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NetworkInterface refactoring proposal.


For adding custom implementation of Network Interface Listener should be changes CMakelists.txt and added additional implementation of

Example adding implementation for custom_os

  1. Crete folder src/components/transport_manager/include/transport_manager/tcp/platform_specific/custom_os
  2. Crete file src/components/transport_manager/include/transport_manager/tcp/platform_specific/custom_os/platform_specific_network_interface_listener_impl.h with class PlatformSpecificNetworkInterfaceListener:
    • PlatformSpecificNetworkInterfaceListener should be inherited from NetworkInterfaceListener.
    • PlatformSpecificNetworkInterfaceListener may contain os specific data types and privte functions, it won't affect other SDL classes
  3. Create folder src/components/transport_manager/src/tcp/platform_specific/custom_os :
  4. Create file with custom_os implementation of PlatformSpecificNetworkInterfaceListener
  5. Modify src/components/transport_manager/CMakeLists.txt :
    • Add to include path src/components/transport_manager/include/transport_manager/tcp/platform_specific/custom_os in case if compile target is custom_os
    • Add to source list src/components/transport_manager/src/tcp/platform_specific/custom_os/ in case if compile target is custom_os


After compilation of SDL for custom_os it will use custom created implementation of Network Interface Listener

Changes related to PR : smartdevicelink/sdl_core#2164


This proposal is about refactoring NetworkInterfaceListener for better cross platform support.


NetworkInterfaceListener main purpose is to listeno to following system events:

  • The interface of Ip address changed
  • Interfaces added
  • Interface removed

and to notify TcpClientListener about them.

There is no way to do cross platform implementation of NetworkInterfaceListener.
Proposed solution is to use Pimple design pattern for easy implementation replacing
and reducing platform specific dependencies for other components.

Detailed design

It is proposed to implement this feature by following design: Proposaed design

Followign files will be created:

include/network_interface_listener.h :

Interface of NetworkInterfaceListener without any implementation, should be used by other cmponents that will handle with class

class NetworkInterfaceListener {
  virtual bool Init() = 0;

include/network_interface_listener_impl.h :

Pimple implementation of NetworkInterfaceListener, actually this class should only transmit method calls to platform specific implementation

class NetworkInterfaceListenerImpl : NetworkInterfaceListener {
  bool Init() OVERRIDE;
  std::unique_ptr<NetworkInterfaceListener> impl_; // platform specific implementation of NetworkInterfaceListener

scr/ :

Implementation of Pimple class that transmit method calls to platform specific implementation Platform specific implementation should be configured by build system, and any platform specific types may be accessible only in source files, but not public headers

#include "network_interface_listener_impl.h"
#include "platfrom_specific_network_interface_listener.h"

  bool NetworkInterfaceListenerImpl::NetworkInterfaceListenerImpl() :
    impl_(new PlatformSpecificNetworkInterfaceListener) {}
  bool NetworkInterfaceListenerImpl::Init() {
    return impl_->Init();

include/pimple/linux/platfrom_specific_network_interface_listener.h :

Linux implementation of NetworkInterfaceListener

// Linux specific uncludes
class PlatformSpecificNetworkInterfaceListener : NetworkInterfaceListener {
  bool Init() OVERRIDE;
  // Linux specific class members

src/pimple/linux/ :

Linux implementation of NetworkInterfaceListener

  bool PlatformSpecificNetworkInterfaceListener::Init() {
    // Linux specific code

include/pimple/qnx/platfrom_specific_network_interface_listener.h :

QNX implementation of NetworkInterfaceListener

// Linux specific uncludes
class PlatformSpecificNetworkInterfaceListener : NetworkInterfaceListener {
  bool Init() OVERRIDE;
  // QNX specific class members

src/pimple/qnx/ :

QNX implementation of NetworkInterfaceListener QNX implementation for open source may be just a stub

  bool PlatformSpecificNetworkInterfaceListener::Init() {
    // QNX specific code


Configuration file includes in compilation certain implementation depending on target system


include_dirs ()

Alternative solution:

We may use ifefs inside scr/ creating platform specific class, but it would introduce not desired entropy (ifdefs also should be added for includes).


  1. Make sure the following parameters are defined in SDL .INI file:
    • MultipleTransportsEnabled = true
    • SecondaryTransportForBluetooth = WiFi
  2. Make sure Bluetooth and WiFi connections available
  3. Make sure Mobile device is connected to the same WiFi network as SDL
  4. Make sure specific version of SPT is installed on Mobile device (4001-20170510)
  5. Run SDL, Web-HMI and SPT


  1. Register NAVI mobile applicaion using BT transport. Observe the following messages in SPT log:
    - onEnableSecondaryTransport(): 
secondaryTransport list: TCP_WIFI
audio list: 1, 2
video list: 1, 2
secondaryConnectionEnabled: true
    - onTransportEventUpdate(): 
ipAddr is: <real_ip_address>; port is: <real_port>
secondaryConnectionEnabled: true
secondaryTransportTypes: TCP
Start TCP Transport.
    - startStreamingServices(): 
Start Pending Services on Secondary Transport.
secondaryServices is Empty.
    - onRegisterSecondaryTransportACK(): 
Start Streaming Services now.
  1. Start Video streaming and allow it on Web-HMI.
    - startService(): 
secondarySdlConnection != null: true; allowed: true
isEncrypted: false
secondarySdlConnection startService
    - onProtocolSessionStarted: 
SessionID: 1 ServiceType: NAV Encrypted: false
    - startVideoStream(): 
AcceptedProtocol is: RAW
ServiceAllowed for Secondary: true
  1. Stop Video streaming.
using secondarySdlConnection
    - OnServiceEnded for ServiceType: NAV
    - onProtocolSessionEnded: 
SessionID: 1 End ServiceType: NAV
  1. Start Audio streaming and allow it on Web-HMI.
    - startService(): 
secondarySdlConnection != null: true; allowed: true
isEncrypted: false
secondarySdlConnection startService
    - onProtocolSessionStarted: 
SessionID: 1 ServiceType: PCM Encrypted: false
    - startAudioStream(): 
ServiceAllowed for Secondary: true
  1. Stop Audio streaming
using secondarySdlConnection
    - OnServiceEnded for ServiceType: PCM
    - onProtocolSessionEnded: 
SessionID: 1 End ServiceType: PCM
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