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Last active May 17, 2019 02:40
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module SM where
import Data.Kind
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol)
-- * Extensible sums
data S (u :: [(kk, Type)]) where
Here :: forall k a u. a -> S ('(k, a) ': u)
There :: forall u x. S u -> S (x ': u)
deriving instance (Show a, Show (S u)) => Show (S ('(k, a) ': u))
instance Show (S '[]) where
showsPrec _ x = case x of {}
-- Injection into a sum.
-- v is a list containing the pair (k, a)
class Inj1 (k :: kk) (a :: Type) (v :: [(kk, Type)]) where
inj1 :: a -> S v
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (a ~ a') => Inj1 k a ('(k, a') ': _v) where
inj1 = Here
instance Inj1 k a v => Inj1 k a ('(_h, _b) ': v) where
inj1 = There . inj1 @_ @k
-- Make up a new key if none of the other matches
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} (v ~ ('(k, a) ': w)) => Inj1 k a v where
inj1 = Here
-- Injection from a sum u into a bigger sum v
class Inj (u :: [(kk, Type)]) (v :: [(kk, Type)]) where
inj :: S u -> S v
instance Inj '[] v where
inj x = case x of {}
instance (Inj1 k a v, Inj u v) => Inj ('(k, a) ': u) v where
inj (Here a) = inj1 @_ @k a
inj (There b) = inj b
-- * State machines
-- @k@ is a state, with memory @Contents k@ (i.e., runtime content)
-- and output states @Outputs k@.
class State (k :: kk) where
type Contents k :: Type
type Outputs k :: [(kk, Type)]
transition :: Contents k -> S (Outputs k)
-- Construct a state machine with initial state @i@.
class StateMachine (i :: kk) (u :: [(kk, Type)]) where
sm :: S u -> S u
-- ** Internals
instance (u ~ ('(i, a) ': v), SMBuilder u u) => StateMachine i u where
sm = smb
-- Internal auxiliary definition
class SMBuilder (u :: [(kk, Type)]) (v :: [(kk, Type)]) where
smb :: S v -> S u
instance (State k, a ~ Contents k, Inj (Outputs k) u, SMBuilder u v) => SMBuilder u ('(k, a) ': v) where
smb (Here a) = inj (transition @_ @k a)
smb (There x) = smb x
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} (v ~ '[]) => SMBuilder u v where
smb x = case x of {}
-- * Example
-- Declare a namespace of state names for our example application
data Named (s :: Symbol)
-- ** Module A (defining state A)
instance State (Named "A") where
-- No memory in the state.
type Contents (Named "A") = ()
-- There is only a transition to "B"
type Outputs (Named "A") = '[ '(Named "B", Int) ]
transition () = inj1 @_ @(Named "B") 10
-- ** Module B (defining state B)
instance State (Named "B") where
type Contents (Named "B") = Int
type Outputs (Named "B") = '[ '(Named "A", ()), '(Named "B", Int)]
transition i
| i < 0 = inj1 @_ @(Named "A") ()
| otherwise = inj1 @_ @(Named "B") (i-1)
-- ** Module Main
-- "A" is the initial state
type Initial = Named "A"
-- Initial value in state "A"
initial :: Inj1 Initial () u => S u
initial = inj1 @_ @Initial ()
-- Construct state machine
transition' = sm @_ @(Named "A")
main :: IO ()
main = do
let steps = 14
(mapM_ print . take (steps+1) . iterate transition') initial
Here ()
There (Here 10)
There (Here 9)
There (Here 8)
There (Here 7)
There (Here 6)
There (Here 5)
There (Here 4)
There (Here 3)
There (Here 2)
There (Here 1)
There (Here 0)
There (Here (-1))
Here ()
There (Here 10)
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