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Last active May 3, 2019 12:42
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Deriving Semigroup for HKD records
import GHC.Generics
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
import Generic.Data
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Coerce
newtype IdentityT f a = IT (f a)
newtype WrapHKD f a = WrapHKD (HKD f a)
type family HKD f a where
HKD (Const u) a = u
HKD (IdentityT f) a = f a
HKD (WrapHKD f) a = WrapHKD f a
data MyRec f = MyRec
{ _field1 :: HKD f Int
, _field2 :: HKD f Bool
} deriving Generic
instance (Semigroup u) => Semigroup (MyRec (Const u)) where
(<>) = gmappend
-- instance (forall a. Semigroup (f a)) => Semigroup (MyRec (IdentityT f)) where
-- (<>) = gmappend
instance Alternative f => Semigroup (MyRec (IdentityT f)) where
(<>) = gcoerceBinop (gmappend @(MyRec (IdentityT (Alt f))))
instance (forall a. (Semigroup (WrapHKD f a))) =>
Semigroup (MyRec (WrapHKD f)) where
(<>) = gmappend
data MyRec' f = MyRec'
{ _field1' :: HKD f Int
, _field2' :: HKD f Bool
} deriving Generic
instance (forall a. (Semigroup (WrapHKD f a))) =>
Semigroup (MyRec' f) where
(<>) = gcoerceBinop (gmappend @(MyRec' (WrapHKD f)))
instance Semigroup (HKD f a) => Semigroup (WrapHKD f a) where
(<>) = coerce ((<>) @(HKD f a))
gcoerce :: forall a b. (Coercible (Rep a) (Rep b), Generic a, Generic b) => a -> b
gcoerce = to . coerce' . from where
coerce' :: Coercible f g => f () -> g ()
coerce' = coerce
gcoerceBinop :: forall a b. (Coercible (Rep a) (Rep b), Generic a, Generic b) => (a -> a -> a) -> (b -> b -> b)
gcoerceBinop (<>) x y = gcoerce (gcoerce x <> gcoerce y)
data MyRec'' f = MyRec''
{ _field1'' :: HKD f Int
, _field2'' :: HKD f Bool
} deriving Generic
instance Semigroup (Rep (MyRec'' f) ()) => Semigroup (MyRec'' f) where
(<>) = gmappend
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