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Last active August 4, 2020 04:21
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A PowerShell example of using a stack for breadcrumb like navigation
# Initialize the Stack
$breadCrumb = [System.Collections.Stack]::new()
# Push Page "1"
#Initialize empty Pages object
$Pages = @{}
function New-Choice {
param (
New-Object -TypeName 'System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription' -ArgumentList $Name, $Description
function Request-NextPageFromUser {
param (
$responseMap = $Options.ID
$menuOptions = @()
$menuOptions += New-Choice -Name "&$($_.Prompt)" -Description $_.Help
$menuOptions += Get-BackAndMenuOptions
$responseIndex = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($Title, $Message, $menuOptions, 0)
Update-BreadCrumb -ResponseMap $responseMap -ResponseIndex $responseIndex
function New-Page {
param (
$Pages[$Name] = @{
ID = $PageID
Function = $Function
Prompt = $Prompt
Help = $Help
function Get-BackAndMenuOptions {
New-Choice '&Go Back' 'Go back a page'
New-Choice '&Main Menu' 'Go back to main menu'
function Update-BreadCrumb {
param (
if ($ResponseIndex -ge ($ResponseMap.Count)) {
$tmpIndex = $ResponseIndex - $ResponseMap.Count
switch ($tmpIndex) {
0 {
#Go Back Option
#Double check that we aren't at the end
if ($breadCrumb.Count -gt 1) {
$breadCrumb.Pop() | Out-Null
1 {
#Main Menu Option
} else {
$mappedPageID = $ResponseMap[$responseIndex]
# If the pageID is the same, don't add it. We don't want to create a list of the same page
if (-not ($breadCrumb.Peek() -eq $mappedPageID)) {
function PeopleMenu {
$Title = "People Main Menu"
Request-NextPageFromUser -Title $Title -Options @($Pages["ListPeople"])
function ListPeople {
$Title = "List People Page"
$people = @(
Write-Host $($people -join "`n")
Request-NextPageFromUser -Title $Title -Options @($Pages["ListPeople"])
function CarMenu {
$Title = "Car Main Menu"
Request-NextPageFromUser -Title $Title -Options @($Pages["ListCars"])
function ListCars {
$Title = "List Cars Page"
$cars = @(
Write-Host $($cars -join "`n")
Request-NextPageFromUser -Title $Title -Options @($Pages["ListCars"])
function MainMenu {
$Title = "People and Car Main Menu"
Request-NextPageFromUser -Title $Title -Options @($Pages["CarMenu"], $Pages["PeopleMenu"])
#Define pages for easier reference in script
New-Page -Name 'MainMenu' -PageID 1 -Function $Function:MainMenu -Prompt 'Main Menu' -Help 'Goto the Main Menu'
New-Page -Name 'CarMenu' -PageID 2 -Function $Function:CarMenu -Prompt 'Car Menu' -Help 'Goto the Car Menu'
New-Page -Name 'PeopleMenu' -PageID 3 -Function $Function:PeopleMenu -Prompt 'People Menu' -Help 'Goto the People Menu'
New-Page -Name 'ListCars' -PageID 4 -Function $Function:ListCars -Prompt 'List Cars' -Help 'List all of the cars'
New-Page -Name 'ListPeople' -PageID 5 -Function $Function:ListPeople -Prompt 'List People' -Help 'List all of the people'
$pageFuncMap = @{}
#Map each PageID to it's respective function
$pageFuncMap[$_.ID] = $_.Function
while ($true) {
$currentBreadCrumb = $breadCrumb.ToArray()
#Reverse array because a stack is Last In First Out
# Get Function Names for this example
$currentBreadCrumbWithNames = $currentBreadCrumb.forEach{ $pageFuncMap[$_].Ast.Name }
Write-Host "Current BreadCrumb: $($currentBreadCrumbWithNames -join ' --> ')"
& $pageFuncMap[$breadCrumb.Peek()]
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