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Last active December 24, 2017 14:48
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A python script to search Twitter for #FreeCodeCamp and add recent Tweeters to a Twitter list.
import config
from twython import Twython, TwythonError
# create a Twython object by passing the necessary secret passwords
twitter = Twython(config.api_key, config.api_secret, config.access_token, config.token_secret)
# return tweets containing #FreeCodeCamp
response ='"#FreeCodeCamp" -filter:retweets', result_type="recent", count=100)
# for each tweet returned from search of #FreeCodeCamp
for tweet in response['statuses']:
# print each username if needed for debugging
# print(tweet['user']['screen_name'])
# try to add each user who has tweeted the hashtag to the list
twitter.add_list_member(slug='YOUR_LIST_SLUG', owner_screen_name='YOUR_SCREEN_NAME', screen_name= tweet['user']['screen_name'])
except TwythonError as e:
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