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Last active May 13, 2023 05:27
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  • Save Lyceris-chan/06a9cdb50c01164456fea8c5df5b1662 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Lyceris-chan/06a9cdb50c01164456fea8c5df5b1662 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
custom CSS rules meant to be used with the Ultra theme for Better Discord
/* Misc changes "stolen" I mean borrowed from the vencord css-snippets channel along with some personal changes */
/* Changes made in Ultra.theme.css */
/* [Changed]: > */
/* [Changed]: importing Lato > Manrope and removed :wght and &display=swap from both font imports (fixes buttons / text clipping issues?)
/* [Added]: @import url('');
/* [Changed]: --font: "Lato"; > --font: "Manrope";
/* Fixes the scrollbar icons appearing when using certain fonts */
[class*="headerText-"] {
overflow-y: hidden;
/* Hide the activities button when in call */
button[aria-label="Start an Activity"] {
display: none;
/* Hides the show user profile in DM button */
div[role="button"][aria-label="Hide User Profile"].iconWrapper-2awDjA,
div[role="button"][aria-label="Show User Profile"].iconWrapper-2awDjA,
div[role="button"][aria-label="Show User Profile (Unavailable)"].iconWrapper-2awDjA {
display: none;
/* Get rid of super reacts */
[aria-label^="Add Super Reaction"],
[aria-label^="Reaction Picker Categories"],
[class^="reactionDefault-"][aria-label*="super reaction"],
[class^="reactionSelected-"][aria-label*="super reaction"],
[class^="reactions-"] > div > [style*="background:"] {
display: none !important;
/* Hides the apps section in the context menu when clicking on a message */
#message-actions-apps {
display: none;
/* Hides the Public tag on the server header */
.communityInfo-3YsNIn {
display: none;
/* Changes the color of server names so they actually become readable when using Ultra */
.text-md-semibold-2VMhBr {
color: #dcddde;
text-transform: none;
/* Changes the stream application/window selector to become a list instead */
.sourceContainer-1uqUbz {
flex-direction: column;
.sourceName-3Wf8QG {
width: unset;
.tile-3POX2m > .flex-2S1XBF {
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: start;
.tile-3POX2m > .flex-2S1XBF > .flex-2S1XBF {
flex: unset !important;
margin-right: 16px;
/* Changes the look of the Read all button */
.button-ejjZWC.lookFilled-1H2Jvj.colorBrand-2M3O3N.sizeMin-3Yqxk5.grow-2T4nbg {
border-radius: 10px;
font-size: 12px;
margin-left: 6px !important;
padding: 2px 4px;
.button-ejjZWC.lookFilled-1H2Jvj.colorBrand-2M3O3N.sizeMin-3Yqxk5.grow-2T4nbg > .contents-3NembX {
padding: 1px 4px;
/* Minimizes the search bar into a button until the user hovers over it */
:root {
--transitionspeed: 0.25s;
.search-2Mwzzq:not(.open-1F8u2c) .searchBar-jGtisZ {
width: 27px;
transition: var(--transitionspeed);
background-color: transparent;
.search-2Mwzzq:not(.open-1F8u2c):hover .searchBar-jGtisZ {
width: 170px;
background-color: var(--background-tertiary);
.search-2Mwzzq:not(.open-1F8u2c) .iconContainer-1RqWJj {
transform: scale(1.3);
transition: var(--transitionspeed);
.search-2Mwzzq:not(.open-1F8u2c):hover .iconContainer-1RqWJj {
transform: scale(1);
.search-2Mwzzq:not(.open-1F8u2c) .icon-18rqoe {
color: var(--text-normal);
.search-2Mwzzq:not(.open-1F8u2c):hover .icon-18rqoe {
color: var(--text-muted);
/* Hides the new member badge */
[class^="newMemberBadge"] {
display: none;
/* Hides the invite button for DM */
.privateChannelRecipientsInviteButtonIcon-1ObKXK {
display: none;
/* Nuke profile decorations */
[mask="url(#svg-mask-avatar-decoration-profile-status-square-80)"] {
mask: url("#svg-mask-avatar-status-round-80") !important;
[mask="url(#svg-mask-avatar-decoration-profile-status-mobile-square-80)"] {
mask: url("#svg-mask-avatar-status-mobile-80") !important;
svg[class*="avatarDecorationHint"] {
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
height: 80px;
width: 80px;
[class^="userPopoutInner"] [class^="wrapper"] [class^="banner"],
[class*="bannerSVGWrapper"] mask image {
display: none;
[mask^="url(#svg-mask-avatar-decoration-profile"] [class*="avatarHintInner"] {
font-size: 12px !important;
/* Fixes the bottom bar of the Screen Share menu not being themed? */
.flex-2S1XBF.flex-3BkGQD.horizontalReverse-60Katr.horizontalReverse-2QssvL.flex-3BkGQD.directionRowReverse-HZatnx.justifyStart-2Mwniq.alignStretch-Uwowzr.noWrap-hBpHBz.footer-IubaaS.footerSeparator-3U8YsT {
background-color: #17161b;
/* Fixes the PlatformIndicators plugin icon for Mobile Do Not Disturb / other cases being the wrong height */
.wrapper-3Un6-K.avatar-3QF_VA > svg > rect.pointerEvents-2KjWnj[mask="url(#svg-mask-status-online-mobile)"] {
height: 35px !important;
/* Hides the Billing Settings stuff from discord settings */
div :has(+ .premiumTab-39eQzY),
.premiumTab-39eQzY + div,
.premiumTab-39eQzY + div + div,
.premiumTab-39eQzY + div + div + div,
.premiumTab-39eQzY + div + div + div + div,
.premiumTab-39eQzY + div + div + div + div + div {
display: none;
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