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Created June 23, 2019 21:03
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Python testing jenkinsfile
// This is just a snippet, not a complete file
try {
stage('Unit Tests') {
// Build our base image
app ="our-service:PR-${BUILD_ID}")
// Build our test image passing our base image version and our test dockerfile"our-service-test:PR-$BUILD_ID", "--build-arg BUILD_VERSION=PR-$BUILD_ID . -f test.Dockerfile")
// Run our tests!
// I've named our container, this will come in handy in a minute.
sh "docker run --name OUR_SERVICE_DEV_TEST_$BUILD_ID our-service-test:PR-$BUILD_ID "
} finally {
// We can retrieve our test results even though the container stopped!
sh "docker cp OUR_SERVICE_DEV_TEST_$BUILD_ID:/app/results.xml ."
junit 'results.xml'
// You may want to also do some image cleanup somewhere in your job depending on your Docker setup
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