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Created March 29, 2019 18:12
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A presentation about coinductive types (given at UPenn's PLClub)
Require Arith.
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
(** * Coinductive types and coinduction *)
(** ** Infinite streams *)
CoInductive stream : Type :=
Cons : nat -> stream -> stream.
(* Lazy data structure to represent infinite sequences of [nat]. *)
(** ** A simple stream example *)
(* count_from n = Cons n (Cons (1+n) (Cons (2+n) (...))) *)
CoFixpoint count_from (n : nat) : stream :=
Cons n (count_from (1 + n)).
(* ^
Constructor guarding the recursive call to [count_from]
(** ** CoFixpoints don't reduce: they are lazy *)
Compute (count_from 0).
(* Nope! *)
(* Why it would be a bad idea to reduce:
count_from 0
= Cons 0 (count_from 1)
= Cons 0 (Cons 1 (count_from 2))
= Cons 0 (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (count_from 3)))
= ...
Ad infinitum.
CoFixpoints, such as [count_from], must be normal forms.
(** ** Lazy computation must be forced. *)
(** *** First element of a stream*)
Definition head (s : stream) : nat :=
match s with
| Cons i _ => i
(* head (count_from 0)
= match count_from 0 with
| Cons i _ => i
(* [match] "forces" [count_from], unfolding until the pattern matches. *)
= match Cons 0 (count_from 1) with
| Cons i _ => i
= 0
Compute (head (count_from 0)).
(* 0 *)
(** *** Elements remaining after the first *)
Definition tail (s : stream) : stream :=
match s with
| Cons _ s' => s'
Compute (head (tail (count_from 0))).
(* 1 *)
Compute (head (tail (tail (count_from 0)))).
(* 2 *)
(** ** Approximate streams finitely with lists *)
Fixpoint take (n : nat) (s : stream) : list nat :=
match n with
| O => []
| S n' => head s :: take n' (tail s)
Compute take 10 (count_from 0).
(* [0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9] *)
(** ** Equality of streams *)
(* A variant of [count_from] which outputs two numbers before looping. *)
CoFixpoint count_from2 (n : nat) : stream :=
Cons n (Cons (1 + n) (count_from2 (2 + n))).
(** *** Comparing finite approximations *)
Compute take 10 (count_from 0).
(* [0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9] *)
Compute take 10 (count_from2 0).
(* Same result *)
Lemma count_to_10_eq : take 10 (count_from 0) = take 10 (count_from2 0).
Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed.
(** ** Proof that the two streams are actually equal... fails. *)
Lemma count_from_eq : count_from 0 = count_from2 0.
(* Stuck... *)
(* unfold count_from. *) (* Doesn't help *)
(* Problem 1: There is no way to unfold the cofixpoints
in [count_from] and [count_from2]. *)
(* Problem 2: The only closed normal form of type [_ = _] is [eq_refl]. *)
(* Problem 3: Even assuming cofixpoints can be unfolded (which is sound),
we cannot keep unfolding indefinitely: *)
Axiom unfold_count_from : forall n,
count_from n = Cons n (count_from (1 + n)).
Axiom unfold_count_from2 : forall n,
count_from2 n = Cons n (Cons (1 + n) (count_from2 (2 + n))).
rewrite unfold_count_from, unfold_count_from2.
rewrite unfold_count_from.
(** ** Take away *)
(* [=] in Coq is actually too strong a notion of equality for streams.
We need to formalize a different one.
(** ** Formalizing stream equality *)
(** ** First solution: "Approximation equivalence" *)
(* Two streams are equal when all finite approximations are equal. *)
Definition eq_approx (s1 s2 : stream) : Prop
:= forall n, take n s1 = take n s2.
Import Arith.
Lemma count_from_eq : forall m, eq_approx (count_from m) (count_from2 m).
intros m n. revert m.
induction n using lt_wf_ind. (* strong induction *)
intros m.
destruct n.
- simpl. reflexivity.
- simpl. f_equal. destruct n.
+ simpl. reflexivity.
+ simpl. f_equal.
rewrite H.
* reflexivity.
* auto.
(* Good: Simple definition *)
(* Bad: Reasoning about fuel (n) *)
(** ** Bisimilarity *)
Module Bisim1.
(* Intuitively a good notion of equality [≈] should satisfy:
s1 ≈ s2 -> head s1 = head s2 (* nat *)
/\ tail s1 ≈ tail s2 (* stream *)
There are many relations which satisfy that implication.
These relations are called _bisimulations_.
Definition is_bisimulation (bis : stream -> stream -> Prop) : Prop :=
forall s1 s2 : stream,
bis s1 s2 -> (head s1 = head s2 /\ bis (tail s1) (tail s2)).
(* We can consider two streams [s1] and [s2] "equal" when they are related by
some bisimulation. We say [s1] and [s2] are (_strongly_) _bisimilar_.
Definition bisimilar (s1 s2 : stream) : Prop
:= exists bis, is_bisimulation bis /\ bis s1 s2.
Infix "≈" := bisimilar (at level 70) : bisim_scope.
Local Open Scope bisim_scope.
(* Equivalent formulations:
- Bisimilarity is the union of bisimulations (viewed as sets of pairs);
- Bisimilarity is the greatest bisimulation (for set inclusion).
Lemma count_from_eq : forall m, count_from m ≈ count_from2 m.
intros m.
exists (fun s1 s2 =>
exists m,
s1 = count_from m
/\ ( s2 = count_from2 m
\/ s2 = Cons m (count_from2 (S m)))).
- clear. red. intros s1 s2 [m [Hs1 Hs2]].
destruct Hs2 as [Hs2 | Hs2].
+ subst s1 s2; simpl; eauto.
+ subst s1 s2; simpl; eauto.
- eauto.
(* To prove bisimilarity, we must find an explicit simulation.
Already for [count_from2], that's pretty heavyweight.
End Bisim1.
(** ** Paco (Parameterized Coinduction) *)
From Paco Require Import paco.
Module Bisim2.
(* When [≈] is bisimilarity, the following is actually an equivalence:
s1 ≈ s2 <-> head s1 = head s2 (* nat *)
/\ tail s1 ≈ tail s2 (* stream *)
Assimilating [<->] to an equality, we can view [≈] as a fixed point of a
function [step] between relations:
(≈) <-> step(≈)
Definition step (bis : stream -> stream -> Prop) : stream -> stream -> Prop
:= fun s1 s2 => head s1 = head s2 /\ bis (tail s1) (tail s2).
(* Paco gives us a greatest fixed point operator [paco2 _ bot2]: *)
Definition bisimilar : stream -> stream -> Prop := paco2 step bot2.
Infix "≈" := bisimilar (at level 70) : bisim_scope.
Local Open Scope bisim_scope.
(* This operator expects the function to be _monotone_ with respect to
inclusion of relations. *)
Theorem monotone_step : monotone2 step.
red. intros s1 s2 bis bis' Hs Hbis.
red in Hs. red.
apply Hs.
apply Hbis.
apply Hs.
Hint Resolve monotone_step : paco.
(* There are three main tactics in paco.
The first two are applications of the definition of a fixed point [R].
R = step R
In particular, here [R = paco2 step bot2].
1. [punfold H]:
an assumption [H : paco2 step bot2]
becomes (roughly) [H : step (paco2 step bot2)];
2. [pfold]:
the goal [paco2 step bot2]
becomes (roughly) [step (paco2 step bot2)];
And the last important one:
3. [pcofix]:
applies the "coinduction principle" for the greatest fixed point.
Theorem bisimilarity : Bisim1.is_bisimulation bisimilar.
intros s1 s2 Hs.
(* bisimilar s1 s2
= paco2 step bot2 s1 s2
-> step (paco2 step bot2) s1 s2 *)
punfold Hs.
fold (step bisimilar s1 s2).
eapply monotone_step; eauto.
intros. (* red in PR. *) pclearbot; auto.
(** Bisimilarity of [count_from] and [count_from2],
for the third and last time. *)
Lemma count_from_eq : forall m, count_from m ≈ count_from2 m.
pcofix CIH.
pfold. red. split.
(* ^ one step *)
- simpl. reflexivity.
- simpl. red.
(* right *)
pfold. red. split.
(* ^ one more step *)
+ reflexivity.
+ simpl. red. right. apply CIH.
(* No explicit simulation relation to define! *)
End Bisim2.
(** ** Duality between inductive and coinductive types *)
(* Constructor: [Cons]
Destructors: [head]/[tail] *)
(* Positive types: - defined by constructors
- works well for inductive types
Negative types: - defined by destructors
- works well for coinductive types
CoInductive stream' : Type :=
{ head' : nat
; tail' : stream'
CoInductive stream'' : Type :=
{ unstream : option (nat * stream') }.
Lemma Foo : forall s : stream, s = match s with
| Cons i s' => Cons i s'
intros s.
destruct s.
Compute (Foo (count_from 0) : count_from 0 = Cons 0 (count_from 1)).
Fail Check (eq_refl : count_from 0 = Cons 0 (count_from 1)).
Definition Cons' (i : nat) (s : stream') : stream' :=
{| head' := i
; tail' := s
CoFixpoint count_from' (n : nat) : stream' :=
Cons' n (count_from' (1 + n)).
(* Exactly the same thing *)
CoFixpoint count_from'' (n : nat) : stream' :=
{| head' := n
; tail' := count_from'' (1 + n)
(** ** Fixpoints vs Cofixpoints *)
(** *** Fixpoint = algebra *)
(* One [Fixpoint] to rule them all: we "iterate" _algebras_ to "fold"
finite objects. *) (* ↓ this function is called an algebra *)
Fixpoint nat_fold {A : Type} (f : unit + A -> A) (n : nat) : A
:= match n with
| O => f (inl tt)
| S n' => f (inr (nat_fold f n'))
About nat_fold.
(* Algebras of [nat] *)
Module Algebra.
Inductive nat : Type :=
| O : nat
| S : nat -> nat
(* [Variant] for nonrecursive sum types. *)
Variant natF (A : Type) : Type :=
| OF : natF A
| SF : A -> natF A
(* [unit + A -> A] is isomorphic to [natF A -> A] *)
End Algebra.
Definition fibonacci_algebra : unit + (nat * nat) -> nat * nat
:= fun i =>
match i with
| inl tt =>
(* fibonacci 0, fibonacci 1 *)
(0, 1)
| inr (fib_n, fib_n1) =>
(* fibonacci (1+n), fibonacci (2+n) *)
(fib_n1, fib_n + fib_n1)
Definition fibonacci (n : nat) := fst (nat_fold fibonacci_algebra n).
Compute (map fibonacci [0;1;2;3;4;5]).
(* [0; 1; 1; 2; 3; 5] *)
(** *** Cofixpoint = coalgebra *)
(* One [CoFixpoint] to rule them all: we "iterate" _coalgebras_ to "unfold"
infinite objects. *) (* ↓ this function is called a coalgebra *)
CoFixpoint stream_unfold {A : Type} (f : A -> nat * A) (a : A) : stream'
:= let (n, a') := f a in
{| head' := n
; tail' := stream_unfold f a'
(* Coalgebras of [stream] *)
Module Coalgebra.
CoInductive stream : Type :=
{ head : nat
; tail : stream
(* [Record] for nonrecursive product types. *)
Record streamF (A : Type) : Type :=
{ headF : nat
; tailF : A
(* [A -> nat * A] is isomorphic to [A -> streamF A] *)
End Coalgebra.
(* Algebra (for nat): unit + A -> A
i.e., option A -> A
Coalgebra (for stream): A -> nat * A
Definition count_from_coalgebra : nat -> nat * nat
:= fun n => (n, 1 + n).
Definition count_from3 : nat -> stream'
:= stream_unfold count_from_coalgebra.
About nat_fold. (* forall A, (unit + A -> A) -> (nat -> A) *)
About stream_unfold. (* forall A, (A -> nat * A) -> (A -> stream) *)
(* Category theory has concepts to talk generally and formally
about fixpoints and cofixpoints:
- [nat] defines an initial algebra
- [stream] defines a final coalgebra
Module Duality.
(* Just reproducing the definitions next to each other. *)
Fixpoint nat_fold {A : Type} (f : unit + A -> A) (n : nat) : A
:= match n with
| O => f (inl tt)
| S n' => f (inr (nat_fold f n'))
CoFixpoint stream_unfold {A : Type} (f : A -> nat * A) (a : A) : stream'
:= let (n, a') := f a in
{| head' := n
; tail' := stream_unfold f a'
(** ** Pattern-matching is symmetric to record construction *)
- Pattern-matching _destructs_,
must be exhaustive in _constructors_ of [nat].
- Records, or copatterns, _construct_,
must be exhaustive in _destructors_ (or observations) of [stream].
(* Like patterns, copatterns can be nested. *)
CoFixpoint count_from2' (n : nat) : stream' :=
{| head' := n
; tail' :=
{| head' := (1 + n)
; tail' := count_from2' (2 + n)
(* Induction Coinduction
Structural recursion Structural recursion
Termination Productivity
Initial algebras Final coalgebras
Least fixed points Greatest fixed points
Patterns Copatterns
End Duality.
(** ** The end **)
(** ** Equivalence of bisimilarity and approximation equivalence. *)
Import Bisim1.
(* A bisimulation ensures that two related streams have the same
approximations. *)
Theorem bisimilar_approx (s1 s2 : stream) :
bisimilar s1 s2 -> eq_approx s1 s2.
intros Hs.
red in Hs.
destruct Hs as [bis [BISIM Hs]].
intros n.
revert s1 s2 Hs.
induction n.
- intros. simpl. reflexivity.
- intros. simpl. red in BISIM.
+ apply BISIM; auto.
+ apply IHn, BISIM; auto.
(* And conversely, approximation equivalence is itself a bisimulation. *)
Theorem approx_bisimilar (s1 s2 : stream) :
eq_approx s1 s2 -> bisimilar s1 s2.
intros Hx.
exists eq_approx.
2: assumption.
clear. red. intros s1 s2 Hs.
red in Hs.
+ specialize (Hs 1). simpl in Hs. inversion Hs; auto.
+ red. intros n. specialize (Hs (S n)). simpl in Hs. inversion Hs; auto.
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