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Created October 13, 2023 12:11
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a new gentoo machine.
# Check if the script is run with root privileges
if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "This script must be run as root."
exit 1
# Enable SSH (sshd) and start the service
rc-update add sshd default
rc-service sshd start
# List of potential admin usernames
usernames=("hew" "merlin" "paracelsus")
# Randomly select a username from the list
random_index=$((RANDOM % ${#usernames[@]}))
# Check if the selected username already exists
if id "$new_username" &>/dev/null; then
echo "User $new_username already exists."
# Create a new user with the selected username and add them to the sudo group (admin privileges)
useradd -m -G wheel "$new_username"
echo "User $new_username created and added to the sudo group."
# Set the password for the new user
echo "$new_username:9V9D4RbU" | chpasswd
# Check if the user exists on the disk
if [ -d "/home/$new_username" ]; then
echo "User $new_username exists on the disk."
# Delete the script if the user is present
rm -- "$0"
echo "Script deleted."
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