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Created July 21, 2017 12:51
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simple script that extracts an ND Bspline basis from scipy (plots in 1D and 2D)
#!/usr/bin/env python
ND Bspline basis class for Python
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as si
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools
class BsplineND():
def __init__(self, knots, degree=3, periodic=False):
:param knots: a list of the spline knots with ndim = len(knots)
self.ndim = len(knots)
self.splines = []
self.knots = knots = degree
for idim, knots1d in enumerate(knots):
nknots1d = len(knots1d)
y_dummy = np.zeros(nknots1d)
knots1d, coeffs, degree = si.splrep(knots1d, y_dummy, k=degree,
self.splines.append((knots1d, coeffs, degree))
self.ncoeffs = [len(coeffs) for knots, coeffs, degree in self.splines]
def evaluate(self, position):
:param position: a numpy array with size [ndim, npoints]
:returns: a numpy array with size [nspl1, nspl2, ..., nsplN, npts]
with the spline basis evaluated at the input points
ndim, npts = position.shape
values_shape = self.ncoeffs + [npts]
values = np.empty(values_shape)
ranges = [range(icoeffs) for icoeffs in self.ncoeffs]
for icoeffs in itertools.product(*ranges):
values_dim = np.empty((ndim, npts))
for idim, icoeff in enumerate(icoeffs):
coeffs = [1.0 if ispl == icoeff else 0.0 for ispl in
values_dim[idim] = si.splev(
(self.splines[idim][0], coeffs,
values[icoeffs] = np.product(values_dim, axis=0)
return values
def main():
nx, ny = 11, 6
nptsx, nptsy = 160, 80
knotsx = np.arange(nx)
knotsy = np.arange(ny)
knots = [knotsx, knotsy]
pointsx1d = np.linspace(knotsx[0], knotsx[-1], nptsx)
pointsy1d = np.linspace(knotsy[0], knotsy[-1], nptsy)
extent = (pointsx1d[0], pointsx1d[-1], pointsy1d[0], pointsy1d[-1])
plotx, ploty = np.meshgrid(pointsx1d, pointsy1d, indexing='ij')
points2d = np.array([plotx.flatten(), ploty.flatten()])
periodic = False
bspline1d = BsplineND([knotsx], periodic=periodic)
values1d = bspline1d.evaluate(pointsx1d[None, :])
bspline2d = BsplineND(knots, periodic=periodic)
values2d = bspline2d.evaluate(points2d)
# start plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for vals in values1d:
ax.plot(pointsx1d, vals)
fig.suptitle('1D Bspline basis from scipy (non-periodic)')
if periodic:
nsplx = nx + 2
nsply = ny + 2
nsplx = nx
nsply = ny
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nsply, nsplx, figsize=(0.8*nsplx, 0.5*nsply),
sharex=True, sharey=True)
plt.setp(axes.flat, adjustable='box-forced')
for icol in range(nsplx):
for irow in range(nsply):
ax = axes[irow, icol]
ax.imshow(values2d[icol, irow].reshape(nptsx, nptsy).T,
ax.set(xlim=(knotsx[0], knotsx[-1]), ylim=(knotsy[0], knotsy[-1]))
fig.suptitle('2D Bspline basis from scipy (non-periodic)')
if __name__ == "__main__":
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