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Last active September 12, 2017 08:52
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MotherFactory pattern
public class PostCode
public PostCode() {}
public PostCode(string postcode) {}
public class Address
public Address(string street, string city, PostCode postCode) {}
// An anchor for extension methods.
public abstract class MotherFactory {}
public static class AddressMotherFactory
public static Address Address(
this MotherFactory a,
string street = "",
string city = "",
PostCode postCode = null)
postCode = postCode ?? a.PostCode();
return new Address(street, city, postCode);
public static class PostCodeMotherFactory
public static PostCode PostCode(this MotherFactory a, string postCode = "NL-1000")
return new PostCode(postCode);
public static PostCode EmptyPostCode(this MotherFactory a)
return new PostCode();
public class AddressTests
public static MotherFactory an;
public void Should_not_fail()
var address = an.Address(postCode: an.EmptyPostCode());
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