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Last active July 1, 2024 00:29
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A variant of DEFLATE using tabled asymmetrical numeral systems
-- DEFLATE-ANS: A variant of DEFLATE that uses asymmetrical numeral systems
-- instead of Huffman coding, increasing decompression speed with similar
-- compression ratios.
-- The block format matches RFC 1951 DEFLATE, with some minor adjustments:
-- * Bit fields are always stored most significant bit first, and bytes are
-- stored most significant byte first. This is for convenience in the bit
-- decoder.
-- * Huffman-encoded blocks are replaced with tANS-encoded blocks. These blocks
-- start with an initial X value (which is R bits long), followed by the codes
-- for each subsequent symbol. The symbols are encoded in reverse order by the
-- encoder, so that the decoder can decode each symbol in sequence. The first
-- code, which brings X from the final symbol to the origin, is omitted.
-- * Because of ANS's statefulness, LZ codes are stored slightly differently in
-- the stream. The symbol and distance code streams are interleaved, with the
-- initial X of the symbol stream being followed immediately by the initial X
-- of the distance code stream. However, the distance code stream is only
-- advanced when a length code is encountered in the symbol stream. Any code
-- for a length code is immediately followed by the extra bits for the length
-- and distance codes, and then the code for the next distance code. The
-- current state of the distance stream should be used, instead of reading a
-- new code before interpreting. Since encoding is reversed, the encoder would
-- encode the next symbol code first, then the next distance code, then the
-- current distance extra bits, then the current length extra bits.
-- * Dictionary code lengths are now encoded as exponents instead of direct code
-- lengths. This is essentially the inverse of normal (less likely symbols
-- have lower lengths). This allows quicker computation of the R and L
-- parameters, which are not encoded directly. Codes of 0 continue to indicate
-- an unused slot, with code length 1 indicating 2^0 (1), 2 = 2^1 (2), etc.
-- These numbers are then set into the Ls array directly.
-- * Dictionaries are stored as a single ANS block with one initial X. The
-- contents of the block remain the same as RFC 1951 - this is just to adapt
-- the statefulness of ANS to the stateless Huffman codes without extra data.
-- Here is an example of a DEFLATE-ANS block:
-- [1|final: 1]
-- [2|type: 1 (static ANS)]
-- (for static blocks, symbolR = 9 and distanceR = 5; therefore symbolL = 512 and distanceL = 32)
-- [9|initial symbol X: 'H']
-- [5|initial distance X: 4]
-- [8|symbol code: 'e']
-- [8|symbol code: 'l']
-- [8|symbol code: 'l']
-- [8|symbol code: 'o']
-- [8|symbol code: ' ']
-- [8|symbol code: 259 (len=5)]
-- (no length bits)
-- [1|distance bits: 1 (dist=6)]
-- [5|distance code: (undefined)]
-- [7|symbol code: 256 (end)]
-- Licensed under the zlib license.
-- Copyright (C) 2023 JackMacWindows
-- This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
-- warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
-- arising from the use of this software.
-- Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-- including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-- freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-- 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
-- claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
-- in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
-- appreciated but is not required.
-- 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
-- misrepresented as being the original software.
-- 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
local bit32_band, bit32_rshift, bit32_lshift, bit32_bor, math_frexp, math_max, math_min, math_floor, table_sort, table_concat, string_char =, bit32.rshift, bit32.lshift, bit32.bor, math.frexp, math.max, math.min, math.floor, table.sort, table.concat, string.char
local function log2(n) local _, r = math_frexp(n) return r-1 end
local function code(n) return n == 0 and 0 or 2^(n-1) end
local function print(...) end local function write(...) end
local staticLs, staticDistLs, clOrd = {R = 9}, {R = 5}, {16, 17, 18}
for i = 0, 143 do staticLs[i+1] = {i, 2} end
for i = 144, 255 do staticLs[i+1] = {i, 1} end
for i = 256, 279 do staticLs[i+1] = {i, 4} end
for i = 280, 287 do staticLs[i+1] = {i, 2} end
for i = 0, 31 do staticDistLs[i+1] = {i, 1} end
for i = 0, 7 do clOrd[#clOrd+1], clOrd[#clOrd+2] = (8 - i) % 8, 8 + i end
local function makeReader(str)
local partial, bits, pos = 0, 0, 1
local function readbits(n)
if not n then n = bits % 8 end
if n <= 0 then return 0 end
while bits < n do assert(pos <= #str) pos, bits, partial = pos + 1, bits + 8, bit32_lshift(partial, 8) + str:byte(pos) end
local retval = bit32_band(bit32_rshift(partial, bits-n), 2^n-1)
bits = bits - n
return retval
return readbits
local function generateDecodeTable(Ls)
local R, L = Ls.R, 2^Ls.R
local X, step, decodingTable, next, symbol = 0, L < 16 and 3 or 0.625 * L + 3, {R = R}, {}, {}
if R < 0 then return decodingTable end
for i = 1, #Ls do
local p = Ls[i]
next[p[1]] = p[2]
for _ = 1, p[2] do while symbol[X] do X = (X + 1) % L end X, symbol[X] = (X + step) % L, p[1] end
for X = 0, L - 1 do
local s = symbol[X]
local t = {s = s, n = R - log2(next[s])}
t.X, decodingTable[X], next[s] = bit32_lshift(next[s], t.n) - L, t, 1 + next[s]
return decodingTable
local function ansdecode(readbits, nsym, decodingTable, distDecodingTable)
local X, XL, i, retval = readbits(decodingTable.R), distDecodingTable and readbits(distDecodingTable.R), 1, {}
while i <= nsym do
local t = decodingTable[X]
local s = t.s
if s == 256 then return retval
elseif s > 256 then
local lencode = s - 257
local ebits = math_max(math_floor(lencode / 4) - 1, 0)
if ebits > 0 then lencode = 2 + bit32_bor(readbits(ebits), bit32_lshift(bit32_band(lencode, 3) + 4, ebits))
else lencode = lencode + 2 end
local tL = distDecodingTable[XL]
local distcode = tL.s
ebits = math_max(math_floor(distcode / 2) - 1, 0)
if ebits > 0 then distcode = 1 + bit32_bor(readbits(ebits), bit32_lshift(bit32_band(distcode, 1) + 2, ebits))
else distcode = distcode + 1 end
for j = 0, lencode do retval[i+j] = retval[i+j-distcode] end
i, XL = i + lencode + 1, tL.X + readbits(tL.n)
elseif not distDecodingTable and s > 15 then
local len
if s == 16 then s, len = retval[i-1], 3 + readbits(2)
elseif s == 17 then s, len = 0, 3 + readbits(3)
else s, len = 0, 11 + readbits(7) end
for j = 0, len-1 do retval[i+j] = s end
i = i + len
retval[i], i = s, i + 1
X = t.X + readbits(t.n)
return retval
local function inflate(data)
local reader, retval = makeReader(data), ""
local final, typ = reader(1) == 1, reader(2)
if typ == 0 then
-- uncompressed
local size = reader(16)
assert(bit32.bxor(reader(16), size) == 0xFFFF, "invalid chunk")
for _ = 1, size do retval = retval .. string_char(reader(8)) end
elseif typ == 1 or typ == 2 then
-- ANS
local Ls, distLs
if typ == 1 then
Ls, distLs = staticLs, staticDistLs
local hLit, hDist, hcLen, clLs = reader(5) + 257, reader(5) + 1, reader(4) + 4, {R = 0}
for i = 1, hcLen do
local c = code(reader(3))
clLs.R, clLs[i] = clLs.R + c, {clOrd[i], c}
clLs.R = log2(clLs.R)
table_sort(clLs, function(a, b) return a[1] < b[1] end)
local trees = ansdecode(reader, hLit + hDist, generateDecodeTable(clLs))
Ls, distLs = {R = 0}, {R = 0}
for i = 1, hLit do Ls[i] = {i - 1, code(trees[i])} end
for i = 1, hDist do distLs[i] = {i - 1, code(trees[i+hLit])} end
for i = 1, hLit do Ls.R = Ls.R + Ls[i][2] end
for i = 1, hDist do distLs.R = distLs.R + distLs[i][2] end
Ls.R, distLs.R = log2(Ls.R), log2(distLs.R)
local sym = ansdecode(reader, 1e10, generateDecodeTable(Ls), generateDecodeTable(distLs))
for i = 1, #sym do sym[i] = string_char(sym[i]) end
retval = retval .. table_concat(sym)
elseif typ == 3 then
local chars = {}
while true do
local len = reader(9)
if len == 511 then break
elseif len >= 256 then
len = len - 253
local dist = reader(15)
for _ = 1, len do chars[#chars+1] = chars[#chars - dist] end
chars[#chars+1] = string.char(len)
retval = retval .. table.concat(chars)
else error("invalid chunk") end
until final
return retval
local function bitstream()
return setmetatable({data = "", partial = 0, len = 0}, {__call = function(self, bits, len)
if not bits then bits, len = 0, 8 - self.len end
--print(bits, len)
assert(bits < 2^len, debug.traceback())
self.partial = bit32.bor(bit32.lshift(self.partial, len), bits)
self.len = self.len + len
while self.len >= 8 do
local byte = bit32.extract(self.partial, self.len - 8, 8) = .. string.char(byte)
self.len = self.len - 8
local function encoder(Ls, symbols)
local R = Ls.R
if R == 0 then
if symbols then return 0 end
while coroutine.yield(0, 0) do end
return 0, 0
local L = 2^R
-- prepare encoding
local k, nb, start, next, symbol, order = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
local X, step = 0, L < 16 and 3 or 0.625 * L + 3
local sumLs = 0
for _, p in ipairs(Ls) do
local s, v = p[1], p[2]
k[s] = R - log2(v)
nb[s] = bit32_lshift(k[s], R+1) - bit32_lshift(v, k[s])
start[s] = sumLs - v
next[s] = v
order[#order+1] = s
for _ = 1, v do
while symbol[X] ~= nil do X = (X + 1) % L end
symbol[X] = s
X = (X + step) % L
sumLs = sumLs + v
-- create encoding table
local encodingTable = {}
for x = L, 2*L - 1 do
local s = symbol[x - L]
encodingTable[start[s] + next[s]] = x
next[s] = next[s] + 1
-- encode symbols
local x = L
local bitcount, nproc = 0, 0
local f
if symbols then
local pos = #symbols
function f()
local s = symbols[pos]
pos = pos - 1
return s
else f = coroutine.yield end
local s = f()
while s do
local nbBits = bit32_rshift(x + nb[s], R + 1)
local nexts = f(bit32_band(x, 2^nbBits-1), nbBits)
bitcount = bitcount + nbBits
nproc = nproc + 1
x = encodingTable[start[s] + bit32_rshift(x, nbBits)]
s = nexts
-- write out
if not symbols then
print("Size of block:", bitcount + R, nproc)
return x - L, R
return bitcount + R
local function coroutine_resume(coro, ...)
local res = table.pack(coroutine.resume(coro, ...))
if not res[1] then error(debug.traceback(coro, res[2]), 2) end
return table.unpack(res, 1, res.n)
local function encodeLZ(symbols, Ls, distLs, out)
local bitbuf = {}
local symcoder = coroutine.create(encoder)
coroutine_resume(symcoder, Ls)
local lzcoder = coroutine.create(encoder)
coroutine_resume(lzcoder, distLs)
for i = #symbols, 1, -1 do
local s = symbols[i]
if type(s) == "table" then
bitbuf[#bitbuf+1] = {select(2, coroutine_resume(symcoder, s[1].code + 257))}
bitbuf[#bitbuf+1] = {select(2, coroutine_resume(lzcoder, s[2].code))}
bitbuf[#bitbuf+1] = {s[2].extra, s[2].bits}
bitbuf[#bitbuf+1] = {s[1].extra, s[1].bits}
bitbuf[#bitbuf+1] = {select(2, coroutine_resume(symcoder, s))}
bitbuf[#bitbuf+1] = {select(2, coroutine_resume(lzcoder))}
bitbuf[#bitbuf+1] = {select(2, coroutine_resume(symcoder))}
for i = #bitbuf, 2, -1 do out(bitbuf[i][1], bitbuf[i][2]) end
local function sizeLZ(symbols, Ls, distLs)
if not Ls or not distLs then return math.huge end
local newsym, distsym = {}, {}
local bits = 0
for i, s in ipairs(symbols) do
if type(s) == "table" then
newsym[i] = s[1].code + 257
distsym[#distsym+1] = s[2].code
bits = bits + s[1].bits + s[2].bits
newsym[i] = s
return bits + encoder(Ls, newsym) + encoder(distLs, distsym)
local function encodeDict(symbols, Ls, out)
local bitbuf = {}
local symcoder = coroutine.create(encoder)
coroutine.resume(symcoder, Ls)
for i = #symbols, 1, -1 do
local s = symbols[i]
if type(s) == "table" then
bitbuf[#bitbuf+1] = {select(2, coroutine.resume(symcoder, s[1]))}
if s[1] == 16 then bitbuf[#bitbuf+1] = {s[2], 2}
elseif s[1] == 17 then bitbuf[#bitbuf+1] = {s[2], 3}
elseif s[1] == 18 then bitbuf[#bitbuf+1] = {s[2], 7} end
bitbuf[#bitbuf+1] = {select(2, coroutine.resume(symcoder, s))}
bitbuf[#bitbuf+1] = {select(2, coroutine.resume(symcoder))}
for i = #bitbuf, 1, -1 do out(bitbuf[i][1], bitbuf[i][2]) end
local function sizeDict(symbols, Ls)
if not Ls then return math.huge end
local newsym = {}
local bits = 0
for i, s in ipairs(symbols) do
if type(s) == "table" then
newsym[i] = s[1]
if s[1] == 16 then bits = bits + 2
elseif s[1] == 17 then bits = bits + 3
elseif s[1] == 18 then bits = bits + 7 end
newsym[i] = s
return bits + encoder(Ls, newsym)
local function distcode(i)
if i == 0 or i == 1 then return {code = i, extra = 0, bits = 0, raw = i} end
local ebits = math.max(select(2, math.frexp(i)) - 2, 0)
local mask = 2^ebits
return {code = ebits * 2 + (bit32.btest(i, mask) and 3 or 2), extra =, mask-1), bits = ebits, raw = i}
local function lencode(i)
if i >= 0 and i < 4 then return {code = i, extra = 0, bits = 0, raw = i} end
local ebits = math.max(select(2, math.frexp(i)) - 3, 0)
local mask = 2^ebits
return {code = ebits * 4 + (bit32.btest(i, mask) and 5 or 4) + (bit32.btest(i, mask*2) and 2 or 0), extra =, mask-1), bits = ebits, raw = i}
local function lz77(tokens, maxdist)
maxdist = math_min(maxdist or 1024, 32768)
local retval = {}
local lookback = {}
local i = 1
while i <= #tokens do
local v = tokens[i]
if lookback[v] then
local lblist = lookback[v]
local max, pos = 0
for n = #lblist, 1, -1 do
local l = lblist[n]
if i - l > maxdist then break end
for j = 1, math_min(#tokens - i, 129) do
local lj = (j - 1) % (i - l) + 1
if tokens[i+j] == tokens[l+lj] then
if j > max then max, pos = j, l end
else break end
if max >= 2 then
local len = lencode(max - 2)
local dist = distcode(i - pos - 1)
retval[#retval+1] = {len, dist}
for j = 0, max do
v = tokens[i+j]
lookback[v][#lookback[v]+1] = i+j
i = i + max + 1
v = nil
if v then
retval[#retval+1] = v
lookback[v] = lookback[v] or {}
lookback[v][#lookback[v]+1] = i
i = i + 1
return retval
local function leafcomp(h) return function(a, b)
if a.height > h then return true end
if b.height > h then return false end
return a.weight > b.weight
end end
local function sortcodes(symbolMap)
if symbolMap then return function(a, b) if a.bits == b.bits then return symbolMap[a.symbol] < symbolMap[b.symbol] else return a.bits < b.bits end end
else return function(a, b) if a.bits == b.bits then return a.symbol < b.symbol else return a.bits < b.bits end end end
local function loadcodes(node, codes, map, partial)
if then
partial.symbol =
map[] = partial
codes[#codes+1] = partial
loadcodes(node[1], codes, map, {bits = partial.bits + 1, code = partial.code * 2})
loadcodes(node[2], codes, map, {bits = partial.bits + 1, code = partial.code * 2 + 1})
local function makeLs(freq, maxHeight)
maxHeight = maxHeight or 15
-- make initial Ls
local Ls = {R = 0}
for k, v in pairs(freq) do Ls[#Ls+1] = {k, v} end
table_sort(Ls, function(a, b) return a[1] < b[1] end)
-- make Huffman tree
local queue = {}
for i, v in ipairs(Ls) do if v[2] > 0 then queue[#queue+1] = {data = v[1], weight = v[2], height = 1} end end
if #queue < 2 then
local retval = {R = 0}
for i, v in ipairs(Ls) do if v[1] == queue[1].data then retval[i] = {v[1], 1, 0} end end
return retval
local comp = leafcomp(maxHeight - 1)
table_sort(queue, comp)
while #queue > 1 do
local a, b = queue[#queue-1], queue[#queue]
local n = {weight = a.weight + b.weight, height = math_max(a.height + 1, b.height + 1), a, b}
queue[#queue] = nil
queue[#queue] = n
table_sort(queue, comp)
-- make canonical codebook
local codes, map = {}, {}
loadcodes(queue[1], codes, map, {bits = 0, code = 0})
table_sort(codes, sortcodes())
codes[1].code = 0
for i = 2, #codes do codes[i].code = bit32.lshift(codes[i-1].code + 1, codes[i].bits - codes[i-1].bits) end
local lengths = {}
for i, v in ipairs(Ls) do
lengths[i] = map[v[1]] and map[v[1]].bits or 0
Ls.R = math_max(Ls.R, lengths[i])
-- make Huffman Ls
local LsH = {}
local huffSum = 0
for i, v in ipairs(lengths) do assert(v > 0 and v <= maxHeight) LsH[i] = {Ls[i][1], 2^(Ls.R-v), Ls.R-v} huffSum = huffSum + 2^(Ls.R-v) end
LsH.R = select(2, math.frexp(huffSum))-1
return LsH
local function deflate(data, level, forceStatic)
if data == "" then return "\x80\x00\x00\xFF\xFF" end
level = level or 5
local out = bitstream()
for i = 1, #data, 65536 do
print(, out.len)
local final = i + 65536 > #data
local chunk = {}
for j = 0, math_min(#data - i, 65535) do
chunk[j+1] = data:byte(i+j)
chunk[#chunk+1] = 256
local lzchunk = level == 0 and chunk or lz77(chunk, 2^(level + 6))
-- extract probabilities
local freq, distfreq = {}, {}
for _, v in ipairs(lzchunk) do
if type(v) == "table" then
local s = v[1].code + 257
freq[s] = (freq[s] or 0) + 1
distfreq[v[2].code] = (distfreq[v[2].code] or 0) + 1
freq[v] = (freq[v] or 0) + 1
local dynamicLs = makeLs(freq)
local dynamicDistLs = makeLs(distfreq)
-- create dynamic distance codes
local lengths = {}
for j = 0, 285 do
local found = false
for _, v in ipairs(dynamicLs) do
if v[1] == j then
found = true
lengths[j] = v[3] + 1
if not found then lengths[j] = 0 end
while #lengths > 256 and lengths[#lengths] == 0 do lengths[#lengths] = nil end
local hLit = #lengths - 256
for j = 0, 31 do
local found = false
for _, v in ipairs(dynamicDistLs) do
if v[1] == j then
found = true
lengths[#lengths+1] = v[3] + 1
if not found then lengths[#lengths+1] = 0 end
while #lengths > 257 and lengths[#lengths] == 0 do lengths[#lengths] = nil end
local hDist = #lengths - hLit - 257
local lencodes = {}
local j = 0
while j <= #lengths do
if lengths[j] == lengths[j+1] and lengths[j+1] == lengths[j+2] then
if lengths[j] == 0 then
local len = 3
while lengths[j+len] == 0 and len < 138 do len = len + 1 end
if len >= 11 then lencodes[#lencodes+1] = {18, len - 11}
else lencodes[#lencodes+1] = {17, len - 3} end
j = j + len
elseif lengths[j+2] == lengths[j+3] then
local len = 4
while lengths[j+len] == lengths[j] and len < 7 do len = len + 1 end
lencodes[#lencodes+1] = lengths[j]
lencodes[#lencodes+1] = {16, len - 4}
j = j + len
lencodes[#lencodes+1] = lengths[j]
lencodes[#lencodes+1] = lengths[j]
lencodes[#lencodes+1] = lengths[j]
j = j + 3
lencodes[#lencodes+1] = lengths[j]
j = j + 1
freq = {}
for _, v in ipairs(lencodes) do
if type(v) == "table" then freq[v[1]] = (freq[v[1]] or 0) + 1
else freq[v] = (freq[v] or 0) + 1 end
local lencodeLs = makeLs(freq, 7)
local lencodelen = {}
for j, v in ipairs(clOrd) do
local l = 0
for _, w in ipairs(lencodeLs) do
if w[1] == v then
l = w[3] + 1
write(l .. " ")
lencodelen[j] = l
while #lencodelen > 4 and lencodelen[#lencodelen] == 0 do lencodelen[#lencodelen] = nil end
-- get sizes for each type
local uncompSize = #chunk * 8 + 8
local lzssSize = #lzchunk * 9
for _, v in ipairs(lzchunk) do if type(v) == "table" then lzssSize = lzssSize + 15 end end
local staticSize = sizeLZ(lzchunk, staticLs, staticDistLs)
local dynamicSize = forceStatic and math.huge or (sizeLZ(lzchunk, dynamicLs, dynamicDistLs) + sizeDict(lencodes, lencodeLs) + #lencodelen * 3)
local minSize = math_min(uncompSize, lzssSize, staticSize, dynamicSize)
print("Sizes:", uncompSize, lzssSize, staticSize, dynamicSize)
-- encode
out(final and 1 or 0, 1)
if minSize == uncompSize then
print("Writing uncompressed block", uncompSize)
out(0, 2)
out(#chunk - 1, 16)
out( - 1), 0xFFFF), 16) = .. data:sub(i, i + 65535)
elseif minSize == lzssSize then
print("Writing LZSS block", lzssSize)
out(3, 2)
for _, s in ipairs(lzchunk) do
if type(s) == "table" then
out(s[1].raw + 256, 9)
out(s[2].raw, 15)
elseif s == 256 then
out(511, 9)
out(s, 9)
else -- ANS
local Ls, distLs
if minSize == staticSize then
print("Writing static block", staticSize)
out(1, 2)
Ls, distLs = staticLs, staticDistLs
print("Writing dynamic block", dynamicSize)
out(2, 2)
Ls, distLs = dynamicLs, dynamicDistLs
out(hLit, 5)
out(hDist, 5)
out(#lencodelen - 4, 4)
for _, v in ipairs(lencodelen) do out(v, 3) end
encodeDict(lencodes, lencodeLs, out)
encodeLZ(lzchunk, Ls, distLs, out)
return {deflate = deflate, inflate = inflate}
local a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,,bit32.rshift,bit32.lshift,bit32.bor,math.frexp,math.max,math.floor,table.sort,table.concat,string.char;local function k(l)local m,n=e(l)return n-1 end;local function o(l)return l==0 and 0 or 2^(l-1)end;local p,q,r={R=9},{R=5},{16,17,18}for s=0,143 do p[s+1]={s,2}end;for s=144,255 do p[s+1]={s,1}end;for s=256,279 do p[s+1]={s,4}end;for s=280,287 do p[s+1]={s,2}end;for s=0,31 do q[s+1]={s,1}end;for s=0,7 do r[#r+1],r[#r+2]=(8-s)%8,8+s end;local function t(u)local v,w,x=0,0,1;local function y(l)if not l then l=w%8 end;if l<=0 then return 0 end;while w<l do x,w,v=x+1,w+8,c(v,8)+u:byte(x)end;local z=a(b(v,w-l),2^l-1)w=w-l;return z end;return y end;local function A(B)local C,D=B.R,2^B.R;local E,F,G,H,I=0,D<16 and 3 or 0.625*D+3,{R=C},{},{}if C<0 then return G end;for s=1,#B do local J=B[s]H[J[1]]=J[2]for m=1,J[2]do while I[E]do E=(E+1)%D end;E,I[E]=(E+F)%D,J[1]end end;for E=0,D-1 do local K=I[E]local L={s=K,n=C-k(H[K])}L.X,G[E],H[K]=c(H[K],L.n)-D,L,1+H[K]end;return G end;local function M(y,N,G,O)local E,P,s,z=y(G.R),O and y(O.R),1,{}while s<=N do local L=G[E]local K=L.s;if K==256 then return z elseif K>256 then local Q=K-257;local R=f(g(Q/4)-1,0)if R>0 then Q=2+d(y(R),c(a(Q,3)+4,R))else Q=Q+2 end;local S=O[P]local T=S.s;R=f(g(T/2)-1,0)if R>0 then T=1+d(y(R),c(a(T,1)+2,R))else T=T+1 end;for U=0,Q do z[s+U]=z[s+U-T]end;s,P=s+Q+1,S.X+y(S.n)elseif not O and K>15 then local V;if K==16 then K,V=z[s-1],3+y(2)elseif K==17 then K,V=0,3+y(3)else K,V=0,11+y(7)end;for U=0,V-1 do z[s+U]=K end;s=s+V else z[s],s=K,s+1 end;E=L.X+y(L.n)end;return z end;return function(W)local X,z=t(W),""repeat local Y,Z=X(1)==1,X(2)if Z==0 then X()local _=X(16)for m=1,_ do z=z..j(X(8))end elseif Z==1 or Z==2 then local B,a0;if Z==1 then B,a0=p,q else local a1,a2,a3,a4=X(5)+257,X(5)+1,X(4)+4,{R=0}for s=1,a3 do local a5=o(X(3))a4.R,a4[s]=a4.R+a5,{r[s],a5}end;a4.R=k(a4.R)h(a4,function(a6,a7)return a6[1]<a7[1]end)local a8=M(X,a1+a2,A(a4))B,a0={R=0},{R=0}for s=1,a1 do B[s]={s-1,o(a8[s])}end;for s=1,a2 do a0[s]={s-1,o(a8[s+a1])}end;for s=1,a1 do B.R=B.R+B[s][2]end;for s=1,a2 do a0.R=a0.R+a0[s][2]end;B.R,a0.R=k(B.R),k(a0.R)end;local a9=M(X,1e10,A(B),A(a0))for s=1,#a9 do a9[s]=j(a9[s])end;z=z..i(a9)elseif Z==3 then local aa={}while true do local V=X(9)if V==511 then break elseif V>=256 then V=V-253;local ab=X(15)for m=1,V do aa[#aa+1]=aa[#aa-ab]end else aa[#aa+1]=string.char(V)end end;z=z..table.concat(aa)else error("invalid chunk")end until Y;return z end
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