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Created May 6, 2024 21:26
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TypeOperators #-}
-- | User-defined handlers.
module Bluefin.Handlers
( Sig
, Handler
, with
, call
) where
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Bluefin.Internal (Eff, mergeEff, useImpl, type (:&), type (:>))
-- | Effect signatures as records of functions parameterized by the monad.
-- Example:
-- @
-- type State :: Type -> Sig
-- data State s m = MkState
-- { getF :: m s
-- , putF :: s -> m ()
-- }
-- @
type Sig = (Type -> Type) -> Type
type HandlerBody f s = f (Eff s)
newtype Handler f s = UnsafeMkHandler (HandlerBody f s)
-- ^ Internally, the scope @s@ is just the scope in which the handler
-- was defined.
-- | Handle an effect with signature @f@.
with ::
HandlerBody f s ->
(forall s0. Handler f s0 -> Eff (s0 :& s) a) ->
Eff s a
with handler action = mergeEff (action (UnsafeMkHandler handler))
-- | Example
-- @
-- get :: z0 :> z => Handler (State s) z0 -> Eff z s
-- get h = call h (\\r -> r.getF)
-- put :: z0 :> z => Handler (State s) z0 -> s -> Eff z ()
-- put h s = call h (\\r -> r.putF s)
-- @
call :: s0 :> s => Handler f s0 -> (forall m. f m -> m a) -> Eff s a
call (UnsafeMkHandler handler) op = useImpl (op handler)
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