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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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  • Save MMcM/f00108c5943e919f73d1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MMcM/f00108c5943e919f73d1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
tmux kill-session -t SQL || true
tmux new-session -d -n SQL -s SQL "fdbsqlcli test | tee /tmp/SQL0.out"
tmux split-window -t SQL "fdbsqlcli test | tee /tmp/SQL1.out"
grep "=>" /tmp/SQL$1.out | wc -l
until [ $2 -ne $(count_prompts $1) ]; do
echo -n '.'
BEFORE=$(count_prompts $1)
tmux send-keys -t $1 "$2\\;" c-M
wait_for_prompts $1 $BEFORE
wait_for_prompts 0 0
wait_for_prompts 1 0
tell 0 "drop table if exists test"
tell 0 "create table test (id int primary key, value int)"
tell 0 "insert into test (id, value) values (1, 10), (2, 20)"
tell 0 "begin"
tell 1 "begin"
tell 0 "update test set value = 11 where id = 1"
tell 1 "update test set value = 12 where id = 1"
tell 0 "update test set value = 21 where id = 2"
tell 0 "commit"
tell 0 "select * from test"
tell 1 "update test set value = 22 where id = 2"
tell 1 "commit"
tell 0 "select * from test"
tell 1 "select * from test"
tmux attach-session -t SQL
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