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Last active March 26, 2021 14:55
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Set Implicit Arguments.
(* Source *)
Inductive exp :=
| CONST : nat -> exp
| IFV : exp -> exp -> exp -> exp
| ADD : exp -> exp -> exp.
Definition ifnat {R} (n : nat) (x1 x2 : R) : R :=
match n with
| S _ => x1
| O => x2
Fixpoint eval (e : exp) : nat :=
match e with
| CONST n => n
| IFV e1 e2 e3 => ifnat (eval e1) (eval e2) (eval e3)
| ADD e1 e2 => eval e1 + eval e2
(* Target *)
Inductive aexp : Type :=
| AAdd : aexp -> aexp -> aexp
| AConst : nat -> aexp
Inductive bexp (A : Type) : Type :=
| If : aexp -> bexp A -> bexp A -> bexp A
| Const : A -> bexp A
(* [bind] of the monad [bexp] *)
Fixpoint subst {A B} (e : bexp A) (k : A -> bexp B) : bexp B :=
match e with
| If e1 e2 e3 => If e1 (subst e2 k) (subst e3 k)
| Const a => k a
Fixpoint fold {A R} (f : aexp -> R -> R -> R) (g : A -> R) (e : bexp A) : R :=
match e with
| If e1 e2 e3 => f e1 (fold f g e2) (fold f g e3)
| Const a => g a
Fixpoint eval_aexp (e : aexp) : nat :=
match e with
| AConst n => n
| AAdd e1 e2 => eval_aexp e1 + eval_aexp e2
Definition evalb : bexp aexp -> nat :=
fold (fun a => ifnat (eval_aexp a)) eval_aexp.
Lemma fold_mor {A R R'} (f : aexp -> R -> R -> R) (f' : aexp -> R' -> R' -> R') (g : A -> R) (g' : A -> R') (h : R -> R') (e : bexp A)
: (forall a x1 x2, f' a (h x1) (h x2) = h (f a x1 x2)) ->
(forall x, g' x = h (g x)) ->
fold f' g' e = h (fold f g e).
intros H1 H2; induction e; cbn; congruence.
(* If you defined [subst] using [fold] this would be a corollary of [fold_mor]. *)
Lemma fold_subst {A B R} (f : aexp -> R -> R -> R) (g : B -> R) (k : A -> bexp B) (e : bexp A)
: fold f g (subst e k) = fold f (fun x => fold f g (k x)) e.
induction e; cbn; congruence.
(* Source-to-target *)
Fixpoint phik (e : exp) : bexp aexp :=
match e with
| CONST n => Const (AConst n)
| IFV e1 e2 e3 => subst (phik e1) (fun e1 => If e1 (phik e2) (phik e3))
| ADD e1 e2 =>
subst (phik e1) (fun e1 =>
subst (phik e2) (fun e2 =>
Const (AAdd e1 e2)))
Lemma eval_phik : forall e, evalb (phik e) = eval e.
induction e; cbn.
- auto.
- unfold evalb; rewrite fold_subst; cbn.
rewrite <- IHe1, <- IHe2, <- IHe3.
apply fold_mor with (h := fun x => ifnat x _ _) (e := (phik e1)).
+ clear; intros; destruct (eval_aexp a); cbn; auto.
+ intros; reflexivity.
- unfold evalb; rewrite fold_subst.
rewrite <- IHe1, <- IHe2.
apply fold_mor with (h := fun x => x + _) (e := phik e1).
+ intros a; destruct (eval_aexp a); auto.
+ intros x. rewrite fold_subst.
apply fold_mor.
* intros a; destruct (eval_aexp a); auto.
* cbn. auto.
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