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Created January 24, 2021 23:49
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{- Derive Monad for a type like @Pipe@, which is isomorphic to a @Free@ monad
data Pipe i o a
= Input (i -> Pipe i o a)
| Output o (Pipe i o a)
| Return a
deriving Generic
using generic-data-surgery and generic-functor
import Generic.Functor
import Generic.Data.Surgery (Data)
import qualified Generic.Data.Surgery as GDS
import GHC.Generics (Generic(Rep), K1(..), M1(..))
import Data.Coerce (Coercible, coerce)
import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, Symbol)
import Data.Type.Bool
import Data.Type.Equality (type (==))
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Control.Monad (ap)
data Pipe i o a
= Input (i -> Pipe i o a)
| Output o (Pipe i o a)
| Return a
deriving Generic
deriving via GenericFunctor (Pipe i o) instance Functor (Pipe i o)
deriving via GenericFreeMonad "Return" (Pipe i o) instance Applicative (Pipe i o)
deriving via GenericFreeMonad "Return" (Pipe i o) instance Monad (Pipe i o)
example :: Pipe Int Bool ()
example = do
x <- Input Return
Output (x > 10) (Return ())
if x == 0 then Return ()
else example
runPipe :: [i] -> Pipe i o r -> ([o], r)
runPipe (i : is) (Input k) = runPipe is (k i)
runPipe is (Output o k) = first (o :) (runPipe is k)
runPipe is (Return r) = ([], r)
runPipe [] (Input _) = error "Pipe burst"
main :: IO ()
main = do
print (runPipe [1,11,2,22,0] example)
-- ([False,True,False,True,False],())
-- Generic library
{- = Recipe
Given a type like @Pipe@, which is @Generic@, and a constructor name such as @Return@
provided as a @Symbol@, we implement @pure@ and @(>>=)@ generically.
@pure@ is easy enough compared to @(>>=)@.
To implement @(>>=)@, we define @(>>= k) :: m a -> m b@ recursively by case analysis
on the first argument:
1. If the first argument is the constructor @Return@ with a single field @a@, then apply @k@
2. For all other constructors, recursively apply @(>>= k)@ wherever it makes
We use the library generic-data-surgery (@InsertConstr@, @RemoveConstr@) to extract the
@Return@ constructor (step 1), and generic-functor (@gsolomap@) to apply @(>>= k)@ everywhere
newtype GenericFreeMonad (returnName :: Symbol) (m :: Type -> Type) (a :: Type)
= GenericFreeMonad (m a)
deriving via (m :: Type -> Type) instance Functor m => Functor (GenericFreeMonad returnName m)
instance GMonad returnName m => Applicative (GenericFreeMonad returnName m) where
(<*>) = ap
pure = coercePure (gpure @returnName @m) where
instance GMonad returnName m => Monad (GenericFreeMonad returnName m) where
(>>=) = coerceBind (gbind @returnName @m) where
coerceBind :: Coercible m n => (m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b) -> (n a -> (a -> n b) -> n b)
coerceBind = coerce
coercePure :: Coercible m n => (a -> m a) -> (a -> n a)
coercePure = coerce
class (Functor m, forall a. GPure returnName m a, forall a b. GBind returnName m a b)
=> GMonad (returnName :: Symbol) (m :: Type -> Type)
instance (Functor m, forall a. GPure returnName m a, forall a b. GBind returnName m a b)
=> GMonad (returnName :: Symbol) (m :: Type -> Type)
class GBind (returnName :: Symbol) (m :: Type -> Type) a b where
gbind :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
-- 1. Separate the @Return@ constructor using the @RemoveConstr@ surgery
-- 2. Apply @k@ to the single field of @Return@ (@LookupS "k"@)
-- 3. Apply @(>>= k)@ to every field of every other constructor (@GSolomapS@)
-- 3b. Clean up: restore the generic representation (@InsertConstr@) and
-- convert back to the original type @m@.
type GBindSurgery (returnName :: Symbol) (n :: Nat) (m :: Type -> Type) (a :: Type) (b :: Type)
l lc f f' l' lc' =
:>>> RemoveConstr @lc @() @l returnName n (Identity a)
:>>> CaseEither
(RunIdentity :>>> LookupS @a @(m b) "k")
(FromOR' @l @() @f :>>> GSolomapS (LookupS @(m a) @(m b) "go_k") :>>> ToOR' @f' @() @l'
:>>> RightS :>>> InsertConstr @l' @() @lc' returnName n (Identity b) :>>> FromOR))
:: m a ~~> m b)
instance (s ~ GBindSurgery returnName n m a b l lc f f' l' lc', Apply s)
=> GBind returnName m a b where
gbind u k = go_k u where
go_k :: m a -> m b
go_k = apply @(m a) @(m b) @s (Tagged @"k" @(a -> m b) k :+ Tagged @"go_k" @(m a -> m b) go_k :+ ())
class GPure (returnName :: Symbol) (m :: Type -> Type) a where
gpure :: a -> m a
type GPureSurgery (returnName :: Symbol) (n :: Nat) (m :: Type -> Type) (a :: Type)
l lc =
(IdentityS :>>> LeftS :>>> InsertConstr @l @() @lc returnName n (Identity a) :>>> FromOR
:: a ~~> m a)
instance (s ~ GPureSurgery returnName n m a l lc, Apply s)
=> GPure returnName m a where
gpure = apply @a @(m a) @s ()
-- generic-data-surgery is currently a pain to use parametrically.
-- We build a type-level language embedding generic-data-surgery
-- in order to "postpone" some constraint solving to use sites of
-- @gbind@/@gpure@/DerivingVia, where the monad is concretely known.
type a ~~> b = (a -> b -> Type)
class Apply (f :: a ~~> b) where
type Env (f :: a ~~> b) (e :: Type) :: Constraint
type Env f e = (() :: Constraint)
apply :: Env f e => e -> a -> b
data Id :: a ~~> a
instance Apply Id where
apply _ = id
data (f :: a ~~> b) :>>> (g :: b ~~> c) :: a ~~> c
instance (Apply f, Apply g) => Apply (f :>>> g) where
type Env (f :>>> g) e = (Env f e, Env g e)
apply e = apply @_ @_ @g e . apply @_ @_ @f e
data CaseEither (f :: a ~~> c) (g :: b ~~> c) :: Either a b ~~> c
instance (Apply f, Apply g) => Apply (CaseEither f g) where
type Env (CaseEither f g) e = (Env f e, Env g e)
apply e = either (apply @_ @_ @f e) (apply @_ @_ @g e)
data ToOR_ (k :: GDS.OR l x ~~> d) :: a ~~> d
type ToOR = ToOR_ Id
instance (Apply k, Generic a, GDS.ToORRep a l)
=> Apply (ToOR_ (k :: GDS.OR l x ~~> d) :: a ~~> d) where
type Env (ToOR_ k) e = Env k e
apply e = apply @_ @_ @k e . GDS.toOR
data FromOR_ (k :: d ~~> GDS.OR l x) :: d ~~> a
type FromOR = FromOR_ Id
instance (Apply k, Generic a, GDS.FromORRep a l)
=> Apply (FromOR_ (k :: d ~~> GDS.OR l x) :: d ~~> a) where
type Env (FromOR_ k) e = Env k e
apply e = GDS.fromOR . apply @_ @_ @k e
data ToOR' :: Data f x ~~> GDS.OR l x
instance (GDS.ToOR f l)
=> Apply (ToOR' :: Data f x ~~> GDS.OR l x) where
apply _ = GDS.toOR'
data FromOR' :: GDS.OR l x ~~> Data f x
instance (GDS.FromOR f l)
=> Apply (FromOR' :: GDS.OR l x ~~> Data f x) where
apply _ = GDS.fromOR'
data InsertConstr (c :: Symbol) (n :: Nat) (t :: Type) :: Either t (GDS.OR l (x :: Type)) ~~> GDS.OR lc x
instance (GDS.InsConstr c n t lc l)
=> Apply (InsertConstr c n t :: Either t (GDS.OR l x) ~~> GDS.OR lc x) where
apply _ = GDS.insertConstr @c @n @t @lc @l
data RemoveConstr (c :: Symbol) (n :: Nat) (t :: Type) :: GDS.OR lc x ~~> Either t (GDS.OR l x)
instance (GDS.RmvConstr c n t lc l)
=> Apply (RemoveConstr c n t :: GDS.OR lc x ~~> Either t (GDS.OR l x)) where
apply _ = GDS.removeConstr @c @n @t @lc @l
newtype Tagged s a = Tagged a
class Lookup s e where
type Assoc s e :: Type
lookupEnv :: e -> Assoc s e
data SBool (b :: Bool) where
SFalse :: SBool 'False
STrue :: SBool 'True
class IsBool b where
demoteBool :: SBool b
instance IsBool 'False where
demoteBool = SFalse
instance IsBool 'True where
demoteBool = STrue
instance (IsBool (s == s'), If (s == s') (() :: Constraint) (Lookup s b)) => Lookup s (Tagged s' a :+ b) where
type Assoc s (Tagged s' a :+ b) = If (s == s') a (Assoc s b)
lookupEnv (Tagged a :+ b) = case demoteBool @(s == s') of
STrue -> a
SFalse -> lookupEnv @s b
data GSolomapS (k :: a ~~> b) :: x ~~> y
instance (Apply k, Generic x, Generic y, GSolomap a b x y) => Apply (GSolomapS (k :: a ~~> b) :: x ~~> y) where
type Env (GSolomapS k) e = Env k e
apply e = gsolomap (apply @_ @_ @k e)
data LookupS (s :: Symbol) :: a ~~> b
instance Apply (LookupS s :: a ~~> b) where
type Env (LookupS s) e = (Lookup s e, Assoc s e ~ (a -> b))
apply e = lookupEnv @s e
data RunIdentity :: Identity a ~~> a
instance Apply RunIdentity where
apply _ = runIdentity
data IdentityS :: a ~~> Identity a
instance Apply IdentityS where
apply _ = Identity
data LeftS :: e ~~> Either e a
instance Apply LeftS where
apply _ = Left
data RightS :: a ~~> Either e a
instance Apply RightS where
apply _ = Right
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