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Created January 22, 2024 13:16
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Automatically update Fedora boot.iso with Anaconda installer changes. v1
# Create a self contained ISO image containing Anaconda changes
# =============================================================
# This script fetches a Fedora Rawhide boot.iso, clones the Anaconda
# installer upstream repo, creates an updates image from the repo
# and then produces an output iso that includes and automatically
# applies the updates image.
# How to use
# ==========
# 0. adjust the user configuration variables
# - Rawhide ISO name (pick suitable Rawhide nightly)
# - Anaconda tag (check Anaconda version on the image,
# best by downloading the image and checking Anaconda
# version number on TTY2 or possibly from image build logs)
# 1. clone Anaconda or run this script at least once
# (it will clone the Anaconda repo if none is found)
# 2. change Anaconda source code as necessary
# 3. run the script (NOTE: the image creation step requires sudo)
# 4. boot the resulting output boot.iso via the VM software of your
# choice (virt manager, Boxes, Cockpit Machines, virt-install, etc.)
# User configuration variables
# ===================================
# check if we have the Rawhide boot.iso
if [ -f ${RAWHIDE_ISO} ]; then
echo "** Rawhide boot.iso exists, skipping download"
echo "** downloading Rawhide boot iso from:"
# check if the file was actually downloaded
if [ ! -f ${RAWHIDE_ISO} ]; then
echo "** Rawhide boot.iso download failed, check if the image URL is valid"
exit 1
# check if we have the Anaconda checkout
if [ -d "anaconda" ]; then
echo "** Anaconda checkout exists, skipping download"
echo "** cloning Anaconda:"
git clone ${ANACONDA_GIT_URL}
# create updates image
pushd anaconda
./scripts/makeupdates -k -c -t ${ANACONDA_TAG}
# make sure the images folder exists
# - we need this folder so that we end up
# with the /images/updates.img path on the
# boot.iso
# - if /images/updates.img if detected when the
# boot.iso boots, the updates image is automatically
# applied
mkdir -p images
# copy the updates image to the folder
cp anaconda/updates.img images/
# check if mkksiso (needed the create the modified image) exists
if ! command -v mkksiso &> /dev/null
echo "mkksiso tool not fond, please install the lorax package first"
exit 1
# remove previous output image, if any (or else mkksiso will refuse to build a new one)
if [ -f ${OUTPUT_ISO} ]; then
echo "** removing previous output iso"
rm -f ${OUTPUT_ISO}
# create a modified boot.iso that automatically uses the updates image
# by placing it in the updates folder on the image
echo "** generating output iso with updates image"
sudo mkksiso -a images ${RAWHIDE_ISO} ${OUTPUT_ISO}
echo "** output iso ready, boot it with a VM runner of your choice:"
echo ${OUTPUT_ISO}
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