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Last active January 5, 2019 10:42
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End-to-End (E2E) code samples: searching medium
* here we import the selenium module
const webDriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
* these are the main functionalities of webdriver
* By allows us to find elements
* Key allows us to simulate keyboard keys
* until helps us to wait until a certain criteria is met (for example element is visible)
const { By, Key, until } = webDriver;
* here we create the webdriver, and tell it to open the browser.
* You should already have installed chrome-driver.
const driver = new webDriver.Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
const perform = async () => {
* here we redirect the medium search
await driver.get('');
* then we find the search input and change the values, and finally press enter button
const searchElement = await driver.findElement(
By.css('form [type="Search"]'),
await searchElement.sendKeys('Izadmehr');
await searchElement.sendKeys(Key.ENTER);
* here we find describe the css selector to my profile
* then we wait, until this element is located,
* and finally click it
* @type {!By}
const usernameLink = By.css('[data-user-id="43f4a4c78443"]');
const usernameElement = driver.wait(until.elementLocated(usernameLink));
* Here our test process is done, and we should be successfully redirected to my profile page
* We can write some test scenarios based on this condition
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