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Matt Korostoff MKorostoff

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Kid Rock Slide Show
By Matt Korostofff
February 1, 2012
var list_size;
var loop=0;
/* We fade in three slides at once. "next_up" describes the THIRD slide in a group.
So if we're about to fade in slides 1, 2, and 3 next_up=3. When the last slide
//Search for views-rows with the fan club taxonomy term, and add a custom class to those that match
.has('.views-field-field-blog-category a[href="/news/category/Fan-Club-News"]')
//Search for views-rows with the fan club taxonomy term, and add a custom class to those that match
.has('.views-field-field-blog-category a[href="/news/category/Fan-Club-News"]')
//Search for views-rows with the fan club taxonomy term, and add a custom class to those that match
.has('.views-field-field-blog-category a[href="/news/category/Fan-Club-News"]')
//Search for views-rows with the fan club taxonomy term, and add a custom class to those that match
.has('.views-field-field-blog-category a[href="/news/category/Fan-Club-News"]')
//Search for views-rows with the fan club taxonomy term, and add a custom class to those that match.
Drupal.behaviors.stay_classy = {
attach: function() {
.has('.views-field-field-blog-category a[href="/news/category/Fan-Club-News"]')
MKorostoff / gist:1855026
Created February 17, 2012 19:29
Chat Log
[2:04:42 PM] *** Gary Truax added Matt Korostoff ***
[2:04:45 PM] Ed Hanna: hey
[2:04:52 PM] Matt Korostoff: hi ed
[2:04:55 PM] Gary Truax: Matt
[2:05:15 PM] Matt Korostoff: there are illegal characters in the taxonomy terms that are not being escaped
[2:05:18 PM] Matt Korostoff: [2:04 PM] Matt Korostoff:
<<< Good characters: period, comma, space
Bad characters: dash, slash
[2:05:44 PM] Matt Korostoff: it can be fixed by renaming the term, but you have to do it after the last content import is run
//If the overall string is shorter than the trim length, we just execute the "show more" function, and hide the more/less controls
var click_hider = jQuery('.node-type-video .views-field-body-1 .field-content').html().length;
if (click_hider<=65) {
jQuery('.node-type-video .view-id-video.view-display-id-block_1 .views-field.views-field-body').show();
jQuery('.node-type-video .view-id-video.view-display-id-block_1 .views-field.views-field-body-1').hide();
jQuery('.node-type-video .more-button').hide();
} li a, li.first a {
text-indent: 16px;
background-image: url('images/flag_sprite.png') !important;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position-x: 3px;
} a {
background-position-y: -35px;
/* On the video page, the description shows a trimmed version and expands when you click "more"
and shrinks again when you click "less". We do that by loading two copies of the field,
one trimmed and plain text, the other untrimmed and full HTML. We show/hide these elements
with a static link.
//When the more button is clicked:
jQuery('.node-type-video .more-button').click(function() {
jQuery('.node-type-video .view-id-video.view-display-id-block_1 .views-field.views-field-body').show();
jQuery('.node-type-video .view-id-video.view-display-id-block_1 .views-field.views-field-body-1').hide();