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Last active September 28, 2024 12:43
RedRun - A very tiny background task runner for CC using the native top-level coroutine
--- RedRun - A very tiny background task runner using the native top-level coroutine
-- By JackMacWindows
-- Licensed under CC0, though I'd appreciate it if this notice was left in place.
-- @module redrun
-- Note: RedRun is not intended for use as a fully-featured multitasking environment. It is meant
-- to allow running small asynchronous tasks that just listen for events and respond (like
-- does). While it is certainly possible to use this to make a functioning kernel, you
-- should not do this as a) any time spent in the processes is time taken from Rednet, and b) there
-- is no filtering for user-initiated events, or automatic terminal redirect handling.
-- Yes: Background network file transfer, asynchronous GPS host, remote shell host (if implemented correctly)
-- No: Window server, multishell, music player
local expect = require "cc.expect".expect
local redrun = {}
local coroutines = {}
--- Initializes the RedRun runtime. This is called automatically, but it's still available if desired.
-- @param silent Set to any truthy value to inhibit the status message.
function redrun.init(silent)
local env = getfenv(
if env.__redrun_coroutines then
-- RedRun was already initialized, so just grab the coroutine table and run
coroutines = env.__redrun_coroutines
-- For the actual code execution, we go through os.pullEventRaw which is the only function called unconditionally each loop
-- To avoid breaking real os, we set this through the environment of the function
-- We also use a metatable to avoid writing every other function out
env.os = setmetatable({
pullEventRaw = function()
local ev = table.pack(coroutine.yield())
local delete = {}
for k,v in pairs(coroutines) do
if v.terminate or v.filter == nil or v.filter == ev[1] or ev[1] == "terminate" then
local ok
if v.terminate then ok, v.filter = coroutine.resume(v.coro, "terminate")
else ok, v.filter = coroutine.resume(v.coro, table.unpack(ev, 1, ev.n)) end
if not ok or coroutine.status(v.coro) ~= "suspended" or v.terminate then delete[#delete+1] = k end
for _,v in ipairs(delete) do coroutines[v] = nil end
return table.unpack(ev, 1, ev.n)
}, {__index = os, __isredrun = true})
-- Add the coroutine table to the environment to be fetched by init later
env.__redrun_coroutines = coroutines
if not silent then print("Successfully registered RedRun.") end
--- Starts a coroutine running in the background.
-- @param func The function to run.
-- @param name A value to use to identify this task later. Can be any value, including nil/none.
-- @return The ID of the started task.
function redrun.start(func, name)
expect(1, func, "function")
local id = #coroutines+1
coroutines[id] = {coro = coroutine.create(func), name = name}
return id
--- Returns the task ID for a named task.
-- @param name The name of the task.
-- @return The ID of the task with the name, or nil if not found.
function redrun.getid(name)
for k,v in pairs(coroutines) do if == name then return k end end
return nil
--- Returns a table of custom state held by the task.
-- @param id The ID of the task.
-- @return The state table held by the task, or nil if the task doesn't exist.
function redrun.getstate(id)
expect(1, id, "number")
if coroutines[id] == nil then return nil end
coroutines[id].state = coroutines[id].state or {}
return coroutines[id].state
--- Kills a task immediately.
-- @param id The ID of the task.
function redrun.kill(id)
expect(1, id, "number")
coroutines[id] = nil
--- Terminates a task. This sends it one terminate event, and then removes it from the queue.
-- @param id The ID of the task.
function redrun.terminate(id)
expect(1, id, "number")
if coroutines[id] == nil then error("Task ID " .. id .. " is not running", 2) end
coroutines[id].terminate = true
while true do
local ev = table.pack(os.pullEvent())
if ev[1] == "redrun_pause" then break
else os.queueEvent(table.unpack(ev, 1, ev.n)) end
return redrun
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