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Created February 8, 2019 15:51
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Converts Google Ical Format to CSV, with local timezones
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone
from csv_ical import Convert
import sys
import csv
LOCAL_TZ = timezone('US/Eastern')
convert = Convert()
convert.SAVE_LOCATION = sys.argv[1]
convert.CSV_FILE_LOCATION = '{0}.csv'.format(convert.SAVE_LOCATION)
print('Converting ical into csv...')
def asLocalTime(utcTime):
return datetime.fromisoformat(utcTime).astimezone(LOCAL_TZ)
outFmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
new_csv_file_loc = '{0}.time_converted.csv'.format(convert.SAVE_LOCATION)
print('Converting times in csv to eastern time...')
with open(convert.CSV_FILE_LOCATION,'r',newline='') as old_csv, open(new_csv_file_loc,'w',newline='') as new_csv:
oldCsvReader = csv.reader(old_csv)
newCsvWriter = csv.writer(new_csv)
for row in oldCsvReader:
startTime = asLocalTime(row[1]).strftime(outFmt)
endTime = asLocalTime(row[2]).strftime(outFmt)
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