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Forked from banker/basics.rb
Created July 25, 2011 03:28
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Files used in a presentation on MongoDB and Ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'mongo'
@con =
# Instance of Mongo::DB
@db = @con['webinar']
# Instance of Mongo::Collection
@col = @db['users']
@doc = { :first => "Kyle",
:last => "Banker",
:city => "NYC",
:loc => [40.1, -73],
:status => 0
id = @col.insert(@doc)
@col.update({'_id' => id})
puts "\nCursors and queries"
# Instance of Mongo::Cursor
@cursor = @col.find
# Implements Enumerable
@cursor.each do |doc|
p doc
# Manual iteration
@cursor = @col.find
while @cursor.has_next?
p @cursor.next_document
# Collection#find_one doesn't create a cursor
p @col.find_one
puts "\nRunning a command"
# BSON::OrderedHash (not needed in 1.9)
# Sometimes documents need ordering, as when running commands
# The command key must come first
@cmd =
@cmd['findAndModify'] = 'users'
@cmd['query'] = {:first => "Kyle"}
@cmd['update'] = {:$set => {:status => 2}}
p @db.command(@cmd)
# Executables
# - j2bson
# - b2json
# - mongo_console
require 'rubygems'
require 'logger'
require 'mongo'
# Connecting to a single mongod or to mongos
# 'localhost', 27017
# Host / port parameters'localhost', 27017)
# With logging
# Note: this make things slower. Not for high performance apps.
@logger ='mongo-ruby.log')
@con ='localhost', 27017, :logger => @logger)
@con['test']['foo'].save({:foo => "bar"})
# Connection to a secondary or slave node'localhost', 27017, :slave_ok => true)
# Using Mongo URI
require 'rubygems'
require 'mongo'
# Since you can build true, multi-threaded apps, connection pooling
# will be most useful here.
# pool_size = number of threads, where one thread is allocated per connection.
# timeout is the amount of time to wait for a new connection before raising an exception
# This works for ReplSetConnection too.'localhost', 27017, :pool_size => 10, :timeout => 500)
# Object mappers
# MongoDoc
# MongoMatic
# Candy
# MongoMapper
# Mongoid
# I recommend MongoMapper. However, lots of works has gone into
# the other projects. You should decide based on tests, review of the
# code base, successful projects.
# Common feautures
# - Validation
# - Associations (Document-document, Embedded, and Polymorphic)
# Rules of thumb
# 1. Know your tools.
# - MongoDB
# - Driver
# - Object Mapper (Read the code!)
# 2. Don't let abstractions make you weak or lead you astray.
# - Documents should be no more than a couple levels deep.
# - And generally no larger than 100KB.
# - Going against either of the above is a code smell.
# 3. Don't declare indexes in your model.
# - An index is a migration and therefore should not be built automatically.
# - Mongoid has a rake task for build indexes.
require 'rubygems'
require 'mongo'
# Note: this assumes a replica set with three nodes on
# localhost, starting at 30000
# Basic connection
# Note: it's best to specify all seed node in your app ['localhost', 30000], ['localhost', 30001],
['localhost', 30002] )
# Ensure replica set name ['localhost', 30000], :rs_name => "foo" )
# Distribute reads to secondaries ['localhost', 30000], :read_secondary => true )
# Connect directly to a secondary node ['localhost', 30001], :slave_ok => true )
# Using Mongo URI
# The failover question.
# If a replica set member fails, electing a new master can take
# time. Your application has to allow for this.
# See tests.
require 'rubygems'
require 'mongo'
# Write concern can be set on the Connection, DB, Collection,
# or individual operation. Applies to inserts, updates, and deletes.
# Writes just write to the socket. Write concen will issue a getlasterror
# command immediately after to flush the socket and ensure that no
# errors were raised on the server.
# You can run getlasterror manually. There's a driver helper.
@con =
@db = @con['test']
puts "Get last error"
@db['test']['foo'].save({:foo => "baz"})
p @db.get_last_error
# Ensure that write was replicated to a total of two nodes,
# with a 500ms timeout
@db['test']['foo'].save({:foo => "bar"})
p @db.get_last_error(:w => 0, :wtimeout => 500)
puts "Safe mode inheritance"
# These options are specified using :safe
@con ='localhost', 27017, :safe => true)
@db = @con['test']
@col = @db['foo']
# Overriding the default safe setting{:foo => "baz"}, :safe => false)
# More sophisticated safe settings
@con ='localhost', 27017)
@analytics = @con['analytics']
@app ='app', @con, :safe => {:w => 2, :wtimout => 500})
puts "Analytics safe mode: #{}"
puts "App safe mode: #{}"
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