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Created April 11, 2017 01:25
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; Adam Coggehsall
; Writeup for Dakotacon CTF 2017: Postfix Shellcode
; Problem Description:
; There is a service listening on
; This service takes and executes exactly 80 bytes of x86 shellcode.
; There is a char pointer to a postfix expression in ebx.
; Your are to compute the value of that expression and store the result in eax.
; Possible numbers are 0-9 and possible operators are +,-,*,/.
; Every token is one char/byte.
; Not much of an actual writeup, but I tried to annotate the code I used.
; Built with flat assembler, uses 53 bytes.
; Pretty sure I just piped the resulting binary into netcat.
; This is a macro I stole from another project of mine,
; based on a macro I stole off a forum.
macro display_num num
value = num
if value<0
value = -value
display '-'
end if
while pos*10<=value
end while
while pos>=1
display ('0'+digit)
end while
; Grab a character and increment our pointer.
movzx eax, byte [ebx]
inc ebx
; Figure out what character we're dealing with.
; We can check for two characters with each cmp.
; If character is greater than /, it must be a number.
cmp al,'/'
ja num
; At this point, the character must be either an operator or null.
; Pop two values from the stack.
; For operators, these are arguments.
; For null, they are the result and the return address.
pop ecx
pop edx
; Finally, jump to the handler for division if the previous comparison was equal.
je op_div
; Handle + and -
cmp al, '+'
ja op_sub
je op_add
; Handle *
cmp al, '*'
je op_mul
; If we end up here, save the result and return.
mov eax, ecx
jmp edx
; Negate second parameter and fall through.
neg ecx
; Add two numbers.
add ecx, edx
push ecx
jmp top
; Multiply two numbers.
imul ecx, edx
push ecx
jmp top
; From some x86 docs website:
; Signed divide EDX:EAX by r/m32, with result stored in EAX = Quotient, EDX = Remainder.
; :)
mov eax, edx
xor edx, edx
idiv ecx
push eax
jmp top
; Subtract ASCII '0' to get the actual numeric value.
; Push the result.
sub al, '0'
push eax
jmp top
; Get size of code up to this point.
len = $-$$
display_num len
; Fill with nops up to 80 bytes
repeat 80-len
end repeat
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