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Created April 11, 2012 14:03
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Save M1zh0rY/2359497 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Тетя ася
* @name Aunt Asya has arrived =)
* @author M1zh0rY
* @category js clear script
* Infected Script:
* JS/Agent.* (all, ESET)
* JS/Kryptik.LP (ESET)
* Trojan:JS/BlacoleRef.BC (MCE)
* @license GNU
* @version 2.1
* @tutorial Is script clear js infected file of infected script (see up)
* @date 10082012 0106
* @update signature 06072012 2043
* 8
* +1
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define("DEBUG", true); # for view find infected files
Class __auntAsya {
static $js_files_list = Array();
static $js_signature = Array(
"\\x68", "\\x61r", "\\x43o",
"\\x64", "\\x65At", "\\x43",
"\\x61rCod", "\\x86", "\\x61",
"\\x65", "\\x66r", "\\x6fm",
"\\x43h", "\\x72", "\\x6fd",
"\\x68a", "\\x43o", "\\x41",
"\\x74", "\"fr\"+\"omC\"+\"harCode\"",
"=\"ev\"+\"al\"", "fr\\x6fmChar", "\\x43",
"\\x6fd", "\\x65","\\x63",
"\\x68", "\\x61", "\\x72C",
"\\x6f", "\\x64e", "\\x41t",
"\\x6dC", "\\x66r", "\\x68arC",
"\\x72o", "\\x6dCha", "\\x6fde",
"\\x6fde", "\\x43ode", "\\x72om",
"\\x43ha", "\\x72Co", "\\x6d",
static $js_infected_file_list = Array();
#function [find js infected files]:
function find_js_files($dir){
if (is_dir($dir)){
$__dir = opendir($dir);
while ($item = readdir($__dir)){
if ($item == '.' || $item == '..') continue;
find_js_files($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item);
} else {
if(substr($dir, -3) == '.js') __auntAsya::$js_files_list[] = $dir;
function choice_infected_files(){
for ($q=0;count(__auntAsya::$js_files_list)>$q;$q++){
$_code = file_get_contents(__auntAsya::$js_files_list[$q]);
$_code = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $_code);
if(strpos($_code, __auntAsya::$js_signature[$w])){
__auntAsya::$js_infected_file_list[] = Array(
"finded_sign" => __auntAsya::$js_signature[$w],
"code" => $_code,
"file" => __auntAsya::$js_files_list[$q]
#function [view infected files]:
function view_infected_js_files(){
$html = "<pre>
&& File:&nbsp;".__auntAsya::$js_infected_file_list[$i]['file']."
&& File finded signature:&nbsp;".__auntAsya::$js_infected_file_list[$i]['finded_sign']."
#function [file clear]:
function load_js_code($js_file){
return file($js_file);
function edit_js_code($js_code, $infected_code, $js_file, $finded_sign){
if(strpos($js_code[$i], $finded_sign)){
return implode("", $js_code);
#function [save infected file without ext]:
function rename_old_js_file($js_file){
$pathArr = explode("/", $js_file);
$file_name_old = explode(".", $pathArr[count($pathArr)-1]);
$file_name_old = "_".$file_name_old[0];
if(!is_dir(implode("/", $pathArr)."/infected/")) mkdir(implode("/", $pathArr)."/infected/");
$path_fileold = implode("/", $pathArr)."/infected/".$file_name_old;
if (file_exists($path_fileold)) $path_fileold .= time();
return copy($js_file, $path_fileold);
#function [save cleared new file & set mod(644)]:
function save_new_js_file($js_file, $js_code){
$res = fopen($js_file, "w");
fwrite($res, $js_code);
chmod($js_file, 0644);
if (DEBUG) view_infected_js_files();
$js_code = load_js_code(__auntAsya::$js_infected_file_list[$i]['file']);
$cleared_js_code = edit_js_code($js_code, __auntAsya::$js_infected_file_list[$i]['code'], __auntAsya::$js_infected_file_list[$i]['file'], __auntAsya::$js_infected_file_list[$i]['finded_sign']);
$renamed = rename_old_js_file(__auntAsya::$js_infected_file_list[$i]['file']);
if(!$renamed) print_r ("<pre>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n\r!!! ERROR! Error rename file: ".__auntAsya::$js_infected_file_list[$i]['file']."\n\r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</pre>");
save_new_js_file(__auntAsya::$js_infected_file_list[$i]['file'], $cleared_js_code);
exit(print_r("script finished the work"));
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Супер. Очень-очень кстати пришлось. Не знаю, что бы я делал без Тёти Аси ;-)
M1zh0rY, опишите пожалуйста формат массива сигнатур ( $js_signature ).

Пришлось только запускать скрипт аж 6 раз. Ну ничего страшного :)

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