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Last active August 4, 2016 23:30
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import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
class tnpg:
def __init__(self, tf_arr):
self.arr = tf_arr
def __getitem__(self, idx):
if any([type(x) not in [slice, tf.python.framework.ops.Tensor, list] for x in idx]):
raise ValueError("Unsupported type (not slice, tensor or list)! "
"%s" % ([type(x) for x in idx]))
n_gather = sum([type(x) is not slice for x in idx])
if n_gather == 0:
raise ValueError("An empty gather!")
elif n_gather == 1:
return self.plain_gather(idx)
elif n_gather > 1:
if any([type(x) is slice for x in idx]):
raise ValueError("Support only a[:, vec, :] -> same shape "
"and a[vec1, vec2, vec3] -> vec "
"(one or all)")
return self.multi_gather(idx)
def plain_gather(self, idx):
# can actually also do
# A[:, b, :] with multidimentonal b
idx_true_s = [i for i, x in enumerate(idx) if type(x) is not slice]
fwd_sub_perm = idx_true_s + [x for x in range(len(idx)) if (x not in idx_true_s)]
inv_sub_perm = [0] * len(idx)
for i, p in enumerate(fwd_sub_perm):
inv_sub_perm[p] = i
def pad_perm(perm, l):
return tf.concat(0, [perm, tf.range(len(perm), l)])
full_len = tf.rank(self.arr)
gather_idx = (tf.pack([idx[i] for i in idx_true_s])
if len(idx_true_s) > 1 else idx[idx_true_s[0]])
val = tf.transpose(
tf.transpose(self.arr, pad_perm(fwd_sub_perm, full_len)),
), pad_perm(inv_sub_perm, full_len)
return val
def multi_gather(self, idx):
indices = tf.transpose(tf.pack(idx))
val = tf.gather_nd(self.arr, indices)
return val
def assert_np_tf_eq(arr, lambda_np, lambda_tf):
result_np = lambda_np(arr)
if type(lambda_tf) != list:
lambda_tf = [lambda_tf]
for lambda_tf_i in lambda_tf:
with tf.Session() as s:
expr = tf.constant(arr)
expr_l = lambda_tf_i(expr)
result_tf =
assert np.all(np.isclose(result_tf, result_np))
def test_arr_gather():
arr = np.random.rand(5, 3, 4)
lambda arr: arr[[2, 1], :, :],
lambda arr: tf.gather(arr, [2, 1]),
lambda arr: tf.gather(arr, tf.constant([2, 1])),
lambda arr: tnpg(arr)[[2, 1], :, :]
lambda arr: arr[:, [2, 1], :],
(lambda arr:
tf.transpose(arr, [1, 0, 2]),
[2, 1]
[1, 0, 2]
(lambda arr:
tf.transpose(arr, [1, 0, 2]),
tf.constant([2, 1])
[1, 0, 2]
lambda arr: tnpg(arr)[:, tf.constant([2, 1]), :],
lambda arr: tnpg(arr)[:, tf.constant([2, 1])],
lambda arr: tnpg(arr)[:, [2, 1]]
arr = np.random.rand(5, 4)
lambda arr: arr[[2, 1], [3, 1]],
lambda arr: tnpg(arr)[tf.constant([2, 1]), tf.constant([3, 1])],
lambda arr: tnpg(arr)[[2, 1], [3, 1]]
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I need to slice a tensor this way:
matrix[row_indices, col_indices] where matrix is a mxn tensor and row_indices and col_indices are int32 vectors of sizes k such that k is less than m and n respectively. I want to slice and obtain a length k vector eventually i.e. vectorized operation of matrix[i,j]
What would be an optimized way of doing this? tf.gather(matrix,indices) takes only a vector indices and can return all the rows corresponding to the vector indices

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