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Last active April 17, 2022 13:06
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  • Save MBkkt/8cdc71a3259c67a3b3b223b8cafb6135 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Mutex {
 awaiter Lock();
 Guard<awaiter> -> unique_lock<awaiter> Gaurd();

auto guard = co_await mtx.Guard(); -> mtx.Unlock();
void = co_await mtx.Lock();
void = co_await mtx/guard.Unlock(IExecutor& e = CurrentThreadPool());

bool try_lock();

co_await mtx.Lock();
co_await mtx.Unlock(GlobalThreadPool());

co_await mtx.Lock();

auto guard = co_await mtx.Guard(); // guard could be cast to std::unique_lock<...>
guard.Unlock(); // co_await mtx.Unlock(GlobalThreadPool());

co_await m.Lock();
co_await Via(tp);
  auto lock = /*handle.resume()/await_suspend(return false)*/ co_await mtx.Lock();
  throw ...
  co_await lock.unlock(tp); <- submit all other hadnles to tp
} // 0 reschedule, 2 reschedule
  co_await Via(strand); // PromiseType::Call() -> handle.resume() 
  throw ... // <- set_unhandled_exception(...) -> return from resume
  co_await Via(tp);
} // 2 reschedule

  auto lock = /*handle.resume()/await_suspend(return false)*/ co_await mtx.Lock();
  co_await lock.unlock();
} // 0 reschedule, 2 reschedule
  co_await Via(strand); // PromiseType::Call() -> handle.resume() 
  co_await Via(tp);
} // 2 reschedule

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