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Last active January 24, 2022 22:48
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Generating range change plots in ggplot
# much better way to do this ---------------
d <- tribble(
~species, ~low_1, ~high_1, ~low_2, ~high_2, ~shift,
"PRLC", 180, 740, 180, 990, "expansion",
"AMRE", 640, 690, 250, 780, "expansion",
"PETH", 180, 990, 180, 840, "contraction",
"PRBU", 180, 1000, 180, 1000, "no_change",
"WOOF", 180, 500, 250, 600, "shift",
"YIKE", 280, 600, 180, 500, "shift"
# basic steps here:
# find the range of the grey bars, which is the smallest high value and the biggest low value
# then some reshaping to get our data into a format where each species has 2 rows, one for the upper limits and one for the lower limits Each row has both time steps
# then we figure out the changes in upper and lower limits, and then decide whether those are expansions or contractions. If they're nothing, then we say they're NA
dd <- d %>%
mutate(grey_low = pmax(low_1, low_2), grey_high = pmin(high_1, high_2)) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c(low_1, low_2, high_1, high_2)) %>%
separate(name, into = c("type", "time"), sep = "_") %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = time, values_from = value, names_prefix = "t") %>%
mutate(change = t2 - t1,
change = case_when(
type == "low" & change < 0 | type == "high" & change > 0 ~ "exp",
type == "low" & change > 0 | type == "high" & change < 0 ~ "cont",
TRUE ~ NA_character_
dd %>%
# x axis is species
ggplot(aes(x = species, xend = species)) +
# here we are plotting the expansions and contractions on both high and low limits
geom_segment(aes(y = t1, yend = t2, color = change), size = 4) +
# now we plot grey segments, based on the grey calculations we made earlier
geom_segment(aes(y = grey_low, yend = grey_high), color = "grey80", size = 4) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("red", "forestgreen")) +
facet_wrap(vars(shift), nrow = 1, scales = "free_x") +
theme(legend.position = "none")
# old way --------------
# set up dataframe with low and high ranges for time 1 and low and high ranges for time 2, and whether or not that represents contraction or expansion
d <- tribble(
~species, ~low1, ~high1, ~low2, ~high2, ~expansion,
"PRLC", 180, 740, 180, 990, "expansion",
"AMRE", 640, 690, 250, 780, "expansion",
"PETH", 180, 990, 180, 840, "contraction",
"PRBU", 180, 1000, 180, 1000, "no_change"
# easiest way to do this is actually to just plot a few different sets of geoms that overlap each other. this works nicely when there are range expansions in both directions
d %>%
ggplot(aes(x = species, xend = species)) +
# first plot the green bars, these are NEW ranges so we use low2 and high2
geom_segment(data = . %>%
filter(expansion == "expansion"),
aes(y = low2, yend = high2, color = expansion), size = 4, color = "forestgreen") +
# now plot the gray bars that cover up parts of the green bars, using low1 and high1
geom_segment(data = . %>%
filter(expansion != "contraction"),
aes(y = low1, yend = high1), size = 4, color = "grey80") +
# now plot the red bars, these are actually the OLD ranges so we use low1 and high1
geom_segment(data = . %>%
filter(expansion == "contraction"),
aes(y = low1, yend = high1, color = expansion), size = 4, color = "red") +
# then plot the grey bars to cover them up, which are the NEW ranges, so we use low2 and high2
geom_segment(data = . %>%
filter(expansion == "contraction"),
aes(y = low2, yend = high2), size = 4, color = "grey80") +
facet_wrap(vars(expansion), nrow = 1, scales = "free_x")
# NOTE: this will NOT work if you have an expansion on one end of the range and a contraction on the other. you'd have to do something like below:
d <- tribble(
~species, ~low1, ~high1, ~low2, ~high2, ~expansion,
"PRLC", 180, 740, 180, 990, "expansion",
"AMRE", 640, 690, 250, 780, "expansion",
"PETH", 180, 990, 180, 840, "contraction",
"PRBU", 180, 1000, 180, 1000, "no_change",
"WOOF", 180, 500, 250, 600, "shift_up"
d %>%
ggplot(aes(x = species, xend = species)) +
# first plot the green bars, these are NEW ranges so we use low2 and high2
geom_segment(data = . %>%
filter(expansion == "expansion"),
aes(y = low2, yend = high2, color = expansion), size = 4, color = "forestgreen") +
# now plot the gray bars that cover up parts of the green bars, using low1 and high1
geom_segment(data = . %>%
filter(expansion %in% c("expansion", "no_change")),
aes(y = low1, yend = high1), size = 4, color = "grey80") +
# now plot the red bars, these are actually the OLD ranges so we use low1 and high1
geom_segment(data = . %>%
filter(expansion == "contraction"),
aes(y = low1, yend = high1, color = expansion), size = 4, color = "red") +
# then plot the grey bars to cover them up, which are the NEW ranges, so we use low2 and high2
geom_segment(data = . %>%
filter(expansion == "contraction"),
aes(y = low2, yend = high2), size = 4, color = "grey80") +
geom_segment(data = . %>%
filter(expansion == "shift_up"),
aes(y = low1, yend = high1), size = 4, color = "red") +
geom_segment(data = . %>%
filter(expansion == "shift_up"),
aes(y = low2, yend = high2), size = 4, color = "forestgreen") +
geom_segment(data = . %>%
filter(expansion == "shift_up"),
aes(y = low2, yend = high1), size = 4, color = "grey80") +
facet_wrap(vars(expansion), nrow = 1, scales = "free_x")
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