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Created November 8, 2020 18:18
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A quick way to distribute a python task with differing parameters across a thread pool.
import pandas as pd
import concurrent.futures
from tqdm import tqdm
def threadPoolCall(func, task_args, max_workers = 8, raise_exception=True, log_errors=True, show_progress=True, description=None):
""" Distributes out a task between a pool of worker threads and collects
the results. The task is a python function, and the arguments to the function
are specified in an array of tuple arguments, each element representing a
func -- [Python.function] The function reference for the task
task_args -- [Array[Tuple]] The arguments to pass to the function
max_workers -- [int] The number of worker pool threads to use. Default 8.
raise_exception -- [bool] Whether to throw an error on exception. Default true.
log_errors -- [bool] Whether to log errors, works in tandem with raise_exception
to control how errors are handled. Default true
show_progress - [bool] Whether to show a tqdm progress bar for the tasks. Default true.
description - [string] The description for the progress bar. Default function name.
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
if show_progress:
pbar = tqdm(total=len(task_args))
if description:
futures = {
*(args,) if type(args)!=tuple else args
for args in task_args
results = []
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
if show_progress: pbar.update(1)
except Exception as exc:
if log_errors:
print("[ERROR] Input to {} -> {} : {}".format(func.__name__, futures[future], exc))
if raise_exception:
if show_progress: pbar.close()
raise exc
if show_progress: pbar.close()
return results
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