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Created April 12, 2022 11:16
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RSA implementation in native Python. This is only a toy implementation used to show how RSA works.
from collections import namedtuple
import typing
KeyPair = namedtuple('KeyPair', ['n', 'e', 'd'])
def inverse(x: int, y: int) -> int:
a, b, u = 0, y, 1
while x > 0:
q = b // x
x, a, b, u = b % x, u, x, a - q * u
if b == 1:
return a % y
raise ValueError("must be coprimes")
def encrypt(msg: str, key: typing.Tuple[int, int]) -> str:
result = ""
n, e = key[0], key[1]
for c in msg:
o = ord(c)
assert o < n, "O <= N"
cc = pow(o, e, n)
result += chr(cc)
return result
def main():
# Choose two different primes P and Q, where P != Q
p = 11
q = 19
# N is then the product of P * Q
n = p * q
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
# Pick a relative prime (common greatest divisor is 1 for N and E) e to phi that suffices 1 < e < phi
# The most easy solution is to pick a prime
e = 7
d = inverse(e, phi)
key_pair = KeyPair(n, e, d)
priv_key = (n, e)
pub_key = (n, d)
print("Public key: ({:d},{:d})".format(*priv_key))
print("Private key: ({:d},{:d})".format(*pub_key))
plain = "Hello"
# Encrypt/decrypt plain text
cypher = encrypt(plain, priv_key)
print("Cipher:", cypher)
print(encrypt(cypher, pub_key))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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