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Last active September 18, 2023 20:47
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Anti sandland plugin for thedevs-network/the-guard-bot
// requires Telegraf 4.11+ filters
// based on the original
import { Composer, Context } from "telegraf";
import { message } from "telegraf/filters";
import type { Message, MessageEntity, User } from "telegraf/types";
interface From extends User {
status: "member" | "admin" | "banned";
interface TheGuardContext extends Context {
ban(this: TheGuardContext, options: { admin: User; reason: string; userToBan: User }): Promise<Message>;
from: From;
type LinkEntity = MessageEntity.TextLinkMessageEntity;
const isLink = (entity: MessageEntity): entity is LinkEntity => entity.type === "url";
const getText = (ctx: TheGuardContext) => {
// prettier-ignore
const entities =
ctx.has(message("entities")) ? ctx.message.entities :
ctx.has(message("caption_entities")) ? ctx.message.caption_entities : [];
// prettier-ignore
const text =
ctx.has(message("text")) ? ctx.message.text :
ctx.has(message("caption")) ? ctx.message.caption : "";
let ret = "";
let next = 0;
for (const url of entities.filter(isLink)) {
// remove URLs since they can count up character count without being sandland characters
ret += text.slice(next, url.offset);
next = url.offset + url.length;
ret += text.slice(next);
return ret.replace(/\s/g, "");
const isNonAdmin = (ctx: TheGuardContext) => !ctx.state.isMaster && ctx.from?.status !== "admin";
// Text utils
const isSandland = (c: string) =>
(c >= "\u0600" && c <= "\u06FF") || // Arabic
(c >= "\uFB50" && c <= "\uFDFD") || // Arabic Presentation Forms-A
(c >= "\uFE70" && c <= "\uFEFF"); // Arabic Presentation Forms-B
const sandlandAmount = (s: string) => s.split("").filter(isSandland).length;
const MAX_CHARS = 4096;
const FIVE_PERCENT = 0.05;
const FIFTY_PERCENT = 0.5;
// interpolate a number x from interval [a, b] to [p, q]
const lerp = (a: number, b: number, p: number, q: number) => (x: number) => ((b - x) / (b - a)) * (q - p) + p;
// Decay constant, adjusted to aim for 5% at 4096 chars
const k = -Math.log(FIVE_PERCENT * 2) / MAX_CHARS;
// Initial percentage adjusted to be 50% at n = 50
const A = FIFTY_PERCENT / Math.exp(-k * SMOOTH_DECAY_FROM);
// Exponential decay
const decay = (n: number) => A * Math.exp(-k * n);
const l = lerp(ALWAYS_BAN_BELOW, SMOOTH_DECAY_FROM, 0.5, 1);
// prettier-ignore
const isBannable = (len: number) =>
len < 3 ? Infinity // don't ban for 1-2 Persian characters
: len <= ALWAYS_BAN_BELOW ? len // only ban if all characters are Persian
: Math.floor(
(len <= SMOOTH_DECAY_FROM ? l(len) // interpolate from 100% to 50% based on length
// smoothly decay to target% until max length
: decay(len)) * len
const shouldBan = (text: string) => sandlandAmount(text) >= isBannable(text.length);
export = Composer.optional<TheGuardContext>(
ctx => ctx.has("message") && isNonAdmin(ctx) && shouldBan(getText(ctx)),
async ctx => {
await ctx.deleteMessage();
await ctx.ban({
admin: ctx.botInfo,
reason: "Persian/Arabic text",
userToBan: ctx.from,
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C0rn3j commented Sep 18, 2023

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