 5C 24 08 - fstp qword ptr [esp+08]
samp.dll+8693B - D9 05 74EE6E05 - fld dword ptr [samp.dll+20EE74]
samp.dll+86941 - DD 1C 24 - fstp qword ptr [esp]
samp.dll+86944 - 68 B4435B05 - push samp.dll+D43B4
samp.dll+86949 - E8 72C2FEFF - call samp.dll+72BC0 // or nop this
See HP through walls
samp.dll+85803 - 38 4A 2F - cmp [edx+2F],cl
samp.dll+85806 - 74 4B - je samp.dll+85853
samp.dll+85808 - D9 40 14 - fld dword ptr [eax+14] // nop this
samp.dll+8580B - 51 - push ecx
samp.dll+8580C - 6A 01 - push 01
samp.dll+8580E - 51 - push ecx
samp.dll+8580F - 51 - push ecx
samp.dll+85810 - 6A 01 - push 01
samp.dll+85812 - 83 EC 30 - sub esp,30
samp.dll+85815 - DD 5C 24 28 - fstp qword ptr [esp+28]
samp.dll+85819 - D9 40 10 - fld dword ptr [eax+10]
samp.dll+8581C - DD 5C 24 20 - fstp qword ptr [esp+20]
samp.dll+85820 - D9 40 0C - fld dword ptr [eax+0C]
samp.dll+85823 - DD 5C 24 18 - fstp qword ptr [esp+18]
samp.dll+85827 - D9 05 7CEE6E05 - fld dword ptr [samp.dll+20EE7C]
samp.dll+8582D - DD 5C 24 10 - fstp qword ptr [esp+10]
samp.dll+85831 - D9 05 78EE6E05 - fld dword ptr [samp.dll+20EE78]
samp.dll+85837 - DD 5C 24 08 - fstp qword ptr [esp+08]
samp.dll+8583B - D9 05 74EE6E05 - fld dword ptr [samp.dll+20EE74]
samp.dll+85841 - DD 1C 24 - fstp qword ptr [esp]
samp.dll+85844 - 68 B4435B05 - push samp.dll+D43B4
samp.dll+85849 - E8 72D3FEFF - call samp.dll+72BC0 // or nop this
The Range of name
samp.dll+8573F - 8B 0D 802A7305 - mov ecx,[samp.dll+212A80]
samp.dll+85745 - 8B 91 D5030000 - mov edx,[ecx+000003D5]
samp.dll+8574B - D8 5A 27 - fcomp dword ptr [edx+27]
samp.dll+8574E - DFE0 - fnstsw ax
samp.dll+85750 - F6 C4 41 - test ah,41
samp.dll+85753 - 0F8A 50010000 - jp samp.dll+858A9 // nop this
samp.dll+85759 - 80 7E 05 13 - cmp byte ptr [esi+05],13
samp.dll+8575D - 75 41 - jne samp.dll+857A0
samp.dll+8575F - 8B 4E 0F - mov ecx,[esi+0F]
samp.dll+85762 - 85 C9 - test ecx,ecx
samp.dll+85764 - 74 3A - je samp.dll+857A0
samp.dll+85766 - E8 F529FFFF - call samp.dll+78160
The Range of health
samp.dll+8683F - 8B 0D 802A7505 - mov ecx,[samp.dll+212A80]
samp.dll+86845 - 8B 91 D5030000 - mov edx,[ecx+000003D5]
samp.dll+8684B - D8 5A 27 - fcomp dword ptr [edx+27]
samp.dll+8684E - DFE0 - fnstsw ax
samp.dll+86850 - F6 C4 41 - test ah,41
samp.dll+86853 - 0F8A 71010000 - jp samp.dll+869CA // nop this
samp.dll+86859 - 80 7E 05 13 - cmp byte ptr [esi+05],13
samp.dll+8685D - 75 41 - jne samp.dll+868A0
samp.dll+8685F - 8B 4E 0F - mov ecx,[esi+0F]
samp.dll+86862 - 85 C9 - test ecx,ecx
samp.dll+86864 - 74 3A - je samp.dll+868A0
samp.dll+86866 - E8 F518FFFF - call samp.dll+78160
Decimate-"sprinting time left"-routine
gta_sa.exe+20A5BA - D9 5E 18 - fstp dword ptr [esi+18] // nop this
gta_sa.exe+20A5BD - 83 C4 08 - add esp,08
gta_sa.exe+20A5C0 - B0 01 - mov al,01
gta_sa.exe+20A5C2 - 5E - pop esi
gta_sa.exe+20A5C3 - C2 0800 - ret 0008
gta_sa.exe+340676 - D9 58 2C - fstp dword ptr [eax+2C] // nop this
gta_sa.exe+340679 - 8B 85 6C040000 - mov eax,[ebp+0000046C]
gta_sa.exe+34067F - F6 C4 01 - test ah,01
gta_sa.exe+340682 - 74 1A - je gta_sa.exe+34069E
gta_sa.exe+340684 - 8B 85 8C050000 - mov eax,[ebp+0000058C]
gta_sa.exe+34068A - 85 C0 - test eax,eax
gta_sa.exe+34068C - 74 10 - je gta_sa.exe+34069E
gta_sa.exe+34068E - F6 80 2D040000 04 - test byte ptr [eax+0000042D],04
gta_sa.exe+340695 - 75 07 - jne gta_sa.exe+34069E
gta_sa.exe+340697 - A3 68CDB700 - mov [gta_sa.exe+77CD68],eax
gta_sa.exe+34069C - EB 29 - jmp gta_sa.exe+3406C7
gta_sa.exe+34069E - 8B 85 FC000000 - mov eax,[ebp+000000FC]
gta_sa.exe+3406A4 - 85 C0 - test eax,eax
gta_sa.exe+3406A6 - 74 19 - je gta_sa.exe+3406C1
gta_sa.exe+3406A8 - 8A 48 36 - mov cl,[eax+36]
gta_sa.exe+3406AB - 80 E1 07 - and cl,07
gta_sa.exe+3406AE - 80 F9 02 - cmp cl,02
gta_sa.exe+3406B1 - 75 0E - jne gta_sa.exe+3406C1
gta_sa.exe+3406B3 - F6 80 2D040000 04 - test byte ptr [eax+0000042D],04
gta_sa.exe+3406BA - A3 68CDB700 - mov [gta_sa.exe+77CD68],eax
gta_sa.exe+3406BF - 74 06 - je gta_sa.exe+3406C7
gta_sa.exe+3406C1 - 89 3D 68CDB700 - mov [gta_sa.exe+77CD68],edi
gta_sa.exe+3406C7 - 8D 54 24 10 - lea edx,[esp+10]
gta_sa.exe+3406CB - 52 - push edx
gta_sa.exe+3406CC - 8D 44 24 3C - lea eax,[esp+3C]
gta_sa.exe+3406D0 - 50 - push eax
gta_sa.exe+3406D1 - C6 05 71CDB700 01 - mov byte ptr [gta_sa.exe+77CD71],01
gta_sa.exe+3406D8 - C6 05 70CDB700 01 - mov byte ptr [gta_sa.exe+77CD70],01
gta_sa.exe+3406DF - C6 05 6FCDB700 01 - mov byte ptr [gta_sa.exe+77CD6F],01
gta_sa.exe+34043F - D9 05 24868500 - fld dword ptr [gta_sa.exe+458624]
gta_sa.exe+340445 - EB 0F - jmp gta_sa.exe+340456
gta_sa.exe+340447 - D9 43 08 - fld dword ptr [ebx+08]
gta_sa.exe+34044A - D8 3D 14618D00 - fdivr dword ptr [gta_sa.exe+4D6114]
gta_sa.exe+340450 - D8 0D 3C8B8500 - fmul dword ptr [gta_sa.exe+458B3C] // nop this
gta_sa.exe+340456 - D8 4C 24 1C - fmul dword ptr [esp+1C] //nop this
gta_sa.exe+34045A - 8B 85 80040000 - mov eax,[ebp+00000480]
gta_sa.exe+340460 - D8 48 2C - fmul dword ptr [eax+2C] // nop this
gta_sa.exe+340463 - 66 A1 A8F1B600 - mov ax,[gta_sa.exe+76F1A8]
gta_sa.exe+340469 - 66 3D 3500 - cmp ax,0035
gta_sa.exe+34046D - D8 0D 10618D00 - fmul dword ptr [gta_sa.exe+4D6110]
gta_sa.exe+340473 - D9 5C 24 1C - fstp dword ptr [esp+1C]
gta_sa.exe+340477 - 0F84 AE000000 - je gta_sa.exe+34052B
gta_sa.exe+3428B0 - 89 46 08 - mov [esi+08],eax // nop this for clip ammo
gta_sa.exe+3428B3 - 8B 46 0C - mov eax,[esi+0C] // you may nop this for same effect like DecimateAmmoGeneral
gta_sa.exe+3428B6 - 85 C0 - test eax,eax
gta_sa.exe+3428B8 - 7E 2F - jle gta_sa.exe+3428E9
gta_sa.exe+3428BA - 3D A8610000 - cmp eax,000061A8
gta_sa.exe+3428BF - 8A 44 24 60 - mov al,[esp+60]
gta_sa.exe+3428C3 - 7C 06 - jnge gta_sa.exe+3428CB
gta_sa.exe+3428C5 - 84 C0 - test al,al
gta_sa.exe+3428C7 - 74 20 - je gta_sa.exe+3428E9
gta_sa.exe+3428C9 - EB 04 - jmp gta_sa.exe+3428CF
gta_sa.exe+3428CB - 84 C0 - test al,al
gta_sa.exe+3428CD - 74 17 - je gta_sa.exe+3428E6
gta_sa.exe+3428CF - E8 0C69E1FF - call gta_sa.exe+1591E0
gta_sa.exe+3428D4 - D8 1D 28868500 - fcomp dword ptr [gta_sa.exe+458628]
gta_sa.exe+3428DA - DFE0 - fnstsw ax
gta_sa.exe+3428DC - F6 C4 05 - test ah,05
gta_sa.exe+3428DF - 7B 05 - jnp gta_sa.exe+3428E6
gta_sa.exe+3428E1 - 83 3E 28 - cmp dword ptr [esi],28
gta_sa.exe+3428E4 - 75 03 - jne gta_sa.exe+3428E9
gta_sa.exe+3428E6 - FF 4E 0C - dec [esi+0C] // nop this for general ammo
gta_sa.exe+3428E9 - 8B 46 08 - mov eax,[esi+08]
gta_sa.exe+3428EC - 85 C0 - test eax,eax
gta_sa.exe+3428EE - C7 46 04 01000000 - mov [esi+04],00000001
gta_sa.exe+3428F5 - 0F85 B0000000 - jne gta_sa.exe+3429AB
gta_sa.exe+3428FB - 8B 46 0C - mov eax,[esi+0C]
original code:
gta_sa.exe+BA3B9 - 0F84 A6030000 - je gta_sa.exe+BA765
injected code:
gta_sa.exe+BA3B9 - E9 A7030000 - jmp gta_sa.exe+BA765
gta_sa.exe+BA3BE - 90 - nop
complete original function:
gta_sa.exe+BA3B9 - 0F84 A6030000 - je gta_sa.exe+BA765 // change this to jmp
gta_sa.exe+BA3BF - 8B 16 - mov edx,[esi]
gta_sa.exe+BA3C1 - 52 - push edx
gta_sa.exe+BA3C2 - 8B CD - mov ecx,ebp
gta_sa.exe+BA3C4 - E8 975BFFFF - call gta_sa.exe+AFF60
Enable CarName Rendering:
injected code:
gta_sa.exe+18FBE9 - E8 B2B2FFFF - call gta_sa.exe+18AEA0
TogglePlayerControllable (return first and nop second byte):
gta_sa.exe+14A70 - 24 D9 - and al,-27
Keep Cars on Fire (jmp every je instruction):
gta_sa.exe+2B3790 - 0F84 05040000 - je gta_sa.exe+2B3B9B
0x006B3790 E906040000
gta_sa.exe+2BEA1A - 0F84 F8000000 - je gta_sa.exe+2BEB18
0x6BEA1A E9F900000090
gta_sa.exe+2C6D3C - 0F84 03030000 - je gta_sa.exe+2C7045
0x6C6D3C E90403000090
gta_sa.exe+2CCCFD - 0F84 7C030000 - je gta_sa.exe+2CD07F
0x6CCCFD E97D03000090
gta_sa.exe+2F21D5 - 0F84 56030000 - je gta_sa.exe+2F2531
0x6F21D5 E95703000090
Sprint on any surface:
0x0055E870 B800000000 C20400
00439600 givejetpack func
0x439D80 blowallcars
gta_sa.exe+4AFA4 PNS Func
Decimate HP by weapon:
gta_sa.exe+B330E - D9 86 40050000 - fld dword ptr [esi+00000540]
gta_sa.exe+B3314 - D8 65 04 - fsub dword ptr [ebp+04] // nop this
gta_sa.exe+B3317 - D9 5C 24 14 - fstp dword ptr [esp+14]
gta_sa.exe+B331B - 8B 54 24 14 - mov edx,[esp+14]
gta_sa.exe+B331F - 89 96 40050000 - mov [esi+00000540],edx
gta_sa.exe+B3325 - 74 74 - je gta_sa.exe+B339B
gta_sa.exe+B3327 - 83 7D 0C 35 - cmp dword ptr [ebp+0C],35
Decimate HP 2:
samp.dll+6DC60 - 8B 81 A4020000 - mov eax,[ecx+000002A4]
samp.dll+6DC66 - 85 C0 - test eax,eax
samp.dll+6DC68 - 74 0A - je samp.dll+6DC74
samp.dll+6DC6A - 8B 4C 24 04 - mov ecx,[esp+04]
samp.dll+6DC6E - 89 88 40050000 - mov [eax+00000540],ecx // nop that
samp.dll+6DC74 - C2 0400 - ret 0004
decimate hp by fall:
gta_sa.exe+B338A - 88 4F 08 - mov [edi+08],cl
gta_sa.exe+B338D - 8B 86 40050000 - mov eax,[esi+00000540]
gta_sa.exe+B3393 - 89 07 - mov [edi],eax
gta_sa.exe+B3395 - 89 9E 40050000 - mov [esi+00000540],ebx // this
gta_sa.exe+B339B - 5F - pop edi
gta_sa.exe+B339C - 5E - pop esi
gta_sa.exe+B339D - 5D - pop ebp
gta_sa.exe+B339E - 5B - pop ebx
gta_sa.exe+B339F - C2 0C00 - ret 000C
gta_sa.exe+23758E - 8B CF - mov ecx,edi
gta_sa.exe+237590 - C7 87 40050000 00000000 - mov [edi+00000540],00000000 // this
gta_sa.exe+23759A - E8 7177FAFF - call gta_sa.exe+1DED10
gta_sa.exe+23759F - 8B 0D 84CBB700 - mov ecx,[gta_sa.exe+77CB84]
gta_sa.exe+2375A5 - 89 8F 50070000 - mov [edi+00000750],ecx
gta_sa.exe+2375AB - 5F - pop edi
gta_sa.exe+2375AC - 5E - pop esi
gta_sa.exe+2375AD - C2 0400 - ret 0004
samp.dll+6DC60 - 8B 81 A4020000 - mov eax,[ecx+000002A4]
samp.dll+6DC66 - 85 C0 - test eax,eax
samp.dll+6DC68 - 74 0A - je samp.dll+6DC74
samp.dll+6DC6A - 8B 4C 24 04 - mov ecx,[esp+04]
samp.dll+6DC6E - 89 88 40050000 - mov [eax+00000540],ecx // this
samp.dll+6DC74 - C2 0400 - ret 0004
gta_sa.exe+2306F7 - 85 C0 - test eax,eax
gta_sa.exe+2306F9 - 75 07 - jne gta_sa.exe+230702
gta_sa.exe+2306FB - 84 DB - test bl,bl
gta_sa.exe+2306FD - 75 03 - jne gta_sa.exe+230702
gta_sa.exe+2306FF - 21 7E 1C - and [esi+1C],edi
gta_sa.exe+230702 - 0FBE 8E 18070000 - movsx ecx,byte ptr [esi+00000718]
gta_sa.exe+230709 - 6B C9 1C - imul ecx,ecx,1C
gta_sa.exe+23070C - C7 86 40050000 00000000 - mov [esi+00000540],00000000 // this
gta_sa.exe+230716 - 8B 84 31 A0050000 - mov eax,[ecx+esi+000005A0]
gta_sa.exe+23071D - 6A 01 - push 01
gta_sa.exe+23071F - 50 - push eax
gta_sa.exe+230720 - E8 3B351100 - call gta_sa.exe+343C60
gta_sa.exe+420F8 - 89 56 40 - mov [esi+40],edx
gta_sa.exe+420FB - 89 9E 48050000 - mov [esi+00000548],ebx
gta_sa.exe+42101 - D9 9E 40050000 - fstp dword ptr [esi+00000540] // this
gta_sa.exe+42107 - 89 46 1C - mov [esi+1C],eax
gta_sa.exe+4210A - 89 9E 50070000 - mov [esi+00000750],ebx
gta_sa.exe+42110 - 81 E7 FFFFFFEF - and edi,EFFFFFFF
gta_sa.exe+42116 - 89 BE 6C040000 - mov [esi+0000046C],edi
gta_sa.exe+4211C - 88 59 40 - mov [ecx+40],bl
gta_sa.exe+4211F - 8B 96 80040000 - mov edx,[esi+00000480]
gta_sa.exe+42125 - 88 5A 41 - mov [edx+41],bl
gta_sa.exe+42128 - E8 53B62D00 - call gta_sa.exe+31D780
gta_sa.exe+B32F9 - F6 C4 01 - test ah,01
gta_sa.exe+B32FC - 0F85 88000000 - jne gta_sa.exe+B338A
gta_sa.exe+B3302 - 38 5C 24 1C - cmp [esp+1C],bl
gta_sa.exe+B3306 - 88 5F 08 - mov [edi+08],bl
gta_sa.exe+B3309 - 8B 4D 04 - mov ecx,[ebp+04]
gta_sa.exe+B330C - 89 0F - mov [edi],ecx
gta_sa.exe+B330E - D9 86 40050000 - fld dword ptr [esi+00000540]
gta_sa.exe+B3314 - D8 65 04 - fsub dword ptr [ebp+04]
gta_sa.exe+B3317 - D9 5C 24 14 - fstp dword ptr [esp+14]
gta_sa.exe+B331B - 8B 54 24 14 - mov edx,[esp+14]
gta_sa.exe+B331F - 89 96 40050000 - mov [esi+00000540],edx // this
DL Func
samp.dll+7B5C0 - A0 A02A8C05 - mov ax,[samp.dll+212AA0]
samp.dll+7B5C5 - 84 C0 - test al,al
samp.dll+7B5C7 - 0F94 C0 - sete al
samp.dll+7B5CA - A2 A02A8C05 - mov byte ptr [samp.dll+212AA0],al
samp.dll+7B5CF - C3 - ret
DL Func 2
samp.dll+86BCA - 8B 0D 782A8C05 - mov ecx,[samp.dll+212A78]
samp.dll+86BD0 - 85 C9 - test ecx,ecx
samp.dll+86BD2 - 74 05 - je samp.dll+86BD9
samp.dll+86BD4 - E8 7728FFFF - call samp.dll+79450
samp.dll+86BD9 - A0 A02A8C05 - mov ax,[samp.dll+212AA0]
samp.dll+86BDE - 84 C0 - test al,al
samp.dll+86BE0 - 0F84 78010000 - je samp.dll+86D5E // ac changes this to jmp
samp.dll+86BE6 - 8B 0D 482A8C05 - mov ecx,[samp.dll+212A48]
samp.dll+86BEC - 85 C9 - test ecx,ecx
samp.dll+86BEE - 74 05 - je samp.dll+86BF5
samp.dll+86BF0 - E8 2B6AFFFF - call samp.dll+7D620
samp.dll+86BF5 - 33 C0 - xor eax,eax
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ecx
mov [ebp-04],ecx
mov eax,[ebp-04]
cmp dword ptr [eax],00
jne 5E7A58C3
xor al,al
jmp 5E7A58D2
mov ecx,[ebp-04]
mov edx,[ecx]
mov eax,[edx+01]
mov cl,[ebp+08]
start engine?
samp.dll+78560 - 8B 44 24 04 - mov eax,[esp+04]
samp.dll+78564 - 89 41 50 - mov [ecx+50],eax
samp.dll+78567 - C2 0400 - ret 0004
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