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Created December 7, 2020 08:31
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A simple Progress Bar in Python without external dependencies.
Dynamic Progressbar in Python without external dependencies
import sys
import time
from typing import TextIO, Iterable
class ProgressBar(object):
def __init__(self, total: int, count: int = 0, status: str = "", out_file: TextIO = sys.stdout, bar_len: int = 60):
self.count: int = count int = total
self.status: str = status
self.out_file: TextIO = out_file
self.bar_len: int = bar_len
def __enter__(self) -> "ProgressBar":
return self
def __exit__(self, *exc):
def set_count(self, c: int):
self.count = c
def set_status(self, status: str):
self.status = status
def update_count(self, c: int):
def update_status(self, s: str):
self.status = s
def update(self, count: int, status: str):
def write(self):
filled_len = int(round(self.bar_len * self.count / float(
percents = round(100.0 * self.count / float(, 1)
bar = '=' * filled_len + '-' * (self.bar_len - filled_len)
sys.stdout.write(f'[{bar}] {percents}%...{self.status}\r')
class ProgressRange(object):
def __init__(self, stop: int, start: int = 0, step: int = 1):
self._stop: int = stop
self._start: int = start
self._step: int = step
self._range = iter(range(start, stop, step))
self._bar: "ProgressBar" = ProgressBar(count=start, total=stop)
self._cur: int = start
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
r = next(self._range)
self._cur += self._step
self._bar.update(self._cur, f"{self._cur} / {self._stop}")
return r
if __name__ == '__main__':
for i in ProgressRange(10):
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