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Last active August 6, 2018 11:54
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Shell script to list licenses of Go dependencies through the Github license API
set -euo pipefail
# Export GITHUB_TOKEN shell variable with a Github token with no special
# permissions assigned. Afterwards start the script with a import path
# prefix as first argument:
# Rewrite vendors to their normal package paths
# Rewrite wrapper packages to their Github source
# Shorten Github projects to have no sub-paths
function get_github_license() {
[[ $1 =~ ^* ]] || {
# Script only supports querying Github for licenses
echo "Unknown"
lic=$(curl -sSfL -u "api:${GITHUB_TOKEN}"${}/license 2>/dev/null || echo '{"license":{"spdx_id":"Unknown"}}')
echo "${lic}" | jq -r '.license.spdx_id' | sed 's/null/Unknown/'
function main() {
# Query imports from supplied import path
list=$(go list -f '{{ join .Imports "\n" }}' ${IMPORT_PATH}/...)
# Apply replacements
for repl in ${replaces[@]}; do
list=$(echo "${list}" | sed -E "${repl}")
# Iterate through imports
for dep in $(echo "${list}" | sort | uniq); do
echo -e "$(get_github_license ${dep})\t${dep} "
done | sort
[ -z "${IMPORT_PATH}" ] && {
echo "Usage: $0 <import path>"
exit 2
[ -z "${GITHUB_TOKEN:-}" ] && {
echo "No GITHUB_TOKEN provided, stopping to work now"
exit 2
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