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Created January 17, 2024 06:52
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evilginx2 installer rawr (partial)
export GO_PKG=go1.21.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
printf 'Files in installer have been extracted.\n Is or has evilginx2 been already installed on current OS? Choose n on a completely fresh VPS. (y/n)? '
old_stty_cfg=$(stty -g)
stty raw -echo
# TODO: make it question to copy files, copy files and configure domain or do full upgrade
answer=$( while ! head -c 1 | grep -i '[ny]' ;do true ;done )
stty "$old_stty_cfg"
if echo "$answer" | grep -iq "^y" ;then
bash ./install/
echo "Installer finished successfully"
exit 0
set -e
bash ./install/ &&
cp -a ./install/.zshrc ./install/.p10k.zsh ./install/.antigen.zsh "$HOME"/ &&
# packages will corrupt if you don't do a restart after ./
apt install -y curl gnupg lsb-release libc6 runc ca-certificates git pigz xz-utils containerd certbot make g++ zsh zsh-antigen fontconfig wget build-essential&&
[ -f '/usr/local/share/fonts/MesloLGS NF Regular.ttf' ] || wget -P /usr/local/share/fonts/ -i ./install/font.cfg && fc-cache -f -v &&
[ -d ~/.oh-my-zsh ] || sh -c "./install/ --keep-zshrc --unattended" &&
chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh &&
zsh -c "source ~/.zshrc" &&
[ -f /usr/local/go/bin ] || wget"$GO_PKG" && rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf "$GO_PKG" && rm -rf "$GO_PKG" && export PATH="$PATH":/usr/local/go/bin &&
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin" | sudo tee -a ~/.bashrc &&
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin" | sudo tee -a ~/.zshrc &&
go install &&
bash ./install/
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