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Last active January 1, 2024 21:58
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Original credit for this goes to the user bymyslf. I have edited it to work correctly in some array edge cases. Creates a JsonPatchDocument from a left and right JToken. I did not include the tests for this, but this code has been running in production with no issues for all of our different use cases.
namespace JsonDiffPatch
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch.Operations;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public static class JsonDiffPatch
public static JsonPatchDocument Diff(JToken left, JToken right)
var document = new JsonPatchDocument();
var operations = CalculatePatch(left, right);
return document;
private static IEnumerable<Operation> CalculatePatch(JToken left, JToken right, string path = "")
if (left.Type != right.Type)
yield return Replace(path, "", right);
yield break;
if (left.Type == JTokenType.Array)
if (JToken.DeepEquals(left, right))
yield break;
var leftList = left.Children().ToList();
var rightList = right.Children().ToList();
var leftCount = leftList.Count;
var rightCount = rightList.Count;
var index = 0;
while (index < leftList.Count && index < rightList.Count)
foreach (var patch in CalculatePatch(leftList[index], rightList[index], Extend(path, (index++).ToString())))
yield return patch;
var needsToAdd = rightCount > leftCount;
if (needsToAdd)
while (index < rightCount)
yield return Add(Extend(path, index.ToString()), "", rightList[index]);
var needsToRemove = rightCount < leftCount;
if (needsToRemove)
index = leftCount;
while (index > rightCount)
yield return Remove(Extend(path, (--index).ToString()), "");
yield break;
if (left.Type == JTokenType.Object)
var leftProps = ((IDictionary<string, JToken>) left).OrderBy(p => p.Key);
var rightProps = ((IDictionary<string, JToken>) right).OrderBy(p => p.Key);
foreach (var removed in leftProps.Except(rightProps, KeyComparer.Instance))
yield return Remove(path, removed.Key);
foreach (var added in rightProps.Except(leftProps, KeyComparer.Instance))
yield return Add(path, added.Key, added.Value);
var matchedKeys = leftProps.Select(x => x.Key).Intersect(rightProps.Select(y => y.Key));
var zipped = matchedKeys.Select(k => new {key = k, left = left[k], right = right[k]});
foreach (var match in zipped)
foreach (var patch in CalculatePatch(match.left, match.right, Extend(path, match.key)))
yield return patch;
yield break;
if (left.ToString() == right.ToString())
yield break;
yield return Replace(path, "", right);
private static string Extend(string path, string extension)
=> path + "/" + extension;
private static Operation CreateOperationFrom(string op, string path, string key, JToken value)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
return new Operation {op = op, path = path, value = value};
return new Operation {op = op, path = Extend(path, key), value = value};
private static Operation Add(string path, string key, JToken value)
=> CreateOperationFrom("add", path, key, value);
private static Operation Remove(string path, string key)
=> CreateOperationFrom("remove", path, key, null);
private static Operation Replace(string path, string key, JToken value)
=> CreateOperationFrom("replace", path, key, value);
private class KeyComparer : IEqualityComparer<KeyValuePair<string, JToken>>
public static readonly KeyComparer Instance = new();
public bool Equals(KeyValuePair<string, JToken> x, KeyValuePair<string, JToken> y)
=> x.Key.Equals(y.Key);
public int GetHashCode(KeyValuePair<string, JToken> obj)
=> obj.Key.GetHashCode();
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Great work and thanks for sharing. Facing a challenge while deleting an entity from a child item collection which belongs to a parent entity i.e. Order being the parent entity and OrderItem being a collection of child items. When I try to delete the 3rd item from a collection of 5, it tries to apply 'replace' operation to the properties of 3rd item with values from properties of 4th item and then finally creates the remove operation for 4th item. When it sets properties for 3rd item it also sets the PK Id property and marks it as modified. This fails as properties composing an Id cant be set to modified.

Error: System.InvalidOperationException: The property 'OrderItems.Id' is part of a key and so cannot be modified or marked as modified. To change the principal of an existing entity with an identifying foreign key, first delete the dependent and invoke 'SaveChanges', and then associate the dependent with the new principal.

Could you please suggest a solution or a work around? Thanks.

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