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Last active July 29, 2018 19:25
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[Python] Script that automatically records tracks played by the linux spotify client.
from subprocess import run, PIPE, Popen
import shutil
import string
import psutil
except ModuleNotFoundError:
print("psutil not found, please install it.\n$pip install psutil\n$python3 -m pip install psutil")
def format_filename(s):
Shamelessly stolen from
valid_chars = "-_.() %s%s" % (string.ascii_letters, string.digits)
filename = ''.join(c for c in s if c in valid_chars)
return filename.replace(' ', '_')
def wait_for_spotify():
print("Waiting for Spotify to launch...")
while True:
pidlist = [ for p in psutil.process_iter(attrs=['pid', 'name']) if 'spotify' in['name']]
if pidlist:
pid = pidlist[0]["pid"]
print("Found Spotify, PID " + str(pid))
return pid
def get_playing(pid):
p = run(["wmctrl", "-l", "-p"], stdout=PIPE, encoding="UTF-8")
for line in p.stdout.splitlines():
args = line.split()
if args and int(args[2]) == pid:
title = " ".join(args[4:])
return title if not title == "Spotify" else None
def get_monitor():
print("Attempting to find PulseAudio Monitor...")
pacmd = run(["pacmd", "list"], stdout=PIPE, encoding="UTF-8")
for line in pacmd.stdout.splitlines():
if ".monitor" in line:
monitor = line[line.index("<") + 1 :line.index(">")]
print("Found Monitor " + monitor)
return monitor
def start_recording(monitor, title):
print("Starting Recording...")
return Popen(["parec", "-d", monitor, "--file-format=wav", format_filename(title + ".wav")])
def test_for_command(cmd):
return shutil.which(cmd) is not None
print("Checking for pacat...")
if not test_for_command("pacat"):
print("pacat is not installed, exiting...")
print("Checking for wmctrl...")
if not test_for_command("wmctrl"):
print("wmctrl is not installed, exiting...")
monitor = get_monitor()
pid = wait_for_spotify()
old_title = None
rec = None
while True:
title = get_playing(pid)
if not old_title == title:
if old_title:
# The old track has ended
print("Track '" + old_title + "' has ended, stopping Recording...")
rec = None
if title:
# A new track has started playing
print("Now Playing: " + title)
rec = start_recording(monitor, title)
old_title = title
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Received KeyboardInterrupt, exiting...")
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