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Created November 25, 2019 21:29
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The predicate monad transformer (PredT M A = (M A -> Prop))
Set Universe Polymorphism.
From Coq Require Import Setoid Morphisms.
From ExtLib Require Import Structures.Monad.
From ITree Require Import ITree.
Variant Cont (R A : Type) : Type :=
| MkCont (runCont : (A -> R) -> R)
Arguments MkCont {R A}.
Definition runCont {R A} (f : Cont R A) : (A -> R) -> R :=
match f with
| MkCont f' => f'
Definition retCont {R A} (a : A) : Cont R A :=
MkCont (fun k => k a).
Definition bindCont {R A B} (u : Cont R A) (h : A -> Cont R B) :=
MkCont (fun k =>
runCont u (fun a =>
runCont (h a) k)).
Instance Monad_Cont {R} : Monad (Cont R) :=
{| ret := @retCont R
; bind := @bindCont R
Class RelMonad (M : Type -> Type) : Type :=
{ rret : forall A, A -> M A -> Prop
; rsubst : forall A B, (A -> M B -> Prop) -> M A -> M B -> Prop
; rfmap : forall A B, (A -> B -> Prop) -> M A -> M B -> Prop
Arguments rret {M _ _}.
Arguments rfmap {M _ _ _}.
Arguments rsubst {M _ _ _}.
Definition eq_rel {A B} (RL RR : A -> B -> Prop) : Prop :=
forall a b, RL a b <-> RR a b.
Infix "⩯" := eq_rel (at level 40).
Definition catrel {A B C} (RL : A -> B -> Prop) (RR : B -> C -> Prop)
: A -> C -> Prop :=
fun a c => exists b, RL a b /\ RR b c.
Class RelMonadLaws (M : Type -> Type) {RM : RelMonad M} : Prop :=
{ Proper_rsubst : forall A B, Proper (eq_rel ==> eq_rel) (rsubst (A := A) (B := B))
; rsubst_rret : forall A,
rsubst rret ⩯ @eq (M A)
; cat_rsubst_rret : forall A B (f : A -> M B -> Prop),
catrel rret (rsubst f) ⩯ f
; rsubst_rsubst : forall A B C (f : A -> M B -> Prop) (g : B -> M C -> Prop),
catrel (rsubst f) (rsubst g) ⩯ rsubst (catrel f (rsubst g))
Definition funrel {A B} (f : A -> B) (a : A) : B -> Prop :=
eq (f a).
Notation subst k := (fun u => bind u k).
(* [funrel] is a monad morphism between [M] as a monad on functions
and [M] as a monad on relations. *)
Class RelMonadMorphism (M : Type -> Type) {MM : Monad M} {RM : RelMonad M} : Prop :=
{ rret_ret : forall A, rret (A := A) ⩯ funrel ret
; rsubst_subst : forall A B (k : A -> M B),
rsubst (funrel k) ⩯ funrel (subst k)
Section RMM.
{M : Type -> Type}
{MM : Monad M}
{RM : RelMonad M}
{RMM : RelMonadMorphism M}.
Lemma rret_ret_rel {A} (a : A) : rret a (ret a).
apply rret_ret; reflexivity.
Lemma rsubst_subst_rel {A B} (u : M A) (k : A -> M B)
: rsubst (funrel k) u (bind u k).
apply rsubst_subst; reflexivity.
End RMM.
Section Pred.
Definition lift_Pred {M} `{RelMonad M} {A}
(u : M A) : M A -> Prop :=
fun v => u = v.
Definition bind_Pred {M} `{RelMonad M} {A B}
(pu : M A -> Prop) (pk : A -> M B -> Prop) : M B -> Prop :=
fun v =>
exists u,
pu u /\
rsubst pk u v.
Definition ret_Pred {M} `{RelMonad M} {A} (a : A) : M A -> Prop :=
rret a.
Section PredProof.
Notation lift := lift_Pred.
(M : Type -> Type)
{MM : Monad M}
{RM : RelMonad M}
{RML : RelMonadLaws M}
{RMM : RelMonadMorphism M}.
Definition eq_pred {A} (p q : A -> Prop) : Prop :=
forall a, p a <-> q a.
Theorem ret_bind_l {A B} (a : A) (pk : A -> M B -> Prop)
: eq_pred (bind_Pred (ret_Pred a) pk)
(pk a).
unfold bind_Pred, ret_Pred.
red; intros.
- intros [? []].
eapply cat_rsubst_rret.
red; eauto.
- intros.
eapply cat_rsubst_rret in H. (* This repetition could be avoided... *)
Theorem ret_bind_r {A} (pu : M A -> Prop)
: eq_pred (bind_Pred pu ret_Pred)
unfold bind_Pred, ret_Pred.
red; intros.
- intros [? []].
apply rsubst_rret in H0.
subst; auto.
- intros.
eexists; split; eauto.
apply rsubst_rret.
Theorem bind_bind {A B C} (pu : M A -> Prop) (pk : A -> M B -> Prop)
(ph : B -> M C -> Prop)
: eq_pred (bind_Pred (bind_Pred pu pk) ph)
(bind_Pred pu (fun a => bind_Pred (pk a) ph)).
unfold bind_Pred, ret_Pred.
- intros [? [ [? []] ]].
eexists; split; eauto.
apply rsubst_rsubst.
red; eauto.
- intros [? []].
apply rsubst_rsubst in H0.
destruct H0 as [? []].
Theorem lift_bind {A B} (u : M A) (k : A -> M B)
: eq_pred (lift (bind u k))
(bind_Pred (lift u) (fun a => lift (k a))).
unfold bind_Pred, lift.
- intros []. eexists; split; eauto.
apply rsubst_subst. red; auto.
- intros [? []]. apply rsubst_subst. subst; auto.
End PredProof.
End Pred.
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