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MInner/ Secret

Created October 26, 2016 21:53
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NB_NAME = 'path_lstm_clean_multigpu'
import os
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import treebank
import numpy as np
from math import ceil
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#%matplotlib inline
import itertools
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
flatten = itertools.chain.from_iterable
class record:
def __init__(self, name, d):
if any(type(x) != str for x in d.keys()):
raise ValueError("Keys must be strings")
self.container = namedtuple(name, d.keys())(**d)
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.container, name)
def from_local(cls, name, local, mapping):
if type(mapping) == list:
export_names = mapping
return record(name, {name:local[name] for name in export_names})
elif type(mapping) is dict:
new_dict = {sub_name:record.from_local('sub', local, sub_map)
for sub_name, sub_map in mapping.items()}
return record(name, new_dict)
raise ValueError("record mapping must be either dict() or list()")
def get(self, name):
return getattr(self.container, name)
def keys(self):
return self.container._asdict().keys()
def test_record():
a = record('rec', {'a': 1, 'b': 2})
assert a.a == 1
assert a.get('b') == 2
local = {'a': 2, 'b': 3}
mapping = ['a', 'b']
b = record.from_local('rec', local, mapping)
assert b.a == 2
assert b.get('b') == 3
mapping = {'input': ['a'], 'output': ['b']}
c = record.from_local('rec', local, mapping)
assert c.input.a == 2
assert c.get('output').get('b') == 3
assert set(c.keys()) == set(['input', 'output'])
PRIMARY_DATA_DIR = '/scratch2/dumps'
import pickle
class PickleShardIterator:
takes a generator over large list and turns it into sharded interator
to consume less memory and work faster then generator
def __init__(self, name, n_shards, pickle_dir=None):
partial_pickle_dir = self.get_partial_dir(pickle_dir)
self.full_pickle_dir = os.path.join(partial_pickle_dir, name)
self.n_shards = n_shards
self.n_current_shard = 0
self.current_shard_iterator = None
def __iter__(self):
self.n_current_shard = 0
self.current_shard_iterator = None
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.n_current_shard >= self.n_shards:
raise StopIteration
if self.current_shard_iterator == None:
shard_file_name = os.path.join(self.full_pickle_dir, str(self.n_current_shard)+'.pickle')
if os.path.isfile(shard_file_name):
with open(shard_file_name, 'rb') as f:
self.current_shard_iterator = iter(pickle.load(f))
return next(self.current_shard_iterator)
except StopIteration:
self.n_current_shard += 1
self.current_shard_iterator = None
return self.__next__()
def set_default_dir(cls, folder):
print('Setting default dir to', folder)
cls.DEFAULT_DIR = folder
def get_partial_dir(cls, pickle_dir):
partial_pickle_dir = cls.DEFAULT_DIR or pickle_dir
if not partial_pickle_dir:
raise ValueError("No pickle dir specified, use"
"or `pickle_dir=..` argument")
return partial_pickle_dir
def from_iterator(cls, iterator, name, shard_size=DEFAULT_SHARD_SIZE, size_func=len, pickle_dir=None):
partial_pickle_dir = cls.get_partial_dir(pickle_dir)
full_pickle_dir = os.path.join(partial_pickle_dir, name)
if not os.path.exists(full_pickle_dir):
iterator_exhausted = False
n_current_shard = 0
while not iterator_exhausted:
current_shard_to_pack = []
while size_func(current_shard_to_pack) < shard_size:
except StopIteration:
iterator_exhausted = True
shard_file_name = os.path.join(full_pickle_dir, str(n_current_shard)+'.pickle')
with open(shard_file_name, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(current_shard_to_pack, f)
n_current_shard += 1
return PickleShardIterator(name, n_current_shard, partial_pickle_dir)
PickleShardIterator.set_default_dir(os.path.join(PRIMARY_DATA_DIR, 'tf_dumps/pickle_shard', NB_NAME))
def pickle_load_cached_function(func, prefix=''):
dump_path = PRIMARY_DATA_DIR+'/tf_dumps/func_cache/' + NB_NAME + '/'
if not os.path.exists(dump_path):
func_name = func.__name__
file_name = dump_path+func_name+prefix+'.pickle'
if os.path.isfile(file_name):
print('loading', func_name ,'from', file_name)
with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
data = pickle.load(f)
return data
print('something failed while fetching', func_name, 'running actual function')
pass # run actual function otherwise
print('no dump found, running', func_name)
data = func()
with open(file_name, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(data, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
print('writing', func_name ,'to', file_name)
return data
def test_picke_sharder():
range_iterator = range(1000)
sharded_iter = PickleShardIterator.from_iterator(iter(range_iterator), 'range_iter')
for i in range(5):
for i, x in enumerate(sharded_iter):
if i % 300 == 0:
## we want this guy to be pickleble too
with open('/tmp/test_range_sharded.picke', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(sharded_iter, f)
with open('/tmp/test_range_sharded.picke', 'rb') as f:
sharded_iter_loaded = pickle.load(f)
for i, x in enumerate(sharded_iter_loaded):
if i % 300 == 0:
def test_pickle_load():
# test_picke_sharder()
import numpy as np
class MultiEdgeTreeNode:
""" Tree that has two types of edges: bottom - top-bottom, right - left-right"""
def __init__(self, content, tree_id, pos_id=None, print_mode=False): = None
self.bottom = None
self.right = None
self.left = None
self.parse_node = content
self.print_mode = print_mode # monkey patching :(
self.tree_id = tree_id
self.pos_id = pos_id
self.max_pos_over_subtree_cache = None
def parent(self):
if self.is_first_in_row:
return self.left.parent
def is_terminal(self):
return self.bottom == None
def is_root(self):
return (self.right == None
and self.left == None
and == None)
def is_first_in_row(self):
return (self.left == None)
def is_last_in_row(self):
return self.right == None
def top_bottom_bound(a, b):
a.bottom = b = a
def left_right_bound(a, b):
a.right = b
b.left = a
def pprint(self):
tmp_self_top =
self._pprint(shift=0, top_str='ROOT')
def content_label(self):
cont_label = self.parse_node.label()
if self.is_terminal:
cont_label += (' (%s)' % self.parse_node[0])
return cont_label
def full_content_label(self):
return (self.parse_node.label()
+ ' (%s)' % (' '.join(self.parse_node.leaves())))
def _pprint(self, shift, top_str=None):
if self.is_first_in_row:
print('|'*shift, top_str or,
' -down>- ', self.content_label)
if not self.is_terminal:
first_child = self.bottom
if not self.is_last_in_row:
print('|'*shift, self.content_label,
' -right>- ', self.right.content_label)
def __repr__(self):
if not self.print_mode:
return "<MENode %s>" % self.content_label
return "<MENode %s>" % repr(self.parse_node)
## for word feature column
def sentence_pos_id(self):
if self.pos_id:
return self.pos_id
if self.is_first_in_row:
if self.is_root:
return 0
return self.left.max_pos_over_subtree + 1
def max_pos_over_subtree(self):
if self.max_pos_over_subtree_cache:
return self.max_pos_over_subtree_cache
if self.is_terminal:
## weird lost nodes (rare, like, "NP with removed *-2 under it")
cur_id = self.pos_id if self.pos_id else self.parent.sentence_pos_id
last_child = self.bottom
while not last_child.is_last_in_row:
last_child = last_child.right
cur_id = last_child.max_pos_over_subtree
self.max_pos_over_subtree_cache = cur_id
return self.max_pos_over_subtree_cache
def find_leaf_pos(tree, leaf):
for pos in tree.treepositions():
if id(tree[pos]) == id(leaf):
tp = pos
for i in range(len(tree.leaves())):
if tree.leaf_treeposition(i) == (*tp, 0):
return i
def find_aligned_leaf_pos(tree, leaf, word_seq):
## caching in required, a lot of repeated work otherwise
original_pos = find_leaf_pos(tree, leaf)
alignment = {}
j = 0
for i, word in enumerate(tree.leaves()):
if word_seq[j] == word:
alignment[i] = j
j += 1
if j == len(word_seq):
return alignment[original_pos]
## PARSE -> ME
def ptb_label_strip(labl):
if '=' in labl:
return labl.split('=')[0]
if '-' in labl:
split = labl.split('-')
if split[-1].isdigit():
return '-'.join(split[:-1])
return labl
def words_from_tree(tree):
return [word for word in tree.leaves() if word[0] != '*']
def parse_tree_into_me_tree(node, tree_id, top_tree=None):
if not top_tree:
top_tree = node
node_me = MultiEdgeTreeNode(node, tree_id=tree_id)
if type(node[0]) != str and node[0].label() != '-NONE-': # not terminal
first_child = node[0]
first_node_me = parse_tree_into_me_tree(first_child, tree_id, top_tree)
MultiEdgeTreeNode.top_bottom_bound(node_me, first_node_me)
prev_child_me_node = first_node_me
for child in node[1:]:
if child.label() == '-NONE-':
new_node_me = parse_tree_into_me_tree(child, tree_id, top_tree)
MultiEdgeTreeNode.left_right_bound(prev_child_me_node, new_node_me)
prev_child_me_node = new_node_me
if type(node[0]) == str:
node_me.pos_id = find_aligned_leaf_pos(top_tree, node, words_from_tree(top_tree))
return node_me
def me_tree_into_topdown_branches(node_me):
sub_branches = []
if not node_me.is_terminal:
for under_sub_branch in me_tree_into_topdown_branches(node_me.bottom):
sub_branches.append( [(node_me, 'bottom')]+under_sub_branch )
if not node_me.is_last_in_row:
for after_sub_branch in me_tree_into_topdown_branches(node_me.right):
sub_branches.append( [(node_me, 'right')]+after_sub_branch )
if node_me.is_last_in_row and node_me.is_terminal:
## must be STOP here, but bottom for simplicity
sub_branches = [[(node_me, 'stop')]]
return sub_branches
def me_tree_into_positive_branches(root, n_allowed_forward_span=1, n_allowed_duplicates=0):
## [ of braches [.. (node_me, command) ..] ]
root_branches = me_tree_into_topdown_branches(root)
me_leave_s = [root_branch[-1][0] for root_branch in root_branches]
all_terminal_s = [root] + me_leave_s
all_leaves_branches = [root_branches]
for me_leave in me_leave_s:
climb_up_node = me_leave
leave_branches = []
prefix = []
while not climb_up_node.is_root:
if climb_up_node.is_first_in_row:
to_branch_from =
prefix += [(climb_up_node, 'top')]
to_branch_from = climb_up_node.left
prefix += [(climb_up_node, 'left')]
for from_branch in me_tree_into_topdown_branches(to_branch_from):
# don't want to just go back, like
# node1 -> parent -> .. -> node1
if from_branch[-1][0] != me_leave:
leave_branches.append( prefix + from_branch )
climb_up_node = to_branch_from
all_positive_time_branches_dict = defaultdict(list)
for leave_branches in all_leaves_branches:
for branch in leave_branches:
fr, to = branch[0][0], branch[-1][0]
## span < n_allowed_span or it starts in S (root)
if ( all_terminal_s.index(fr) - all_terminal_s.index(to) <= n_allowed_forward_span
or fr == root):
nodes_list = [x[0] for x in branch]
if len(nodes_list) - len(set(nodes_list)) > n_allowed_duplicates:
return all_leaves_branches, all_positive_time_branches_dict
def reverse_branch(branch):
nodes, cmds = zip(*branch)
nodes_new = nodes[::-1]
pairs = [('top', 'bottom'), ('right', 'left')]
cmd_inv_dict = dict(pairs + [pair[::-1] for pair in pairs])
cmds_new = [cmd_inv_dict[cmd] for cmd in cmds[:-1][::-1]] + ['stop']
return zip(nodes_new, cmds_new)
def me_tree_into_positive_negative_branches(me_tree, n_allowed_forward_span,
kw = {'n_allowed_forward_span':n_allowed_forward_span,
_, all_positive_branches_dict = me_tree_into_positive_branches(me_tree, **kw)
tree_branch_list_p1 = list(flatten(all_positive_branches_dict.values()))
tree_branch_iter = [*[reverse_branch(br) for br in tree_branch_list_p1],
return tree_branch_iter
def me_tree_to_bfs(me_node):
current_sub_dfs = []
if not me_node.is_terminal:
current_sub_dfs.append((me_node, 'bottom'))
current_sub_dfs.extend( me_tree_to_bfs(me_node.bottom) )
if not me_node.is_last_in_row:
current_sub_dfs.append((me_node, 'right'))
child_sub_dfs = me_tree_to_bfs(me_node.right)
child_sub_dfs_fixed = child_sub_dfs[:-1] + [(child_sub_dfs[-1][0], 'left')]
current_sub_dfs.extend( child_sub_dfs_fixed )
current_sub_dfs.append((me_node, 'top'))
return current_sub_dfs
def main_tree_s_into_branches(trees, mode, **args):
't' topdown
'tp' topdown + positive [n_allowed_forward_span=?, n_allowed_duplicates=?]
'tpr' topdown + positive + reverse positive
'tpb' topdown + positive + bfs
'tprb' .. (all)
if mode not in ['t', 'tp', 'tpr', 'tpb', 'tprb']:
raise ValueError("Mode not supported", mode)
tree_s_map = lambda f, trees: [f(parse_tree_into_me_tree(x, i)) for i, x in enumerate(trees)]
if 'p' in mode:
argv = [args['n_allowed_forward_span'], args['n_allowed_duplicates']]
if mode == 't':
brs = tree_s_map(tree_into_branches, trees)
elif mode.startswith('tpr'):
map_func = lambda x: me_tree_into_positive_negative_branches(x, *argv)
brs = tree_s_map(map_func, trees)
elif mode.startswith('tp'):
map_func = lambda x: me_tree_into_positive_branches(x, *argv)
bunch = tree_s_map(map_func, trees)
brs = [list(flatten(x[1].values())) for x in bunch]
if 'b' in mode:
brs = [tree_brs + [me_tree_to_bfs(parse_tree_into_me_tree(tree, i))]
for i, (tree_brs, tree) in enumerate(zip(brs, trees))]
return brs
def branches_into_feature_lists(tree_s_branches):
feature_map_funcs = [
lambda x: x.is_first_in_row, lambda x: x.is_last_in_row,
lambda x: x.is_terminal, lambda x: x.parse_node.label(),
lambda x: (x.parse_node[0] # get token
if type(x.parse_node[0]) is str
else '<%s>'%x.parse_node.label()),
lambda x: x.sentence_pos_id,
lambda x: x.tree_id,
# + command few lines above
features_lists = []
for tree_branches in tree_s_branches:
branch_lists = []
for branch in tree_branches:
branch_m = [[f(node) for f in feature_map_funcs] + [command,]
for node, command in branch]
features_lists.append( branch_lists )
return features_lists
def columns(ll, idxs):
return list(zip(*ll))[idxs]
def build_feature_map(data_list, start_index = 1):
ls = list(set(data_list))
feature_map = dict(zip(ls, range(start_index, len(ls)+start_index))) # boy: 1, toy: 2
backward_map = dict(zip(range(start_index, len(ls)+start_index), ls)) # 1: boy, 2: toy
return {'forward': feature_map, 'backward': backward_map}
def onehot_list(n, size):
if n >= size:
raise ValueError("Can't embed %d into vec of len %d" % (n, size))
return [n == i for i in range(size)]
def features_lists_to_data_matrixes(features_lists, maps, use_word_flag):
sentence_matrices = []
for tree_features in features_lists:
bool_features = columns(tree_features, slice(0, 3))
tree_pos_features = columns(tree_features, slice(5, 7))
label_ids = [maps['label']['forward'][x] for x in columns(tree_features, 3)]
token_ids = [maps['token']['forward'][x] for x in columns(tree_features, 4)]
cmd_ids = [maps['cmd']['forward'].get(x, -1) for x in columns(tree_features, 7)]
cmd_n = len(maps['cmd']['forward']) # ! 4 not 2
cmd_features = zip(*[onehot_list(cmd_id-1, size=cmd_n) for cmd_id in cmd_ids])
to_merge_pre = [*bool_features, *cmd_features, label_ids, token_ids]
to_merge = [*to_merge_pre, *tree_pos_features] if use_word_flag else to_merge_pre
feature_matrix = np.array(to_merge, dtype='int32')
return sentence_matrices
from math import ceil
def extract_ij_data_point(i, j, sentence_matrixes, word_matrixes,
max_row_len, use_word_flag, stub_word_id):
## i - number of path within ALL paths, j - number of position
x_feature_slice = slice(0, -2) if use_word_flag else slice(None)
low_bound = lambda j: max(0, j-max_row_len)
X_single = sentence_matrixes[i][low_bound(j):j, x_feature_slice]
y_single = sentence_matrixes[i][j, [0, 1, 2, 7, 8]]
if not use_word_flag:
return X_single, y_single
## which tree i-th path corresponds to, which tenrinal position
tree_id = sentence_matrixes[i][j, -1]
target_pos_id = sentence_matrixes[i][j, -2]
relevant_word_ids = word_matrixes[tree_id][:target_pos_id] # depends on mode
relevant_word_ids_trimmed = relevant_word_ids[-max_row_len:]
word_seq_len = len(relevant_word_ids_trimmed)
if word_seq_len == 0:
relevant_word_ids_trimmed = [stub_word_id]
word_seq_len = 1
max_hights = max(X_single.shape[0], word_seq_len)
X_final = np.zeros((max_hights, sentence_matrixes[i].shape[1]))
X_final[:X_single.shape[0], :X_single.shape[1]] = X_single
X_final[:word_seq_len, -2] = np.ones((word_seq_len, ))
X_final[:word_seq_len, -1] = np.array(relevant_word_ids_trimmed)
return X_final, y_single
def pad_stack_with_mask(to_stack, mask=True, max_row_len=None):
max_n_rows = max_row_len or max([x.shape[0] for x in to_stack])
new_to_stack = []
for m in to_stack:
pad_shape = list(m.shape)
pad_shape[0] = max_n_rows-pad_shape[0]
padded_m = np.concatenate([m, np.zeros(pad_shape)], axis=0)
if mask:
mask_column = np.zeros((max_n_rows, 1))
mask_column[:m.shape[0]] = 1
padded_m = np.concatenate([mask_column, padded_m], axis=1)
new_to_stack.append( padded_m )
return np.stack(new_to_stack)
def feature_mxs_to_dataset_generator(sentence_matrices, word_matrixes, batch_size,
max_row_len, data_permutation, use_word_flag,
n_batches = int(len(data_permutation)/batch_size)
argv = {
'sentence_matrixes': sentence_matrices,
'word_matrixes': word_matrixes,
'max_row_len': max_row_len,
'use_word_flag': use_word_flag,
'stub_word_id': stub_word_id,
for ij_sub in np.array_split(data_permutation, n_batches):
X_batch, y_batch = zip(*[extract_ij_data_point(i, j, **argv) for i, j in ij_sub])
X_s_tensor = pad_stack_with_mask(X_batch, max_row_len=max_row_len).astype('int32')
y_s_matrix = np.array(y_batch, dtype='int32')
yield {'X': X_s_tensor, 'y': y_s_matrix}
# from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tq
from tqdm import tqdm as tq
def read_ptb_trees(dummy=False):
from nltk.corpus import ptb
data_sections_ranges = [
('train', range(2, 23) if not dummy else [2]),
('valid', [24]),
('test', [23])
data_sections_dict = {}
for data_name, data_range in tq(data_sections_ranges, desc='ptb_read'):
file_names = filter(lambda x: int(x[4:6]) in data_range, ptb.fileids())
trees = [tree for fn in file_names for tree in ptb.parsed_sents(fn)]
data_sections_dict[data_name] = trees
return data_sections_dict
def build_ptb_datatset(batch_size=1000,
n_allowed_forward_span=1, n_allowed_duplicates=0,
use_word_input=False, dummy_dataset=False):
tree_dicts_n = 3
if type(batch_size) is int:
batch_size = [batch_size]*tree_dicts_n
def compute_tree_flat_branches_dict_and_maps():
def read_trees():
return read_ptb_trees(dummy_dataset)
tree_dicts = pickle_load_cached_function(read_trees)
tree_flat_branches_dict = {}
token_set, label_set, cmd_set = set(), set(), set()
for data_name, trees in tq(tree_dicts.items(), desc='branch'):
argv_branching = {'n_allowed_forward_span': n_allowed_forward_span,
branches = main_tree_s_into_branches(trees, mode='tprb', **argv_branching)
features_lists = branches_into_feature_lists(branches)
flat_feature_lists = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(features_lists))
tree_flat_branches_dict[data_name] = flat_feature_lists
label_set |= set([label for tree_features in flat_feature_lists
for label in columns(tree_features, 3)])
token_set |= set([token for tree_features in flat_feature_lists
for token in columns(tree_features, 4)])
cmd_set |= set([cmd for tree_features in flat_feature_lists
for cmd in columns(tree_features, 7)])
cmd_set.remove('stop') # it should _not_ be in the map; never indexed
maps = {'token': build_feature_map(token_set),
'label': build_feature_map(label_set),
'cmd': build_feature_map(cmd_set)}
print('maps sizes: ', {name:len(d['forward']) for name, d in maps.items()})
return tree_flat_branches_dict, maps
def compute_sentence_matrixes_and_word_matrix_dicts():
tree_flat_branches_dict, maps = pickle_load_cached_function(compute_tree_flat_branches_dict_and_maps)
def build_sentence_matrixes():
sentence_matrixes_dicts = {}
for data_name, flat_branches in tq(tree_flat_branches_dict.items(), desc='sent_br_matrix'):
argkw = {'features_lists':flat_branches, 'maps': maps, 'use_word_flag': use_word_input}
sentence_matrixes_dicts[data_name] = features_lists_to_data_matrixes(**argkw)
return sentence_matrixes_dicts
sentence_matrixes_dicts = pickle_load_cached_function(build_sentence_matrixes)
# tree-word matrixes generation below
def tree_word_matrixes():
tree_dicts = pickle_load_cached_function(read_ptb_trees)
word_maxtrixes_dicts = {}
for data_name, trees in tq(tree_dicts.items(), desc='word_matrix'):
token_id_lists = [[maps['token']['forward'][word]
for word in words_from_tree(tree)
if word in maps['token']['forward']]
for tree in trees]
word_maxtrixes_dicts[data_name] = token_id_lists
return word_maxtrixes_dicts
word_maxtrixes_dicts = pickle_load_cached_function(tree_word_matrixes)
return sentence_matrixes_dicts, word_maxtrixes_dicts, maps
max_row_len = 100
ret = pickle_load_cached_function(compute_sentence_matrixes_and_word_matrix_dicts)
sentence_matrixes_dicts, word_maxtrixes_dicts, maps = ret
def compute_lens_and_permutations():
data_length = {}
data_permutation = {}
for i, (data_name, sml) in tq(enumerate(sentence_matrixes_dicts.items()),
total=3, desc='permutations'):
total_n = sum([len(sml[i]) for i in range(len(sml))])
data_length[data_name] = int(total_n / batch_size[i])
# pairs of learning point: (i_matrix, j_row) -> y_k
sent_id_line_id = [(i, j) for i in range(len(sml))
for j in range(1, len(sml[i]))]
# np.random.shuffle(sent_id_line_id)
data_permutation[data_name] = sent_id_line_id
return data_length, data_permutation
data_length, data_permutation = pickle_load_cached_function(compute_lens_and_permutations)
def build_sharded_dataset_iterator():
dataset = {}
for i, data_name in enumerate(sentence_matrixes_dicts.keys()):
feature_mxs_args = {
'sentence_matrices': sentence_matrixes_dicts[data_name],
'word_matrixes': word_maxtrixes_dicts[data_name],
'batch_size': batch_size[i], 'max_row_len': max_row_len,
'data_permutation': data_permutation[data_name],
'use_word_flag': use_word_input,
'stub_word_id': maps['token']['forward']['<S>'],
dataset_iterator = feature_mxs_to_dataset_generator(**feature_mxs_args)
shard_argkw = {'name': data_name+'_dataset', 'shard_size': 1000}
sharded_data_iterator = PickleShardIterator.from_iterator(dataset_iterator, **shard_argkw)
dataset[data_name] = sharded_data_iterator
return dataset
sharded_dataset_iterator = pickle_load_cached_function(build_sharded_dataset_iterator)
## dataset is {train: [{X:.., y:..}, {X:.., y:..}, ..], test:..}
specs = {'seq_len': max_row_len,
'token_voc_size': len(maps['token']['forward']),
'label_voc_size': len(maps['label']['forward']),
'data_length': data_length, # dict(n_batches)
return sharded_dataset_iterator, specs, maps
def build_main_data():
dataset_args = {
'batch_size': 1000,
'n_allowed_forward_span': 2,
'n_allowed_duplicates': 1,
'use_word_input': True,
'dummy_dataset': False,
sharded_dataset_iterator, specs, maps = build_ptb_datatset(**dataset_args)
main_data = {'dataset_iterator': sharded_dataset_iterator, 'specs': specs, 'maps': maps}
return main_data
main_data = pickle_load_cached_function(build_main_data)
import tensorflow as tf
from math import log10, ceil
def last_relevant(output, length):
batch_size = tf.shape(output)[0]
max_length = int(output.get_shape()[1])
output_size = int(output.get_shape()[2])
index = tf.range(0, batch_size) * max_length + (length - 1)
flat = tf.reshape(output, [-1, output_size])
relevant = tf.gather(flat, index)
return relevant
def build_model(config):
X = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, config['seq_len'], 12], name='X')
y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, 5], name='y')
use_dropout = tf.placeholder_with_default(tf.constant(1.0), [], name='use_dropout')
dropout_rate_const = tf.constant(config['dropout_keep_rate'])
dropout_keep_rate = dropout_rate_const*use_dropout + (1-use_dropout)
# X_mask = X[:, :, 0] # [batch_n, seq_len] # broken
X_bools = X[:, :, 1:4] # [batch_n, seq_len, 3]
X_cmd = X[:, :, 4:8] # [batch_n, seq_len, 4]
X_label = X[:, :, 8] # [batch_n, seq_len]
X_token = X[:, :, 9] # [batch_n, seq_len]
X_word = X[:, :, 11]
y_bool = y[:, 0:3] # [batch_n, 3]
y_label = y[:, 3] # [batch_n, ]
y_token = y[:, 4] # [batch_n, ]
batch_size = tf.shape(X)[0]
terminal_mask = tf.cast(y[:, 2], tf.float32)
data_lengths = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(tf.not_equal(X_token, 0), tf.int32), -1)
word_data_len = tf.reduce_sum(X[:, :, 10], -1)
# [batch_n, seq_len, him_dim]
with tf.variable_scope("embeddings", initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()):
E_labl = tf.get_variable('E_labl', (config['label_voc_size'], config['label_hid_dim']))
X_embedded_labels = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(E_labl, X_label-1)
E_tokn = tf.get_variable('E_tokn', (config['token_voc_size'], config['token_hid_dim']))
X_embedded_tokens = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(E_tokn, X_token-1)
X_embedded_words = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(E_tokn, X_word-1)
X_path_total = tf.concat(2, [tf.cast(X_bools, tf.float32),
tf.cast(X_cmd, tf.float32),
X_embedded_labels, X_embedded_tokens])
X_word_total = X_embedded_words
with tf.variable_scope('path_rnn'):
output_path, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(
with tf.variable_scope('word_rnn'):
output_word, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(
path_h = tf.tanh(last_relevant(output_path, data_lengths)) # [batch_size, hid_dim]
word_h = tf.tanh(last_relevant(output_word, word_data_len)) # [batch_size, word_hid_dim]
total_h = tf.concat(1, [path_h, word_h]) # [batch_size, hid_dim + word_hid_dim]
## rnn output -> logits
fcc = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected
argkw = {'inputs': total_h, 'activation_fn': tf.tanh}
repr_bool = fcc(num_outputs=3, scope='repr2bool', **argkw)
repr_labl = fcc(num_outputs=config['label_hid_dim'], scope='repr2labl', **argkw)
repr_tokn = fcc(num_outputs=config['token_hid_dim'], scope='repr2tokn', **argkw)
with tf.variable_scope("embeddings", reuse=True):
logits_labl = tf.matmul(repr_labl, tf.transpose(tf.get_variable('E_labl')))
logits_tokn = tf.matmul(repr_tokn, tf.transpose(tf.get_variable('E_tokn')))
## logits -> losses
_y = tf.cast(y_bool, tf.float32)
cr_ent_bool = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(repr_bool, _y)
loss_bool = tf.reduce_mean(cr_ent_bool)
cr_ent_labl = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits_labl, y_label-1)
loss_labl = tf.reduce_mean( cr_ent_labl )
cr_ent_tokn = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits_tokn, y_token-1)
loss_tokn = tf.reduce_mean( cr_ent_tokn )
term_mask_normalizer = tf.reduce_sum(terminal_mask)
loss_tokn_term = tf.reduce_sum( cr_ent_tokn * terminal_mask ) / term_mask_normalizer
## loss
loss = loss_bool + loss_labl + loss_tokn_term
## errs
pred_bool = tf.cast(tf.greater(repr_bool, 0.5), tf.int32)
err_bool_mean = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(tf.not_equal(pred_bool, y_bool), tf.float32))
pred_labl = tf.cast(tf.argmax(logits_labl, 1), tf.int32)
err_labl_mean = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(tf.not_equal(pred_labl, y_label-1), tf.float32))
pred_tokn = tf.cast(tf.argmax(logits_tokn, 1), tf.int32)
err_tokn = tf.cast(tf.not_equal(pred_tokn, y_token-1), tf.float32)
err_tokn_mean = tf.reduce_mean(err_tokn)
err_tokn_term = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(terminal_mask, tf.float32)*err_tokn)
err_term_mean = err_tokn_term / tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(terminal_mask, tf.float32))
prob_bool = tf.sigmoid(repr_bool)
prob_labl = tf.nn.softmax(logits_labl)
prob_tokn = tf.nn.softmax(logits_tokn)
export_map = {
'inputs': ['X', 'y', 'use_dropout'],
'outputs': [
'pred_bool', 'pred_labl', 'pred_tokn',
'prob_bool', 'prob_labl', 'prob_tokn',
'stat': [
'loss', 'loss_bool', 'loss_tokn_term',
'err_bool_mean', 'err_labl_mean',
'err_tokn_mean', 'err_term_mean',
'other': [
'cr_ent_tokn', 'terminal_mask',
return record.from_local('Model', locals(), export_map)
from contextlib import contextmanager
def recursive_dict_update(d, u, depth=-1):
Recursively merge or update dict-like objects.
>>> update({'k1': {'k2': 2}}, {'k1': {'k2': {'k3': 3}}, 'k4': 4})
{'k1': {'k2': {'k3': 3}}, 'k4': 4}
for k, v in u.items():
if isinstance(v, type({})) and not depth == 0:
r = recursive_dict_update(d.get(k, {}), v, depth=max(depth - 1, -1))
d[k] = r
elif isinstance(d, type({})):
d[k] = u[k]
d = {k: u[k]}
return d
def run_loaded_model(build_model_func, model_name, *, prefix='', full_path_override=None, config_override=None, verbose=True):
dir_name = full_path_override or (PRIMARY_DATA_DIR+"/tf_dumps/models/"+NB_NAME)
full_model_fn = "%s/%s_%s_model.ckpt" % (dir_name, model_name, prefix)
full_config_fn = "%s/%s_%s_config.pickle" % (dir_name, model_name, prefix)
if verbose:
print('loading model from ', full_model_fn)
if os.path.isfile(full_config_fn):
with open(full_config_fn, 'rb') as handle:
config = pickle.load(handle)
raise IOError("Can't find config file at ", full_config_fn)
if config_override is not None:
config = recursive_dict_update(config, config_override)
graph = tf.Graph()
with graph.as_default(), tf.device('/cpu:0'):
gd = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(config['model']['learning_rate'])
with tf.device(config['exec']['device_id']):
seed = config['exec']['seed'] if 'seed' in config['exec'] else 1
model = build_model_func({**config['model'], **config['data']['specs']})
train_op = gd.minimize(model.stat.loss)
# tf.reset_default_graph()
# with tf.device(config['exec']['device_id']):
# seed = config['exec']['seed'] if 'seed' in config['exec'] else 1
# tf.set_random_seed(seed)
# model = build_model_func({**config['model'], **config['data']['specs']})
gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.7, allow_growth=True)
sess_cfg = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, gpu_options=gpu_options)
with graph.as_default(), tf.Session(config=sess_cfg) as s:
tf.train.Saver().restore(s, full_model_fn)
yield s, model, config
def recursive_dict_make_pickleable(d, replace_by=None):
## dummy here! only replaces specific 'bad' field
d_copy = d.copy()
d_copy['eval']['score_postprocs'] = replace_by
return d_copy
def save_model_full(session, config, prefix=''):
model_name = config['exec']['model_name']
dir_name = PRIMARY_DATA_DIR+"/tf_dumps/models/" + NB_NAME
full_model_fn = "%s/%s_%s_model.ckpt" % (dir_name, model_name, prefix)
if not os.path.exists(dir_name):
tf.train.Saver().save(session, full_model_fn)
config_picklable = recursive_dict_make_pickleable(config)
with open("%s/%s_%s_config.pickle" % (dir_name, model_name, prefix), 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(config_picklable, f)
class TablePrinter:
def __init__(self, print_every_iter, print_every_epoch, column_width=13, n_epoch=100, print_during=None):
self.print_every_iter = print_every_iter
self.print_every_epoch = print_every_epoch
self.column_width = column_width
self.fmt = "%{0}.{1}g".format(self.column_width, self.column_width-6)
epoch_digits = ceil(log10(n_epoch))
self.epoch_fmt = '%'+str(epoch_digits)+'s %5s'
self.print_during = print_during or ['train']
def float_list_fmt(self, float_list):
pattern = self.fmt*len(float_list)
return pattern % tuple(float(x) for x in float_list)
def headers(self, field_names):
if self.print_every_epoch == 0:
return ''
short_field_names = [fname[:self.column_width-2] for fname in field_names]
field_name_fmt = ('%{}s'.format(self.column_width))*len(field_names)
pstr = (self.epoch_fmt % ('', 'data')) + field_name_fmt%tuple(short_field_names)
return pstr
def iter_condition(self, epoch_i, iter_i, data_name):
return (self.print_every_iter > 0 and iter_i % self.print_every_iter == 0
and data_name in self.print_during)
def iter_print(self, epoch_i, mean_scores, data_name):
print(self.epoch_fmt % (str(epoch_i), data_name), end='')
def epoch_print(self, epoch_i, mean_scores, data_name, new_best_flag):
if self.print_every_epoch > 0 and epoch_i % self.print_every_epoch == 0:
print(self.epoch_fmt % (str(epoch_i), data_name), end='')
print(self.float_list_fmt(mean_scores), end='')
if data_name == 'valid' and new_best_flag:
print(' # <-!', end='')
class ScoreProcessingHandler:
def __init__(self, model, train_op, config):
self.config = config
step_funcs = [getattr(model.stat, fn) for fn in config['eval']['step_funcs']]
score_funcs = [getattr(model.stat, fn) for fn in config['eval']['score_funcs']]
self.data_split_funcs = [
('train', [train_op] + step_funcs + score_funcs),
('valid', score_funcs),
('test', score_funcs),
postproc_names = list(zip(*config['eval']['score_postprocs']))[0]
self.score_postprocessors = list(zip(*config['eval']['score_postprocs']))[1]
self.validation_id = self.get_validation_function_id(postproc_names)
self.output_field_names = config['eval']['score_funcs'] + list(postproc_names)
def get_validation_function_id(self, postproc_names):
validation_field_name = self.config['eval']['validation_field_name']
if validation_field_name in self.config['eval']['score_funcs']:
validation_id = self.config['eval']['score_funcs'].index(validation_field_name)
elif validation_field_name in postproc_names:
validation_id = postproc_names.index(validation_field_name)
validation_id += len(self.config['eval']['score_funcs'])
raise KeyError("Could not find %s in fields" % validation_field_name)
return validation_id
def postprocess_scores(self, score_arr, ):
validation_score = mean_scores[validation_id]
return mean_scores, validation_score
def flush_scores(self):
self.iter_score_arr = []
def update_scores(self, run_result):
n_numbers_useful = len(self.config['eval']['score_funcs'])
scores = run_result[-n_numbers_useful:]
def get_mean_scores(self, use_window=False):
prinet_every_iter = self.config['exec']['print_every_iter']
score_mean_window = self.config['exec'].get('score_mean_window', prinet_every_iter)
score_arr_windowed = (self.iter_score_arr[-score_mean_window:]
if use_window else self.iter_score_arr)
mean_scores = np.mean(score_arr_windowed, axis=0).tolist()
for i, postproc in enumerate(self.score_postprocessors):
post_num = postproc(score_arr_windowed)
if not np.isscalar(post_num):
print("Postprocessors must return scalars")
return mean_scores
def get_validation_value(self, mean_scores):
return mean_scores[self.validation_id]
def multigpu_batch_composer(tower_input_records):
def tmp(batch_iterator, other_vars=None):
while True:
input_dict = {}
for input_placeholder_record in tower_input_records:
data_batch = next(batch_iterator)
if other_vars is not None:
for data_part_name, data_part_val in data_batch.items():
var = input_placeholder_record.get(data_part_name)
input_dict[var] = data_part_val
yield input_dict
return tmp
def average_gradients(tower_grads):
average_grads = []
for grad_and_vars in zip(*tower_grads):
grads = []
for g, _ in grad_and_vars:
expanded_g = tf.expand_dims(g, 0, name='grad_avg_expand_dims')
grad = tf.concat(0, grads)
grad = tf.reduce_mean(grad, 0, name='average_gradients')
v = grad_and_vars[0][1]
grad_and_var = (grad, v)
return average_grads
from contextlib import ExitStack
def with_all(context_managers):
with ExitStack() as stack:
yield [stack.enter_context(context) for context in context_managers]
def build_model_graph(build_model_func, config):
arg_scope = tf.contrib.framework.arg_scope
create_var_op = tf.contrib.framework.python.ops.variables.variable
build_config = {**config['model'], **config['data']['specs']}
graph = tf.Graph()
with graph.as_default(), tf.device('/cpu:0'):
gd = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(config['model']['learning_rate'])
if type(config['exec']['device_id']) is str:
with tf.device(config['exec']['device_id']):
seed = config['exec']['seed'] if 'seed' in config['exec'] else 1
model = build_model_func(build_config)
train_op = gd.minimize(model.stat.loss)
batch_composer_init = multigpu_batch_composer([model.inputs])
return model, train_op, batch_composer_init, graph
elif type(config['exec']['device_id']) is list:
tower_models = []
tower_grads = []
for tower_id, device_name in enumerate(config['exec']['device_id']):
context_managers = [
tf.name_scope('tower_%d' % tower_id),
arg_scope([create_var_op], device='/cpu:0')
with with_all(context_managers):
tower_grads.append(gd.compute_gradients(tower_models[-1].stat.loss)) # on GPU!
tower_input_records = [model.inputs for model in tower_models]
batch_composer_init = multigpu_batch_composer(tower_input_records)
train_op = gd.apply_gradients(average_gradients(tower_grads))
stat_keys = tower_models[0].stat.keys()
stat_vals = [[model.stat.get(stat_key) for stat_key in model.stat.keys()]
for model in tower_models]
stat_dict = {stat_name:tf.reduce_mean(stat_list)
for stat_name, stat_list in zip(stat_keys, zip(*stat_vals))}
avg_stat_record = record('stat', stat_dict)
new_model = record('MultiGPUModel', {
'inputs': None,
'outputs': None,
'stat': avg_stat_record,
return new_model, train_op, batch_composer_init, graph
raise ValueError("device_id must be either str() or list() of str()")
def run_model_learning(build_model_func, main_data, config):
model, train_op, batch_composer_init, graph = build_model_graph(build_model_func, config)
proc_handler = ScoreProcessingHandler(model, train_op, config)
request_early_stop = False
best_val_score = np.inf
best_val_test_score = np.inf
best_epoch_i = None
trainable_n = None
fmtr = TablePrinter(config['exec']['print_every_iter'], config['exec']['print_every_epoch'])
gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.7, allow_growth=True)
sess_cfg = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, gpu_options=gpu_options)
with graph.as_default(), tf.Session(config=sess_cfg) as s:
trainable_n = sum([ for x in tf.trainable_variables()])
epoch_rq_args = {'desc': 'epoch', 'leave': False}
epoch_iterator = tq(range(config['exec']['n_epoch']), **epoch_rq_args)
for epoch_i in epoch_iterator:
for data_name, funcs_to_execute in proc_handler.data_split_funcs:
other_input_vars = {'use_dropout': int(data_name == 'train')}
raw_data_iterator = iter(main_data['dataset_iterator'][data_name])
batch_composer_iter = batch_composer_init(raw_data_iterator, other_input_vars)
n_batches = config['data']['specs']['data_length'][data_name]
tq_args = {'leave': False, 'total': n_batches, 'desc': '%s-%d'%(data_name, epoch_i)}
for iter_i, composed_data_batch in tq(enumerate(batch_composer_iter), **tq_args):
ret =, composed_data_batch)
if fmtr.iter_condition(epoch_i, iter_i, data_name):
mean_scores = proc_handler.get_mean_scores(use_window=True)
fmtr.iter_print(epoch_i, mean_scores, data_name)
## end of any ("train\test") epoch, scoring
mean_scores = proc_handler.get_mean_scores()
new_validation_score = proc_handler.get_validation_value(mean_scores)
## update best validation score
new_best_flag = False
if data_name == 'valid':
if new_validation_score < best_val_score:
best_val_score = new_validation_score
best_epoch_i = epoch_i
new_best_flag = True
if config['exec']['save_model']:
save_model_full(s, config)
elif epoch_i - best_epoch_i > config['exec']['early_stop_tolerance']:
request_early_stop = True
elif data_name == 'test' and best_epoch_i == epoch_i:
## test + last validation was successfull
best_val_test_score = new_validation_score
epoch_iterator.set_description('%9g '%best_val_test_score)
fmtr.epoch_print(epoch_i, mean_scores, data_name, new_best_flag)
## "main" epoch for loop
if request_early_stop:
print("Early stopping")
print('best validation \ test scores were', best_val_score, best_val_test_score)
return locals()
def compute_ppx_postproc(index):
## post processor that adds perplexity (from index pos) into scores
def tmp(score_arr_windowed):
losses = np.array(score_arr_windowed)[:, index]
ppx = np.exp(np.mean(losses))
return ppx
return tmp
def first_n(it, n):
for i in range(n):
yield next(it)
def test_dummpy_data():
batches_used_number = 10
dummy_data_iterator = {data_name:first_n(iter(main_data['dataset_iterator'][data_name]), batches_used_number)
for data_name in main_data['dataset_iterator'].keys()}
dummy_main_data = main_data.copy()
dummy_main_data['dataset_iterator'] = dummy_data_iterator
config = {
'model': {
'token_hid_dim': 300,
'label_hid_dim': 150,
'hid_dim': 75,
'word_hid_dim': 75,
'learning_rate': 0.001,
'dropout_keep_rate': 0.8
'eval': {
'step_funcs': [],
'score_funcs': ['loss', 'loss_tokn_term',
'err_bool_mean', 'err_labl_mean',
'err_tokn_mean', 'err_term_mean'],
'score_postprocs': [
('ppx_tokn_term', compute_ppx_postproc(index=1)),
'validation_field_name': 'ppx_tokn_term'
'exec': {
'model_name': 'dummy',
'save_model': True,
'n_epoch': 1,
'early_stop_tolerance': 5,
'print_every_iter': 1,
'print_every_epoch': 1,
# 'device_id': ['/gpu:0', '/gpu:1'],
'device_id': '/gpu:0',
# 'device_id': ['/gpu:0'],
'data': {
'specs': main_data['specs'],
'maps': main_data['maps']
ret = run_model_learning(build_model, dummy_main_data, config)
# test_dummpy_data()
def test_model_load():
with run_loaded_model(build_model, 'dummy') as (s, model, config):
batch = next(iter(main_data['dataset_iterator']['test']))
tf_run_args = {
model.inputs.X: batch['X'],
model.inputs.use_dropout: 0,
print('before running')
print('run 1: logits')
logits =, tf_run_args)
print(np.max(logits), np.min(logits))
print('run 2: probs in np')
probs =
print(np.sum(probs, axis=1))
print('run 3: probs on cpu')
with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
t = tf.nn.softmax(model.other.logits_labl)
print(, tf_run_args))
print('run 4: probs on gpu')
with tf.device('/gpu:0'):
t2 = tf.nn.softmax(model.other.logits_labl)
print(, tf_run_args))
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