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Last active September 11, 2020 05:31
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YahtCC: A Yahtzee clone for ComputerCraft
-- YahtCC by JackMacWindows
-- GPL license
local diceMaps = {
[0] = {0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0},
{0x20, 0x10, 0x95, 0x8f, 0x8f, 0x85},
{0x08, 0x20, 0x95, 0x8f, 0x8d, 0x85},
{0x08, 0x10, 0x95, 0x8f, 0x8d, 0x85},
{0x08, 0x08, 0x95, 0x8d, 0x8d, 0x85},
{0x08, 0x18, 0x95, 0x8d, 0x8d, 0x85},
{0x97, 0x97, 0x95, 0x8d, 0x8d, 0x85}
local logo = {
{0x2F, 0x34, 0x00, 0x38, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x28, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x38, 0x3C, 0x14, 0x20, 0x3C, 0x3C},
{0x00, 0x0B, 0x3F, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2A, 0x15, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x3F, 0x0F, 0x2A, 0x17, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x01, 0x00},
{0x00, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x38, 0x0F, 0x3E, 0x2A, 0x1F, 0x2F, 0x14, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x2A, 0x15, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x00},
{0x00, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x0B, 0x3C, 0x2F, 0x2A, 0x15, 0x2A, 0x15, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x02, 0x2F, 0x3C, 0x14, 0x0B, 0x3D, 0x3C}
local rollcup = {
{0x00, 0x3C, 0x30, 0x30, 0x38, 0x14, 0x00},
{0x00, 0x15, 0x17, 0x17, 0x15, 0x15, 0x00},
{0x00, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x00},
{0x00, 0x35, 0x15, 0x15, 0x35, 0x15, 0x00},
{0x00, 0x03, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x01, 0x00}
local scorecardNames = {
{name = ""},
{name = "Ones", score = function(dice)
local score = 0
for _,i in ipairs(dice) do if i.value == 1 then score = score + i.value end end
return score
{name = "Twos", score = function(dice)
local score = 0
for _,i in ipairs(dice) do if i.value == 2 then score = score + i.value end end
return score
{name = "Threes", score = function(dice)
local score = 0
for _,i in ipairs(dice) do if i.value == 3 then score = score + i.value end end
return score
{name = "Fours", score = function(dice)
local score = 0
for _,i in ipairs(dice) do if i.value == 4 then score = score + i.value end end
return score
{name = "Fives", score = function(dice)
local score = 0
for _,i in ipairs(dice) do if i.value == 5 then score = score + i.value end end
return score
{name = "Sixes", score = function(dice)
local score = 0
for _,i in ipairs(dice) do if i.value == 6 then score = score + i.value end end
return score
{name = "Bonus"}
{name = "Three of a Kind", score = function(dice)
local counts = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
local ok = false
local sum = 0
for _,i in ipairs(dice) do
counts[i.value] = counts[i.value] + 1
sum = sum + i.value
if counts[i.value] >= 3 then ok = true end
return ok and sum or 0
{name = "Four of a Kind", score = function(dice)
local counts = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
local ok = false
local sum = 0
for _,i in ipairs(dice) do
counts[i.value] = counts[i.value] + 1
sum = sum + i.value
if counts[i.value] >= 4 then ok = true end
return ok and sum or 0
{name = "Full House", score = function(dice, scores)
local counts = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
for _,i in ipairs(dice) do counts[i.value] = counts[i.value] + 1 end
local three, two, yahtzee = false, false, nil
for i = 1, 6 do
if counts[i] == 3 then three = true
elseif counts[i] == 2 then two = true
elseif counts[i] == 5 then yahtzee = i end
if yahtzee and scores[2][6].locked and not scores[1][yahtzee+1].locked then return 25 end
return (three and two) and 25 or 0
{name = "Small Straight", score = function(dice, scores)
local counts = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
local yahtzee = nil
for _,i in ipairs(dice) do counts[i.value] = counts[i.value] + 1 if counts[i.value] == 5 then yahtzee = i.value end end
if yahtzee and scores[2][6].locked and not scores[1][yahtzee+1].locked then return 30 end
if counts[3] == 0 or counts[4] == 0 then return 0
elseif (counts[1] ~= 0 and counts[2] ~= 0) or
(counts[2] ~= 0 and counts[5] ~= 0) or
(counts[5] ~= 0 and counts[6] ~= 0) then return 30 end
return 0
{name = "Large Straight", score = function(dice, scores)
local counts = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
local yahtzee = nil
for _,i in ipairs(dice) do counts[i.value] = counts[i.value] + 1 if counts[i.value] == 5 then yahtzee = i.value end end
if yahtzee and scores[2][6].locked and not scores[1][yahtzee+1].locked then return 30 end
if counts[2] == 0 or counts[3] == 0 or counts[4] == 0 or counts[5] == 0 then return 0 end
return (counts[1] ~= 0 or counts[6] ~= 0) and 40 or 0
{name = "Yahtzee", score = function(dice)
local c = dice[1].value
for _,i in ipairs(dice) do if c ~= i.value then return 0 end end
return 50
{name = "Chance", score = function(dice)
local sum = 0
for _,i in ipairs(dice) do sum = sum + i.value end
return sum
{name = "Yahtzee Bonus"}
local function drawDie(x, y, n, b)
b = b or '0'
local f = 'f'
local d = diceMaps[n]
term.setCursorPos(x, y)
for i = 1, 3 do
local c = d[i]
if c == 0x20 then term.blit(' ', f, b)
elseif c < 0x80 then term.blit(string.char(c + 0x80), f, b)
else term.blit(string.char(c), b, f) end
term.setCursorPos(x, y+1)
for i = 4, 6 do
local c = d[i]
if c == 0x20 then term.blit(' ', f, b)
elseif c < 0x80 then term.blit(string.char(c + 0x80), f, b)
else term.blit(string.char(c), b, f) end
local function drawDice(x, y, dice)
for n,i in ipairs(dice) do drawDie(x + (n-1)*3, y, i.value, i.locked and '4' or '0') end
local function drawLogo(xx, yy, ff)
ff = ff or '0'
for y = 1, 4 do
term.setCursorPos(xx, yy + y - 1)
for _,c in ipairs(logo[y]) do
local f, b = ff, 'f'
if bit32.btest(c, 0x20) then
f, b = b, f
c =, 0x1F)
c = bit32.bor(c, 0x80)
if c == 0x80 then c = 0x20 end
term.blit(string.char(c), f, b)
local function drawRollCup(xx, yy, color, rolling)
color = color or 'b'
for y = 1, 5 do
term.setCursorPos(xx - 1, yy + y - 1)
for x,c in ipairs(rollcup[y]) do
local f, b
if y > 1 and y < 5 and x > 1 and x < 6 then f, b = color, '8'
else f, b = color, 'f' end
if bit32.btest(c, 0x20) then
f, b = b, f
c =, 0x1F)
c = bit32.bor(c, 0x80)
if c == 0x80 then c = 0x20 end
term.blit(string.char(c), f, b)
term.setCursorPos(xx - 6, yy + 2)
term.write(rolling and " " or " Roll ")
local function drawScores(x, y, scores, selectcol, selectrow)
for e = 1, 2 do
for i,v in ipairs(scorecardNames[e]) do
local selected = e == selectcol and i == selectrow
term.setBackgroundColor(selected and colors.white or (i % 2 == 1 and or colors.gray))
term.setTextColor(selected and or colors.white)
term.setCursorPos(x + (e - 1)*20, y + i - 1)
term.write( .. (' '):rep(16 -
if not scores[e][i].locked and not v.bonus then
if scores[e][i].value == 0 then term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray)
else term.setTextColor(colors.lightBlue) end
else term.setTextColor(selected and or colors.white) end
if scores[e][i].value == nil then term.write(" ")
elseif scores[e][i].value < 10 then term.write(" " .. scores[e][i].value)
else term.write(" " .. scores[e][i].value) end
local function drawStatus(x, y, scores, rolls)
term.setCursorPos(x, y)
term.write("Score: ")
local sum = 0
for e = 1, 2 do
for i,v in ipairs(scores[e]) do
if v.value and v.locked then sum = sum + v.value end
term.setCursorPos(x, y + 1)
term.write("Rolls remaining: " .. rolls)
local function calculateScores(scores, dice)
for e = 1, 2 do
for i,v in ipairs(scorecardNames[e]) do
if not scores[e][i].locked and v.score then
scores[e][i].value = v.score(dice, scores)
if scores[2][6].locked and scores[2][6].value == 50 then
local c = dice[1].value
for _,i in ipairs(dice) do if c ~= i.value then return scores end end
scores[2][8].value = 100
scores[2][8].locked = true
return scores
local function confirmScore(scores, col, row)
if col then scores[col][row].locked = true end
for e = 1, 2 do for i,v in ipairs(scores[e]) do if not v.locked then v.value = nil end end end
if ((scores[1][2].locked and scores[1][2].value or 0) +
(scores[1][3].locked and scores[1][3].value or 0) +
(scores[1][4].locked and scores[1][4].value or 0) +
(scores[1][5].locked and scores[1][5].value or 0) +
(scores[1][6].locked and scores[1][6].value or 0) +
(scores[1][7].locked and scores[1][7].value or 0)) >= 63 then
scores[1][8].value = 35
scores[1][8].locked = true
return scores
local speaker = peripheral.find("speaker")
local function rollDice(dice, dx, dy, cx, cy, color, last)
for _,v in ipairs(dice) do if not v.locked then v.value = 0 end end
drawDice(dx, dy, dice)
for i = 1, 4 do
drawRollCup(cx, cy, color, true)
if speaker then speaker.playNote("hat", 2, 12) speaker.playNote("hat", 2, 7) end
drawRollCup(cx + 1, cy, color, true)
if speaker then speaker.playNote("hat", 2, 11) speaker.playNote("hat", 2, 6) end
drawRollCup(cx, cy, color, true)
if speaker then speaker.playNote("hat", 2, 12) speaker.playNote("hat", 2, 7) end
drawRollCup(cx - 1, cy, color, true)
if speaker then speaker.playNote("hat", 2, 11) speaker.playNote("hat", 2, 6) end
if speaker then speaker.playNote("hat", 2, 3) speaker.playNote("hat", 2, 6) end
for _,v in ipairs(dice) do if not v.locked then v.value = math.random(1, 6) end end
drawRollCup(cx, cy, color, last)
drawDice(dx, dy, dice)
return dice
local positions = {
dice = {x = 2, y = 17},
rollCup = {x = 36, y = 15},
logo = {x = 2, y = 2},
status = {x = 23, y = 3},
scores = {x = 2, y = 7}
local dice = {{value = 0}, {value = 0}, {value = 0}, {value = 0}, {value = 0}}
local scores = {{{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}}, {{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}}}
local rollsRemaining = 3
local selectedcol, selectedrow = false, 0
local filledScores = 0
local cupColor = 0xb
drawLogo(positions.logo.x, positions.logo.y)
drawStatus(positions.status.x, positions.status.y, scores, rollsRemaining)
drawScores(positions.scores.x, positions.scores.y, scores)
drawDice(positions.dice.x, positions.dice.y, dice)
drawRollCup(positions.rollCup.x, positions.rollCup.y, ('%x'):format(cupColor))
while filledScores < 13 do
local ev = {os.pullEvent()}
if ev[1] == "key" then
if ev[2] == keys.r and rollsRemaining > 0 and not (dice[1].locked and dice[2].locked and dice[3].locked and dice[4].locked and dice[5].locked) then
rollsRemaining = rollsRemaining - 1
drawScores(positions.scores.x, positions.scores.y, scores)
drawStatus(positions.status.x, positions.status.y, scores, rollsRemaining)
rollDice(dice, positions.dice.x, positions.dice.y, positions.rollCup.x, positions.rollCup.y, ('%x'):format(cupColor), rollsRemaining < 1)
calculateScores(scores, dice)
if rollsRemaining == 0 then
selectedcol = false
selectedrow = 2
while selectedrow <= 7 and scores[1][selectedrow].locked do selectedrow = selectedrow + 1 end
if selectedrow > 7 then
selectedcol = true
selectedrow = 1
while selectedrow <= 7 and scores[2][selectedrow].locked do selectedrow = selectedrow + 1 end
if selectedrow > 7 then selectedrow = 0 end
drawScores(positions.scores.x, positions.scores.y, scores, selectedcol and 2 or 1, selectedrow)
selectedcol, selectedrow = false, 0
drawScores(positions.scores.x, positions.scores.y, scores)
elseif ev[2] == and rollsRemaining < 3 and rollsRemaining > 0 then
dice[1].locked = not dice[1].locked
drawDice(positions.dice.x, positions.dice.y, dice)
elseif ev[2] == keys.two and rollsRemaining < 3 and rollsRemaining > 0 then
dice[2].locked = not dice[2].locked
drawDice(positions.dice.x, positions.dice.y, dice)
elseif ev[2] == keys.three and rollsRemaining < 3 and rollsRemaining > 0 then
dice[3].locked = not dice[3].locked
drawDice(positions.dice.x, positions.dice.y, dice)
elseif ev[2] == keys.four and rollsRemaining < 3 and rollsRemaining > 0 then
dice[4].locked = not dice[4].locked
drawDice(positions.dice.x, positions.dice.y, dice)
elseif ev[2] == keys.five and rollsRemaining < 3 and rollsRemaining > 0 then
dice[5].locked = not dice[5].locked
drawDice(positions.dice.x, positions.dice.y, dice)
elseif ev[2] == keys.q then break
elseif ev[2] == keys.up and rollsRemaining < 3 then
if selectedrow == 0 then
selectedcol = false
selectedrow = 2
while selectedrow <= 7 and scores[1][selectedrow].locked do selectedrow = selectedrow + 1 end
if selectedrow > 7 then
selectedcol = true
selectedrow = 1
while selectedrow <= 7 and scores[2][selectedrow].locked do selectedrow = selectedrow + 1 end
if selectedrow > 7 then selectedrow = 0 end
if selectedrow > (selectedcol and 1 or 2) then
local oldrow = selectedrow
repeat selectedrow = selectedrow - 1 until selectedrow < (selectedcol and 1 or 2) or not scores[selectedcol and 2 or 1][selectedrow].locked
if selectedrow < (selectedcol and 1 or 2) then selectedrow = oldrow end
drawScores(positions.scores.x, positions.scores.y, scores, selectedcol and 2 or 1, selectedrow)
elseif ev[2] == keys.down and rollsRemaining < 3 then
if selectedrow == 0 then
selectedcol = false
selectedrow = 7
while selectedrow >= 2 and scores[1][selectedrow].locked do selectedrow = selectedrow - 1 end
if selectedrow < 2 then
selectedcol = true
selectedrow = 7
while selectedrow >= 1 and scores[2][selectedrow].locked do selectedrow = selectedrow - 1 end
if selectedrow < 1 then selectedrow = 0 end
if selectedrow > 0 and selectedrow < 7 then
local oldrow = selectedrow
repeat selectedrow = selectedrow + 1 until selectedrow > 7 or not scores[selectedcol and 2 or 1][selectedrow].locked
if selectedrow > 7 then selectedrow = oldrow end
drawScores(positions.scores.x, positions.scores.y, scores, selectedcol and 2 or 1, selectedrow)
elseif (ev[2] == keys.left or ev[2] == keys.right) and rollsRemaining < 3 and selectedrow ~= 1 and (selectedrow == 0 or not scores[selectedcol and 1 or 2][selectedrow].locked) then
if selectedrow == 0 then
selectedcol = ev[2] == keys.right
selectedrow = (selectedcol and 1 or 2)
while selectedrow <= 7 and scores[selectedcol and 2 or 1][selectedrow].locked do selectedrow = selectedrow + 1 end
if selectedrow > 7 then
selectedcol = not selectedcol
selectedrow = (selectedcol and 1 or 2)
while selectedrow <= 7 and scores[selectedcol and 2 or 1][selectedrow].locked do selectedrow = selectedrow + 1 end
if selectedrow > 7 then selectedrow = 0 end
else selectedcol = not selectedcol end
drawScores(positions.scores.x, positions.scores.y, scores, selectedcol and 2 or 1, selectedrow)
elseif ev[2] == keys.enter and selectedrow ~= 0 and rollsRemaining < 3 and not scores[selectedcol and 2 or 1][selectedrow].locked then
confirmScore(scores, selectedcol and 2 or 1, selectedrow)
dice = {{value = 0}, {value = 0}, {value = 0}, {value = 0}, {value = 0}}
rollsRemaining = 3
drawStatus(positions.status.x, positions.status.y, scores, rollsRemaining)
drawScores(positions.scores.x, positions.scores.y, scores)
drawDice(positions.dice.x, positions.dice.y, dice)
drawRollCup(positions.rollCup.x, positions.rollCup.y, ('%x'):format(cupColor))
filledScores = filledScores + 1
elseif ev[2] == keys.c then
cupColor = cupColor + 1
if cupColor > 0xf then cupColor = 0x0 end
drawRollCup(positions.rollCup.x, positions.rollCup.y, ('%x'):format(cupColor))
elseif ev[1] == "mouse_click" and ev[2] == 1 then
if ((ev[3] >= positions.rollCup.x and ev[3] < positions.rollCup.x + 5 and ev[4] >= positions.rollCup.y and ev[4] < positions.rollCup.y + 5) or (ev[3] >= positions.rollCup.x - 5 and ev[3] < positions.rollCup.x - 1 and ev[4] == positions.rollCup.y + 2)) and rollsRemaining > 0 and not (dice[1].locked and dice[2].locked and dice[3].locked and dice[4].locked and dice[5].locked) then
rollsRemaining = rollsRemaining - 1
drawScores(positions.scores.x, positions.scores.y, scores)
drawStatus(positions.status.x, positions.status.y, scores, rollsRemaining)
rollDice(dice, positions.dice.x, positions.dice.y, positions.rollCup.x, positions.rollCup.y, ('%x'):format(cupColor), rollsRemaining < 1)
calculateScores(scores, dice)
if rollsRemaining == 0 then
selectedcol = false
selectedrow = 2
while selectedrow <= 7 and scores[1][selectedrow].locked do selectedrow = selectedrow + 1 end
if selectedrow > 7 then
selectedcol = true
selectedrow = 1
while selectedrow <= 7 and scores[2][selectedrow].locked do selectedrow = selectedrow + 1 end
if selectedrow > 7 then selectedrow = 0 end
drawScores(positions.scores.x, positions.scores.y, scores, selectedcol and 2 or 1, selectedrow)
selectedcol, selectedrow = false, 0
drawScores(positions.scores.x, positions.scores.y, scores)
elseif ev[3] >= positions.dice.x and ev[3] < positions.dice.x + 15 and ev[4] >= positions.dice.y and ev[4] < positions.dice.y + 2 and rollsRemaining < 3 and rollsRemaining > 0 then
dice[math.floor((ev[3] - positions.dice.x) / 3) + 1].locked = not dice[math.floor((ev[3] - positions.dice.x) / 3) + 1].locked
drawDice(positions.dice.x, positions.dice.y, dice)
elseif ev[3] >= positions.scores.x and ev[3] < positions.scores.x + 40 and ev[4] >= positions.scores.y and ev[4] < positions.scores.y + 7 and rollsRemaining < 3 then
local col, row = ev[3] - positions.scores.x >= 20, ev[4] - positions.scores.y + 1
if selectedcol == col and selectedrow == row and not scores[col and 2 or 1][row].locked then
confirmScore(scores, selectedcol and 2 or 1, selectedrow)
dice = {{value = 0}, {value = 0}, {value = 0}, {value = 0}, {value = 0}}
rollsRemaining = 3
drawStatus(positions.status.x, positions.status.y, scores, rollsRemaining)
drawScores(positions.scores.x, positions.scores.y, scores)
drawDice(positions.dice.x, positions.dice.y, dice)
drawRollCup(positions.rollCup.x, positions.rollCup.y, ('%x'):format(cupColor))
filledScores = filledScores + 1
elseif (col or row > 1) and not scores[col and 2 or 1][row].locked then
selectedcol = col
selectedrow = row
drawScores(positions.scores.x, positions.scores.y, scores, selectedcol and 2 or 1, selectedrow)
if filledScores == 13 then
for i = 1, 3 do
drawLogo(positions.logo.x, positions.logo.y, '5')
drawLogo(positions.logo.x, positions.logo.y, '0')
drawLogo(positions.logo.x, positions.logo.y, '5')
term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
local sum = 0
for e = 1, 2 do for i,v in ipairs(scores[e]) do if v.value and v.locked then sum = sum + v.value end end end
print("Final score: " .. sum)
print("Thanks for playing YahtCC!")
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