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Last active November 9, 2016 18:16
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Something I created to allow me to rapidly iterate on my data model in Excel and re-seed the database as I adjust it. Uses powershell and some assumptions on the format of the data to accomplish it.
Function Export-WorksheetToCSV
This cmdlet converts .xlsx files to .csv.
This cmdlet uses COM to open XLSX and then saves every tab as a separate CSV file. This only works if the
individual tab CAN be converted to CSV.
Ignores tabs named "_Ignore".
.Parameter Root
The root directory where the files should be opened / saved to.
.Parameter FileBaseName
The base filename without the extension.
Export-WorksheetToCSV -Root "C:\ExcelFileDirectory\" -BaseFileName "TheFileToConvert"
Opens the file at C:\ExcelFileDirectory\TheFileToConvert.xlsx and saves every tab as C:\ExcelFileDirectory\TheFileToConvert_(TabName).csv
$excelFile = Join-Path $Source "$FileBaseName.xlsx"
$E = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$E.Visible = $false
$E.DisplayAlerts = $false
$wb = $E.Workbooks.Open($excelFile)
foreach ($ws in $wb.Worksheets)
if($ws.Name -notmatch "_Ignore") {
$n = $FileBaseName + "_" + $ws.Name
$savePath = Join-Path $root "$n.csv"
$ws.SaveAs($savePath, 6)
Function Export-CSVToSQL
This cmdlet converts CSV files to Database Post-Deploy SQL Scripts.
This cmdlet converts CSV files named like (schema).Data_*.csv to $schema.Seed.sql post-deploy scripts.
CSV data must contain a header formatted like, e.g.:
The Id field must be the unique id for the table. Columns named starting with "_" will be ignored when building
the merge into script. The column named "_SeedScript" will be used to populate the seed data (required for now...).
.Parameter Source
Required. The source directory in which the CSV files reside.
.Parameter Destination
Required. The destination for the (schema).Seed.sql files.
.Parameter Schemas
Required. A string array of schemas. Used to filter files and aggregate post-deploy scripts.
Export-CSVToSQL -Root "C:\CsvFileDirectory\" -Destination "C:\TFS\Solution1\DatabaseProj\PostDeploy\" -Schemas "dbo","products"
Opens the CSVs at C:\CsvFileDirectory\dbo.Data_*.csv and converts each (tab) into a table seed script. All "dbo" scripts will
be aggregated at C:\TFS\Solution1\DatabaseProj\PostDeploy\dbo.Seed.sql. The same thing will then occur for
C:\CsvFileDirectory\products.Data_*.csv which will be saved to C:\TFS\Solution1\DatabaseProj\PostDeploy\products.Seed.sql.
foreach($schema in $Schemas)
$files = Get-ChildItem $Source -Filter "$schema.Data_*.csv"
$seedFileName = "$schema.Seed.sql"
$seedFilePath = Join-Path "$Source" "$seedFileName"
New-Item -path $Source -Name $seedFileName -Value 'USE [$(DatabaseName)]' -ItemType file -force
Add-Content -Path $seedFilePath -Value "`r`nGO"
Add-Content -Path $seedFilePath -Value "`r`nexec sp_msforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT all'`r`nGO"
#Add-Content $source+$seedFileName ""
foreach ($file in $files)
$csv = Import-Csv $file.FullName
$linesInFile = 0
$baseName = $file.BaseName.Split("_")[1]
$content = @"
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [$schema].[$baseName] ON
MERGE INTO [$schema].[$baseName] AS Target
foreach($row in $csv)
$content+="`r`n "+$row._SeedScript
$content = $content.TrimEnd(",")+"`r`n)`r`n"
$temp = ($csv[0].psobject.Properties | ? { $_.Name -notlike "_*" -and $_.Name -ne "Id" -and $_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty" } | Select -ExpandProperty Name)
$updateSetParams = New-Object object[] $temp.Length
for($i=0; $i -lt $temp.Length; $i++)
$updateSetParams[$i] = ($temp[$i]) +" = Source."+($temp[$i])
$commaSeparatedHeaders = "Id, "+($temp -join ", ")
$content += "AS SOURCE ($commaSeparatedHeaders)`r`n"
$content += "ON Target.Id = Source.Id`r`n"
$content += "--update matched rows`r`n"
$content += "WHEN MATCHED THEN`r`n"
$content += "UPDATE SET " + ($updateSetParams -join ", ")+"`r`n"
$content += "--insert new rows`r`n"
$content += "INSERT ($commaSeparatedHeaders) VALUES ($commaSeparatedHeaders)`r`n"
$content += "--delete rows that are in the target but not the source`r`n"
$content += "DELETE;`r`n`r`n"
$content += "DBCC CHECKIDENT ('$schema.$baseName', RESEED, $linesInFile);`r`n`r`n"
$content += "SET IDENTITY_INSERT [$schema].[$baseName] OFF`r`nGO"
Add-Content -Path $seedFilePath -Value $content
Add-Content -Path $seedFilePath -Value "exec sp_msforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT all'`r`nGO"
Copy-Item -Path $seedFilePath -Destination $Destination
Function Export-ExcelToSql
This cmdlet converts Excel files to Database Post-Deploy SQL Scripts.
This cmdlet converts Excel files to CSV via Export-WorksheetToCSV and then to post-deploy sql scripts via Export-CSVToSQL.
.Parameter Source
Required. The source directory in which the excel files reside.
.Parameter Destination
Required. The destination for the (schema).Seed.sql files.
.Parameter Schemas
Required. A string array of schemas. Used to filter files and aggregate post-deploy scripts.
Export-CSVToSQL -Source "C:\CsvFileDirectory\" -Destination "C:\TFS\Solution1\DatabaseProj\PostDeploy\" -Schemas "dbo","products"
Opens the CSVs at C:\CsvFileDirectory\dbo.Data_*.csv and converts each (tab) into a table seed script. All "dbo" scripts will
be aggregated at C:\TFS\Solution1\DatabaseProj\PostDeploy\dbo.Seed.sql. The same thing will then occur for
C:\CsvFileDirectory\products.Data_*.csv which will be saved to C:\TFS\Solution1\DatabaseProj\PostDeploy\products.Seed.sql.
$allSchemaCsvs = $schemas | % { Join-Path $Source "\$_.*.csv" }
$allSQL = $schemas | % { Join-Path $Source "\$_.Seed.sql" }
foreach ($schema in $Schemas)
#Remove-Item $allSchemaCsvs
$files = Get-ChildItem $Source -Filter "$schema.Data.xlsx"#"*.Data.xlsx"
foreach ($e in $files)
Export-WorksheetToCSV -root $Source -excelFileName $e.BaseName
Export-CSVToSQL -source $Source -destination $Destination -schemas $schema
$allSchemaCsvs | Remove-Item
$allSQL | Remove-Item
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